51 research outputs found

    Miniaturized Camera Systems for Microfactories

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    Micro and Desktop Factory Roadmap

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    Terms desktop and microfactory both refer to production equipment that is miniaturized down to the level where it can placed on desktop and manually moved without any lifting aids. In this context, micro does not necessarily refer to the size of parts produced or their features, or the actual size or resolution of the equipment. Instead, micro refers to a general objective of downscaling production equipment to the same scale with the products they are manufacturing. Academic research literature speculates with several advantages and benefits of using miniaturized production equipment. These range from reduced use of energy and other resources (such as raw material) to better operator ergonomics and from greater equipment flexibility and reconfigurability to ubiquitous manufacturing (manufacturing on-the-spot, i.e. manufacturing the end product where it is used). Academic research has also generated several pieces of equipment and application demonstrations, and many of those are described in this document. Despite of nearly two decades of academic research, wider industrial breakthrough has not yet taken place and, in fact, many of the speculated advantages have not been proven or are not (yet) practical. However, there are successful industrial examples including miniaturized machining units; robotic, assembly and process cells; as well as other pieces of desktop scale equipment. These are also presented in this document. Looking at and analysing the current state of micro and desktop production related academic and commercial research and development, there are notable gaps that should be addressed. Many of these are general to several fields, such as understanding the actual needs of industry, whereas some are specific to miniaturised production field. One such example is the size of the equipment: research equipment is often “too small” to be commercially viable alternative. However, it is important to seek the limits of miniaturisation and even though research results might not be directly adaptable to industrial use, companies get ideas and solution models from research. The field of desktop production is new and the future development directions are not clear. In general, there seems to be two main development directions for micro and desktop factory equipment: 1) Small size equipment assisting human operators at the corner of desk 2) Small size equipment forming fully automatic production lines (including line components, modules, and cells) These, and other aspects including visions of potential application areas and business models for system providers, are discussed in detail in this roadmap. To meet the visions presented, some actions are needed. Therefore, this document gives guidelines for various industrial user groups (end users of miniaturized production equipment, system providers/integrators and component providers) as well as academia for forming their strategies in order to exploit the benefits of miniaturized production. To summarise, the basic guidelines for different actors are: ‱ Everyone: Push the desktop ideology and awareness of the technology and its possibilities. Market and be present at events where potential new fields get together. Tell what is available and what is needed. ‱ Equipment end users: Specify and determine what is needed. Be brave to try out new ways of doing things. Think what is really needed – do not over specify. ‱ System providers / integrators: Organize own operations and product portfolios so that supplying equipment fulfilling the end user specifications can be done profitably. ‱ Component providers: Design and supply components which are cost-efficient and easy to integrate to and to take into use in desktop scale equipment. ‱ Academia: Look further into future, support industrial sector in their shorter term development work and act as a facilitator for cooperation between different actors

    Modular architecture of the microfactories for automatic micro-assembly.

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    International audienceThe construction of a new generation of MEMS which includes micro-assembly steps in the current microfabrication process is a big challenge. It is necessary to develop new production means named micromanufacturing systems in order to perform these new assembly steps. The classical approach called “top-down” which consists in a functional analysis and a definition of the tasks sequences is insufficient for micromanufacturing systems. Indeed, the technical and physical constraints of the microworld (e.g. the adhesion phenomenon) must be taken into account in order to design reliable micromanufacturing systems. A new method of designing micromanufacturing systems is presented in this paper. Our approach combines the general “top-down” approach with a “bottom-up” approach which takes into account technical constraints. The method enables to build a modular architecture for micromanufacturing systems. In order to obtain this modular architecture, we have devised an original identification technique of modules and an association technique of modules. This work has been used to design the controller of an experimental robotic micro-assembly station

