6 research outputs found

    Minimal time for the bilinear control of Schrödinger equations

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    International audienceWe consider a quantum particle in a potential V (x) (x in R^N) subject to a (spatially homogeneous) time-dependent electric field E(t), which plays the role of the control. Under generic assumptions on V , this system is approximately controllable on the L2(R^N;C)-sphere, in su ffiently large times T, as proved by Boscain, Caponigro, Chambrion and Sigalotti. In the present article, we show that this approximate controllability result is false in small time. As a consequence, the result by Boscain et al. is, in some sense, optimal with respect to the control time T

    An obstruction to small time local null controllability for a viscous Burgers' equation

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    In this work, we are interested in the small time local null controllability for the viscous Burgers' equation yt−yxx+yyx=u(t)y_t - y_{xx} + y y_x = u(t) on the line segment [0,1][0,1], with null boundary conditions. The second-hand side is a scalar control playing a role similar to that of a pressure. In this setting, the classical Lie bracket necessary condition [f1,[f1,f0]][f_1,[f_1,f_0]] introduced by Sussmann fails to conclude. However, using a quadratic expansion of our system, we exhibit a second order obstruction to small time local null controllability. This obstruction holds although the information propagation speed is infinite for the Burgers equation. Our obstruction involves the weak H−5/4H^{-5/4} norm of the control uu. The proof requires the careful derivation of an integral kernel operator and the estimation of residues by means of weakly singular integral operator estimates

    Regular propagators of bilinear quantum systems

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    The present analysis deals with the regularity of solutions of bilinear control systems of the type x′=(A+u(t)B)xx'=(A+u(t)B)xwhere the state xx belongs to some complex infinite dimensional Hilbert space, the (possibly unbounded) linear operators AA and BB are skew-adjoint and the control uu is a real valued function. Such systems arise, for instance, in quantum control with the bilinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation. For the sake of the regularity analysis, we consider a more general framework where AA and BB are generators of contraction semi-groups.Under some hypotheses on the commutator of the operators AA and BB, it is possible to extend the definition of solution for controls in the set of Radon measures to obtain precise a priori energy estimates on the solutions, leading to a natural extension of the celebrated noncontrollability result of Ball, Marsden, and Slemrod in 1982. Complementary material to this analysis can be found in [hal-01537743v1

    Quantum optimal control in quantum technologies. Strategic report on current status, visions and goals for research in Europe

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    Quantum optimal control, a toolbox for devising and implementing the shapes of external fields that accomplish given tasks in the operation of a quantum device in the best way possible, has evolved into one of the cornerstones for enabling quantum technologies. The last few years have seen a rapid evolution and expansion of the field. We review here recent progress in our understanding of the controllability of open quantum systems and in the development and application of quantum control techniques to quantum technologies. We also address key challenges and sketch a roadmap for future developments