413 research outputs found

    Joint energy efficiency and load balancing optimization in hybrid IP/SDN networks

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    Software-defined networking (SDN) is a paradigm that provides flexibility and programmability to computer networks. By introducing SDN nodes in a legacy IP network topology, network operators can benefit on higher control over the infrastructure. However, this migration is not a fast or straightforward process. Furthermore, to provide an adequate quality of service in hybrid IP/SDN networks, the coordination of both IP and SDN paradigm is fundamental. In this paper, this coordination is used to solve two optimization problems that are typically solved separately: (i) traffic load balancing and (ii) power consumption minimization. Each of these problems has opposing objectives, and thus, their joint consideration implies striking a balance between them. Therefore, this paper proposes the Hybrid Spreading Load Algorithm (HSLA) heuristic that jointly faces the problems of balancing traffic by minimizing link utilization and network's power consumption in a hybrid IP/SDN network. HSLA is evaluated over differently sized topologies using different methods to select which nodes are migrated from IP to SDN. These evaluations reveal that alternative approaches that only address one of the objectives are outperformed by HSLA

    Review of SDN-based load-balancing methods, issues, challenges, and roadmap

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    The development of the Internet and smart end systems, such as smartphones and portable laptops, along with the emergence of cloud computing, social networks, and the Internet of Things, has brought about new network requirements. To meet these requirements, a new architecture called software-defined network (SDN) has been introduced. However, traffic distribution in SDN has raised challenges, especially in terms of uneven load distribution impacting network performance. To address this issue, several SDN load balancing (LB) techniques have been developed to improve efficiency. This article provides an overview of SDN and its effect on load balancing, highlighting key elements and discussing various load-balancing schemes based on existing solutions and research challenges. Additionally, the article outlines performance metrics used to evaluate these algorithms and suggests possible future research directions

    Heuristic strategies for NFV-enabled renewable and non-renewable energy management in the future IoT world

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The ever-growing energy demand and the CO2 emissions caused by energy production and consumption have become critical concerns worldwide and drive new energy management and consumption schemes. In this regard, energy systems that promote green energy, customer-side participation enabled by the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, and adaptive consumption mechanisms implemented on advanced communications technologies such as the Network Function Virtualization (NFV) emerge as sustainable and de-carbonized alternatives. On these modern schemes, diverse management algorithmic solutions can be deployed to promote the interaction between generation and consumption sides and optimize the use of available energy either from renewable or non-renewable sources. However, existing literature shows that management solutions considering features such as the dynamic nature of renewable energy generation, prioritization in energy provisioning if needed, and time-shifting capabilities to adapt the workloads to energy availability present a complexity NP-Hard. This condition imposes limits on applicability to a small number of energy demands or time-shifting values. Therefore, faster and less complex adaptive energy management approaches are needed. To meet these requirements, this paper proposes three heuristic strategies: a greedy strategy (GreedyTs), a genetic-algorithm-based solution (GATs), and a dynamic programming approach (DPTs) that, when deployed at the NFV domain, seeks the best possible scheduling of demands that lead to efficient energy utilization. The performance of the algorithmic strategies is validated through extensive simulations in several scenarios, demonstrating improvements in energy consumption and processing of demands. Additionally, simulation results reveal that the heuristic approaches produce high-quality solutions close to the optimal while executing among two and seven orders of magnitude faster and with applicability to scenarios with thousands and hundreds of thousands of energy demands.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of the Spanish Government under Project PID2019-108713RB-C51. The work of Christian Tipantuña was supported in part by the Escuela Politécnica Nacional and in part by Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SENESCYT).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Contributions to energy-aware demand-response systems using SDN and NFV for fog computing

