473 research outputs found

    Low Parametric Sensitivity Realizations with relaxed L2-dynamic-range-scaling constraints

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    This paper presents a new dynamic-range scaling for the implementation of filters/controllers in state-space form. Relaxing the classical L2-scaling constraints by specific fixed-point considerations allows for a higher degree of freedom for the optimal L2-parametric sensitivity problem. However, overflows in the implementation are still prevented. The underlying constrained problem is converted into an unconstrained problem for which a solution can be provided. This leads to realizations which are still scaled but less sensitive

    Digital Filters and Signal Processing

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    Digital filters, together with signal processing, are being employed in the new technologies and information systems, and are implemented in different areas and applications. Digital filters and signal processing are used with no costs and they can be adapted to different cases with great flexibility and reliability. This book presents advanced developments in digital filters and signal process methods covering different cases studies. They present the main essence of the subject, with the principal approaches to the most recent mathematical models that are being employed worldwide

    Generalized linear-in-parameter models : theory and audio signal processing applications

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    This thesis presents a mathematically oriented perspective to some basic concepts of digital signal processing. A general framework for the development of alternative signal and system representations is attained by defining a generalized linear-in-parameter model (GLM) configuration. The GLM provides a direct view into the origins of many familiar methods in signal processing, implying a variety of generalizations, and it serves as a natural introduction to rational orthonormal model structures. In particular, the conventional division between finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) filtering methods is reconsidered. The latter part of the thesis consists of audio oriented case studies, including loudspeaker equalization, musical instrument body modeling, and room response modeling. The proposed collection of IIR filter design techniques is submitted to challenging modeling tasks. The most important practical contribution of this thesis is the introduction of a procedure for the optimization of rational orthonormal filter structures, called the BU-method. More generally, the BU-method and its variants, including the (complex) warped extension, the (C)WBU-method, can be consider as entirely new IIR filter design strategies.reviewe

    Digital Filters

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    The new technology advances provide that a great number of system signals can be easily measured with a low cost. The main problem is that usually only a fraction of the signal is useful for different purposes, for example maintenance, DVD-recorders, computers, electric/electronic circuits, econometric, optimization, etc. Digital filters are the most versatile, practical and effective methods for extracting the information necessary from the signal. They can be dynamic, so they can be automatically or manually adjusted to the external and internal conditions. Presented in this book are the most advanced digital filters including different case studies and the most relevant literature

    From spline wavelet to sampling theory on circulant graphs and beyond– conceiving sparsity in graph signal processing

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    Graph Signal Processing (GSP), as the field concerned with the extension of classical signal processing concepts to the graph domain, is still at the beginning on the path toward providing a generalized theory of signal processing. As such, this thesis aspires to conceive the theory of sparse representations on graphs by traversing the cornerstones of wavelet and sampling theory on graphs. Beginning with the novel topic of graph spline wavelet theory, we introduce families of spline and e-spline wavelets, and associated filterbanks on circulant graphs, which lever- age an inherent vanishing moment property of circulant graph Laplacian matrices (and their parameterized generalizations), for the reproduction and annihilation of (exponen- tial) polynomial signals. Further, these families are shown to provide a stepping stone to generalized graph wavelet designs with adaptive (annihilation) properties. Circulant graphs, which serve as building blocks, facilitate intuitively equivalent signal processing concepts and operations, such that insights can be leveraged for and extended to more complex scenarios, including arbitrary undirected graphs, time-varying graphs, as well as associated signals with space- and time-variant properties, all the while retaining the focus on inducing sparse representations. Further, we shift from sparsity-inducing to sparsity-leveraging theory and present a novel sampling and graph coarsening framework for (wavelet-)sparse graph signals, inspired by Finite Rate of Innovation (FRI) theory and directly building upon (graph) spline wavelet theory. At its core, the introduced Graph-FRI-framework states that any K-sparse signal residing on the vertices of a circulant graph can be sampled and perfectly reconstructed from its dimensionality-reduced graph spectral representation of minimum size 2K, while the structure of an associated coarsened graph is simultaneously inferred. Extensions to arbitrary graphs can be enforced via suitable approximation schemes. Eventually, gained insights are unified in a graph-based image approximation framework which further leverages graph partitioning and re-labelling techniques for a maximally sparse graph wavelet representation.Open Acces

    Local Geometric Transformations in Image Analysis

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    The characterization of images by geometric features facilitates the precise analysis of the structures found in biological micrographs such as cells, proteins, or tissues. In this thesis, we study image representations that are adapted to local geometric transformations such as rotation, translation, and scaling, with a special emphasis on wavelet representations. In the first part of the thesis, our main interest is in the analysis of directional patterns and the estimation of their location and orientation. We explore steerable representations that correspond to the notion of rotation. Contrarily to classical pattern matching techniques, they have no need for an a priori discretization of the angle and for matching the filter to the image at each discretized direction. Instead, it is sufficient to apply the filtering only once. Then, the rotated filter for any arbitrary angle can be determined by a systematic and linear transformation of the initial filter. We derive the Cramér-Rao bounds for steerable filters. They allow us to select the best harmonics for the design of steerable detectors and to identify their optimal radial profile. We propose several ways to construct optimal representations and to build powerful and effective detector schemes; in particular, junctions of coinciding branches with local orientations. The basic idea of local transformability and the general principles that we utilize to design steerable wavelets can be applied to other geometric transformations. Accordingly, in the second part, we extend our framework to other transformation groups, with a particular interest in scaling. To construct representations in tune with a notion of local scale, we identify the possible solutions for scalable functions and give specific criteria for their applicability to wavelet schemes. Finally, we propose discrete wavelet frames that approximate a continuous wavelet transform. Based on these results, we present a novel wavelet-based image-analysis software that provides a fast and automatic detection of circular patterns, combined with a precise estimation of their size
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