12,465 research outputs found

    Constraints on modified gravity from Planck 2015: when the health of your theory makes the difference

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    We use the effective field theory of dark energy (EFT of DE) formalism to constrain dark energy models belonging to the Horndeski class with the recent Planck 2015 CMB data. The space of theories is spanned by a certain number of parameters determining the linear cosmological perturbations, while the expansion history is set to that of a standard Λ\LambdaCDM model. We always demand that the theories be free of fatal instabilities. Additionally, we consider two optional conditions, namely that scalar and tensor perturbations propagate with subliminal speed. Such criteria severely restrict the allowed parameter space and are thus very effective in shaping the posteriors. As a result, we confirm that no theory performs better than Λ\LambdaCDM when CMB data alone are analysed. Indeed, the healthy dark energy models considered here are not able to reproduce those phenomenological behaviours of the effective Newton constant and gravitational slip parameters that, according to previous studies, best fit the data.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures. Added Mu-Sigma plane in Fig.7 plus some changes in the text with respect to the previous version. This is an author-created un-copyedited version of the article published in JCAP. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscrip

    The azimuth structure of nuclear collisions -- I

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    We describe azimuth structure commonly associated with elliptic and directed flow in the context of 2D angular autocorrelations for the purpose of precise separation of so-called nonflow (mainly minijets) from flow. We extend the Fourier-transform description of azimuth structure to include power spectra and autocorrelations related by the Wiener-Khintchine theorem. We analyze several examples of conventional flow analysis in that context and question the relevance of reaction plane estimation to flow analysis. We introduce the 2D angular autocorrelation with examples from data analysis and describe a simulation exercise which demonstrates precise separation of flow and nonflow using the 2D autocorrelation method. We show that an alternative correlation measure based on Pearson's normalized covariance provides a more intuitive measure of azimuth structure.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figure

    Spectral transfer morphisms for unipotent affine Hecke algebras

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    In this paper we will give a complete classification of the spectral transfer morphisms between the unipotent affine Hecke algebras of the various inner forms of a given quasi-split absolutely simple algebraic group, defined over a non-archimidean local field k\textbf{k} and split over an unramified extension of k\textbf{k}. As an application of these results, the results of [O4] on the spectral correspondences associated with such morphisms and some results of Ciubotaru, Kato and Kato [CKK] we prove a conjecture of Hiraga, Ichino and Ikeda [HII] on the formal degrees and adjoint gamma factors for all unipotent discrete series characters of unramified simple groups of adjoint type defined over k\bf{k}.Comment: 61 pages; We explained the comparison with Lusztig's parameterization of unipotent representations in more detai

    Prague's Emission Fourier Transform Microwave Spectrometer - Design and Preliminary Results

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    The design, performance and operation of the high resolution microwave spectrometer are described. The spectrometer is based on the Fabry-Perot resonator supplemented by a pulsed supersonic nozzle for adiabatic cooling of the sample. The spectrometer’s high sensitivity and resolution are demonstrated by several examples

    Commuting self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators defined from the partial derivatives

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    We consider the problem of finding commuting self-adjoint extensions of the partial derivatives {(1/i)(\partial/\partial x_j):j=1,...,d} with domain C_c^\infty(\Omega) where the self-adjointness is defined relative to L^2(\Omega), and \Omega is a given open subset of R^d. The measure on \Omega is Lebesgue measure on R^d restricted to \Omega. The problem originates with I.E. Segal and B. Fuglede, and is difficult in general. In this paper, we provide a representation-theoretic answer in the special case when \Omega=I\times\Omega_2 and I is an open interval. We then apply the results to the case when \Omega is a d-cube, I^d, and we describe possible subsets \Lambda of R^d such that {e^(i2\pi\lambda \dot x) restricted to I^d:\lambda\in\Lambda} is an orthonormal basis in L^2(I^d).Comment: LaTeX2e amsart class, 18 pages, 2 figures; PACS numbers 02.20.Km, 02.30.Nw, 02.30.Tb, 02.60.-x, 03.65.-w, 03.65.Bz, 03.65.Db, 61.12.Bt, 61.44.B

    The Statistics of Cosmological Lyman-alpha Absorption

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    We study the effect of the non-Gaussianity induced by gravitational evolution upon the statistical properties of absorption in quasar (QSO) spectra. Using the generic hierarchical ansatz and the lognormal approximation we derive the analytical expressions for the one-point PDF as well as for the joint two-point probability distribution (2PDF) of transmitted fluxes in two neighbouring QSOs. These flux PDFs are constructed in 3D as well as in projection (i.e. in 2D). The PDFs are constructed by relating the lower-order moments, i.e. cumulants and cumulant correlators, of the fluxes to the 3D neutral hydrogen distribution which is, in turn, expressed as a function of the underlying dark matter distribution. The lower-order moments are next modelled using a generating function formalism in the context of a {\em minimal tree-model} for the higher-order correlation hierarchy. These different approximations give nearly identical results for the range of redshifts probed, and we also find a very good agreement between our predictions and outputs of hydrodynamical simulations. The formalism developed here for the joint statistics of flux-decrements concerning two lines of sight can be extended to multiple lines of sight, which could be particularly important for the 3D reconstruction of the cosmic web from QSO spectra (e.g. in the BOSS survey). These statistics probe the underlying projected neutral hydrogen field and are thus linked to "hot-spots" of absorption. The results for the PDF and the bias presented here use the same functional forms of scaling functions that have previously been employed for the modelling of other cosmological observation such as the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Weighing the Light Gravitino Mass with Weak Lensing Surveys

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    We explore the discovery potential of light gravitino mass m_{3/2} by combining future cosmology surveys and collider experiments. The former probe the imprint of light gravitinos in the cosmic matter density field, whereas the latter search signatures of a supersymmetry breaking mechanism. Free-streaming of light gravitinos suppresses the density fluctuations at galactic and sub-galactic length scales, where weak gravitational lensing can be used as a powerful probe. We perform numerical simulations of structure formation to quantify the effect. We then run realistic ray-tracing simulations of gravitational lensing to measure the cosmic shear in models with light gravitino. We forecast the possible reach of future wide-field surveys by Fisher analysis; the light gravitino mass can be determined with an accuracy of m_{3/2}=4\pm 1 eV by a combination of the Hyper Suprime Cam survey and cosmic microwave background anisotropy data obtained by Planck satellite. The corresponding accuracy to be obtained by the future Large Synoptic Survey Telescope is \delta m_{3/2}=0.6 eV. Data from experiments at Large Hadron Collider at 14 TeV will provide constraint at m_{3/2} \simeq 5 eV in the minimal framework of gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking (GMSB) model. We conclude that a large class of the GMSB model can be tested by combining the cosmological observations and the collider experiments.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure