5,942 research outputs found

    Decentralized pole assignment for interconnected systems

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    Given a general proper interconnected system, this paper aims to design a LTI decentralized controller to place the modes of the closed-loop system at pre-determined locations. To this end, it is first assumed that the structural graph of the system is strongly connected. Then, it is shown applying generic static local controllers to any number of subsystems will not introduce new decentralized fixed modes (DFM) in the resultant system, although it has fewer inputoutput stations compared to the original system. This means that if there are some subsystems whose control costs are highly dependent on the complexity of the control law, then generic static controllers can be applied to such subsystems, without changing the characteristics of the system in terms of the fixed modes. As a direct application of this result, in the case when the system has no DFMs, one can apply generic static controllers to all but one subsystem, and the resultant system will be controllable and observable through that subsystem. Now, a simple observer-based local controller corresponding to this subsystem can be designed to displace the modes of the entire system arbitrarily. Similar results can also be attained for a system whose structural graph is not strongly connected. It is worth mentioning that similar concepts are deployed in the literature for the special case of strictly proper systems, but as noted in the relevant papers, extension of the results to general proper systems is not trivial. This demonstrates the significance of the present work

    Stabilization of behaviours

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    In this paper we characterize the set of all restrictions on the behaviour of a plant that shape the characteristic polynomial of the closed-loop system. These control laws include both classical feedback laws and singular feedback laws. One of the results is the behavioural version of the Youla-Jabr-Bongiorno-Kucera-parameterization of all stabilizing control laws for a given plant. We also study robust stability, deriving the real and complex stability radius for systems described in kernel representation. Finally we characterize the set of all control laws that make the stability radius greater than or equal to some desired leve

    Closed form solutions to the optimality equation of minimal norm actuation

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    This research focused on the problem of minimal norm actuation in the context of partial natural frequency or pole assignment applied to undamped vibrating systems by state feedback control. The result of the research was the closed form solutions for the minimal norm control input and gain vectors. These closed form solutions should took open loop eigenpairs and the desired frequencies of the controlled system and outputted the optimal controller parameters. This optimization technique ensures that the system’s dynamics will be effectively controlled while keeping the controller effort minimal. The controller must then be able to shift only the desired the system poles anywhere in the complex s-plane in order to give the system certain desired characteristics with no spillover. The open loop system dynamics were found by applying a discrete model of the studied vibrating system and then finding the eigenvalue problem associated with the second-order open loop system equations. A first order realization was then performed on the system in order to know its response to certain initial conditions. The system’s dynamics where to be modified via closed loop control. Partial natural frequency assignment was chosen as the control technique so that certain system frequencies could be left untouched to ensure that the system will not respond in an unexpected manner. The control was to be optimized by minimizing the norm of the control input and gain vectors. A closed form solution for these vectors was found in so that these vectors could be simply calculated using an algorithm that takes the open loop eigenpairs and the desired eigenvalues of the system and outputs the two vectors. This closed form solution was successful implemented and the controller parameters found were applied to a vibrational system. A simulation for the un-optimized and optimized cases was performed applying both controllers to the same system. The response and controller forces for both cases were plotted in MATLAB and compared. Both systems showed the desired system response meaning that they both had the same effect on the system. Inspecting both controller efforts showed that the optimal control case simulation showed less controller effort than the arbitrary case thus showing successful implementation of minimal norm actuation