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    Ever-increasing energy consumption, the depletion of non-renewable resources, the climate impact associated with energy generation, and finite energy-production capacity are important concerns worldwide that drive the urgent creation of new energy management and consumption schemes. In this regard, by leveraging the massive connectivity provided by emerging communications such as the 5G systems, this thesis proposes a long-term sustainable Demand-Response solution for the adaptive and efficient management of available energy consumption for Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructures, in which energy utilization is optimized based on the available supply. In the proposed approach, energy management focuses on consumer devices (e.g., appliances such as a light bulb or a screen). In this regard, by proposing that each consumer device be part of an IoT infrastructure, it is feasible to control its respective consumption. The proposal includes an architecture that uses Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networking technologies as enablers to promote the primary use of energy from renewable sources. Associated with architecture, this thesis presents a novel consumption model conditioned on availability in which consumers are part of the management process. To efficiently use the energy from renewable and non-renewable sources, several management strategies are herein proposed, such as the prioritization of the energy supply, workload scheduling using time-shifting capabilities, and quality degradation to decrease- the power demanded by consumers if needed. The adaptive energy management solution is modeled as an Integer Linear Programming, and its complexity has been identified to be NP-Hard. To verify the improvements in energy utilization, an optimal algorithmic solution based on a brute force search has been implemented and evaluated. Because the hardness of the adaptive energy management problem and the non-polynomial growth of its optimal solution, which is limited to energy management for a small number of energy demands (e.g., 10 energy demands) and small values of management mechanisms, several faster suboptimal algorithmic strategies have been proposed and implemented. In this context, at the first stage, we implemented three heuristic strategies: a greedy strategy (GreedyTs), a genetic-algorithm-based solution (GATs), and a dynamic programming approach (DPTs). Then, we incorporated into both the optimal and heuristic strategies a prepartitioning method in which the total set of analyzed services is divided into subsets of smaller size and complexity that are solved iteratively. As a result of the adaptive energy management in this thesis, we present eight strategies, one timal and seven heuristic, that when deployed in communications infrastructures such as the NFV domain, seek the best possible scheduling of demands, which lead to efficient energy utilization. The performance of the algorithmic strategies has been validated through extensive simulations in several scenarios, demonstrating improvements in energy consumption and the processing of energy demands. Additionally, the simulation results revealed that the heuristic approaches produce high-quality solutions close to the optimal while executing among two and seven orders of magnitude faster and with applicability to scenarios with thousands and hundreds of thousands of energy demands. This thesis also explores possible application scenarios of both the proposed architecture for adaptive energy management and algorithmic strategies. In this regard, we present some examples, including adaptive energy management in-home systems and 5G networks slicing, energy-aware management solutions for unmanned aerial vehicles, also known as drones, and applicability for the efficient allocation of spectrum in flex-grid optical networks. Finally, this thesis presents open research problems and discusses other application scenarios and future work.El constante aumento del consumo de energía, el agotamiento de los recursos no renovables, el impacto climático asociado con la generación de energía y la capacidad finita de producción de energía son preocupaciones importantes en todo el mundo que impulsan la creación urgente de nuevos esquemas de consumo y gestión de energía. Al aprovechar la conectividad masiva que brindan las comunicaciones emergentes como los sistemas 5G, esta tesis propone una solución de Respuesta a la Demanda sostenible a largo plazo para la gestión adaptativa y eficiente del consumo de energía disponible para las infraestructuras de Internet of Things (IoT), en el que se optimiza la utilización de la energía en función del suministro disponible. En el enfoque propuesto, la gestión de la energía se centra en los dispositivos de consumo (por ejemplo, electrodomésticos). En este sentido, al proponer que cada dispositivo de consumo sea parte de una infraestructura IoT, es factible controlar su respectivo consumo. La propuesta incluye una arquitectura que utiliza tecnologías de Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) y Software Defined Networking como habilitadores para promover el uso principal de energía de fuentes renovables. Asociada a la arquitectura, esta tesis presenta un modelo de consumo condicionado a la disponibilidad en el que los consumidores son parte del proceso de gestión. Para utilizar eficientemente la energía de fuentes renovables y no renovables, se proponen varias estrategias de gestión, como la priorización del suministro de energía, la programación de la carga de trabajo utilizando capacidades de cambio de tiempo y la degradación de la calidad para disminuir la potencia demandada. La solución de gestión de energía adaptativa se modela como un problema de programación lineal entera con complejidad NP-Hard. Para verificar las mejoras en la utilización de energía, se ha implementado y evaluado una solución algorítmica óptima basada en una búsqueda de fuerza bruta. Debido a la dureza del problema de gestión de energía adaptativa y el crecimiento no polinomial de su solución óptima, que se limita a la gestión de energía para un pequeño número de demandas de energía (por ejemplo, 10 demandas) y pequeños valores de los mecanismos de gestión, varias estrategias algorítmicas subóptimos más rápidos se han propuesto. En este contexto, en la primera etapa, implementamos tres estrategias heurísticas: una estrategia codiciosa (GreedyTs), una solución basada en algoritmos genéticos (GATs) y un enfoque de programación dinámica (DPTs). Luego, incorporamos tanto en la estrategia óptima como en la- heurística un método de prepartición en el que el conjunto total de servicios analizados se divide en subconjuntos de menor tamaño y complejidad que se resuelven iterativamente. Como resultado de la gestión adaptativa de la energía en esta tesis, presentamos ocho estrategias, una óptima y siete heurísticas, que cuando se despliegan en infraestructuras de comunicaciones como el dominio NFV, buscan la mejor programación posible de las demandas, que conduzcan a un uso eficiente de la energía. El desempeño de las estrategias algorítmicas ha sido validado a través de extensas simulaciones en varios escenarios, demostrando mejoras en el consumo de energía y el procesamiento de las demandas de energía. Los resultados de la simulación revelaron que los enfoques heurísticos producen soluciones de alta calidad cercanas a las óptimas mientras se ejecutan entre dos y siete órdenes de magnitud más rápido y con aplicabilidad a escenarios con miles y cientos de miles de demandas de energía. Esta tesis también explora posibles escenarios de aplicación tanto de la arquitectura propuesta para la gestión adaptativa de la energía como de las estrategias algorítmicas. En este sentido, presentamos algunos ejemplos, que incluyen sistemas de gestión de energía adaptativa en el hogar, en 5G networkPostprint (published version

    Network Flow Optimization Using Reinforcement Learning

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