9,803 research outputs found

    Minimal Actuator Placement with Optimal Control Constraints

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    We introduce the problem of minimal actuator placement in a linear control system so that a bound on the minimum control effort for a given state transfer is satisfied while controllability is ensured. We first show that this is an NP-hard problem following the recent work of Olshevsky. Next, we prove that this problem has a supermodular structure. Afterwards, we provide an efficient algorithm that approximates up to a multiplicative factor of O(logn), where n is the size of the multi-agent network, any optimal actuator set that meets the specified energy criterion. Moreover, we show that this is the best approximation factor one can achieve in polynomial-time for the worst case. Finally, we test this algorithm over large Erdos-Renyi random networks to further demonstrate its efficiency.Comment: This version includes all the omitted proofs from the one to appear in the American Control Conference (ACC) 2015 proceeding

    A Structured Systems Approach for Optimal Actuator-Sensor Placement in Linear Time-Invariant Systems

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    In this paper we address the actuator/sensor allocation problem for linear time invariant (LTI) systems. Given the structure of an autonomous linear dynamical system, the goal is to design the structure of the input matrix (commonly denoted by BB) such that the system is structurally controllable with the restriction that each input be dedicated, i.e., it can only control directly a single state variable. We provide a methodology that addresses this design question: specifically, we determine the minimum number of dedicated inputs required to ensure such structural controllability, and characterize, and characterizes all (when not unique) possible configurations of the \emph{minimal} input matrix BB. Furthermore, we show that the proposed solution methodology incurs \emph{polynomial complexity} in the number of state variables. By duality, the solution methodology may be readily extended to the structural design of the corresponding minimal output matrix (commonly denoted by CC) that ensures structural observability.Comment: 8 pages, submitted for publicatio

    LQG Control and Sensing Co-Design

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    We investigate a Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian (LQG) control and sensing co-design problem, where one jointly designs sensing and control policies. We focus on the realistic case where the sensing design is selected among a finite set of available sensors, where each sensor is associated with a different cost (e.g., power consumption). We consider two dual problem instances: sensing-constrained LQG control, where one maximizes control performance subject to a sensor cost budget, and minimum-sensing LQG control, where one minimizes sensor cost subject to performance constraints. We prove no polynomial time algorithm guarantees across all problem instances a constant approximation factor from the optimal. Nonetheless, we present the first polynomial time algorithms with per-instance suboptimality guarantees. To this end, we leverage a separation principle, that partially decouples the design of sensing and control. Then, we frame LQG co-design as the optimization of approximately supermodular set functions; we develop novel algorithms to solve the problems; and we prove original results on the performance of the algorithms, and establish connections between their suboptimality and control-theoretic quantities. We conclude the paper by discussing two applications, namely, sensing-constrained formation control and resource-constrained robot navigation.Comment: Accepted to IEEE TAC. Includes contributions to submodular function optimization literature, and extends conference paper arXiv:1709.0882

    Performance guarantees for greedy maximization of non-submodular controllability metrics

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    A key problem in emerging complex cyber-physical networks is the design of information and control topologies, including sensor and actuator selection and communication network design. These problems can be posed as combinatorial set function optimization problems to maximize a dynamic performance metric for the network. Some systems and control metrics feature a property called submodularity, which allows simple greedy algorithms to obtain provably near-optimal topology designs. However, many important metrics lack submodularity and therefore lack provable guarantees for using a greedy optimization approach. Here we show that performance guarantees can be obtained for greedy maximization of certain non-submodular functions of the controllability and observability Gramians. Our results are based on two key quantities: the submodularity ratio, which quantifies how far a set function is from being submodular, and the curvature, which quantifies how far a set function is from being supermodular

    Submodularity of Energy Related Controllability Metrics

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    The quantification of controllability and observability has recently received new interest in the context of large, complex networks of dynamical systems. A fundamental but computationally difficult problem is the placement or selection of actuators and sensors that optimize real-valued controllability and observability metrics of the network. We show that several classes of energy related metrics associated with the controllability Gramian in linear dynamical systems have a strong structural property, called submodularity. This property allows for an approximation guarantee by using a simple greedy heuristic for their maximization. The results are illustrated for randomly generated systems and for placement of power electronic actuators in a model of the European power grid.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures; submitted to the 2014 IEEE Conference on Decision and Contro