    Liiketoimintamallit ja sovellukset mikro- ja desktoptehtaille

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    The terms microfactory and desktop factory originates from Japan in the 1990’s. Small machines were developed to produce small parts and save resources. In the late 1990’s, the research spread around the world, and multiple miniaturized concepts were introduced. However, the level of commercialization remains low. More empirical evidence and business aspect is needed. This thesis discusses how the systems can be used and how the providers benefit of it, now and in the future. The research includes 18 semi-structured interviews in Europe. The interviewees are both from academic and industry, including equipment and component providers, and users and potential users. According to the interviews, research and the industry have different viewpoints to the miniaturization. Within the academics, miniaturization links to a general philosophy to match the products in size. In the industry, the small size is only a secondary sales argument. The main factors preventing breakthrough are the lack of small subsystems, the lack of examples and production engineers’ attitudes. It appears that the technology is in the beginning of the S-curve, and it has systematic development as well as slow technology diffusion. More cooperation and a large scale demonstration are needed. In the literature, there are multiple applications. The MEMS industry is stated as one promising industry. The research aims usually for high level of automation. Based on interviews, the systems are used as a semi-automatic tool for component manufacturing and assembly. In the future, educational and laboratory use as well as prototyping are promising. Local cleanrooms interest but questions arise. In addition, retail level personalization, home fabrication and the MEMS industry include problems. For providers, the technology offers two promising customer segments (Lean manufacturers and fully loaded factories), few additional segments (e.g. educational, laboratories and offices) and it eases some alternative charging models (e.g. leasing, and capacity sales)

    International Workshop on MicroFactories (IWMF 2012): 17th-20th June 2012 Tampere Hall Tampere, Finland

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    This Workshop provides a forum for researchers and practitioners in industry working on the diverse issues of micro and desktop factories, as well as technologies and processes applicable for micro and desktop factories. Micro and desktop factories decrease the need of factory floor space, and reduce energy consumption and improve material and resource utilization thus strongly supporting the new sustainable manufacturing paradigm. They can be seen also as a proper solution to point-of-need manufacturing of customized and personalized products near the point of need

    Microfactory concept with bilevel modularity

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    There has been an increasing demand for miniaturization of products in the last decades. As a result of that, miniaturization and micro systems have become an important topic of research. As the technologies of micro manufacturing improve and are gradually started to be used, new devices have started to emerge in to the market. However, the miniaturization of the products is not paralleled to the sizes of the equipment used for their production. The conventional equipment for production of microparts is comparable in size and energy consumption to their counterparts in the macro world. The miniaturization of products and parts is slowly paving the way to the miniaturization of the production equipment and facilities, enabling efficient use of energy for production, improvement in material resource utilization and high speed and precision which in turn will lead to an increase in the amount of products produced more precisely. These led to the introduction of the microfactory concept which involves the miniaturization of the conventional production systems with all their features trying to facilitate the advantages that are given above. The aim of this thesis is to develop a module structure for production and assembly which can be cascaded with other modules in order to form a layout for the production of a specific product. The layout can also be changed in order to configure the microfactory for the production of another product. This feature brings flexibility to the system in the sense of product design and customization of products. Each module having its own control system, is able to perform its duty with the equipment placed into it. In order to form different layouts using the modules to build up a complete production chain, each module is equipped with necessary interface modules for the interaction and communication with the other process modules. In this work, the concept of process oriented modules with bilevel modularity is introduced for the development of microfactory modules. The first phase of the project is defined to be the realization of an assembly module and forms the content of this thesis. The assembly module contains parallel kinematics robots as manipulators which performs the assigned operations. One of the most important part here is to configure the structure of the module (control system/interface and communication units, etc.) which will in the future enable the easy integration of different process modules in order to form a whole microfactory which will have the ability to perform all phases of production necessary for the manufacturing of a product. The assembly module is a miniaturized version of the conventional factories (i.e. an assembly line) in such a way that the existing industrial standards are imitated within the modules of the microfactory. So that one who is familiar with the conventional systems can also be familiar with the construction of the realized miniature system and can easily setup the system according to the needs of the application. Thus, this is an important step towards the come in to use of the miniaturized production units in the industry. In order to achieve that kind of structure, necessary control hardware and software architecture are implemented which allows easy configuration of the system according to the processes. The modularity and reconfigurability in the software structure also have significant importance besides the modularity of the mechanical structure. The miniaturization process for the assembly cell includes the miniaturization of the parallel manipulators, transportation system in between the assembly nodes or in between different modules and the control system hardware. Visual sensor utilization for the visual feedback is enabled for the assembly process at the necessary nodes. The assembly module is developed and experiments are realized in order to test the performance of the module

    Microrobots for wafer scale microfactory: design fabrication integration and control.

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    Future assembly technologies will involve higher automation levels, in order to satisfy increased micro scale or nano scale precision requirements. Traditionally, assembly using a top-down robotic approach has been well-studied and applied to micro-electronics and MEMS industries, but less so in nanotechnology. With the bloom of nanotechnology ever since the 1990s, newly designed products with new materials, coatings and nanoparticles are gradually entering everyone’s life, while the industry has grown into a billion-dollar volume worldwide. Traditionally, nanotechnology products are assembled using bottom-up methods, such as self-assembly, rather than with top-down robotic assembly. This is due to considerations of volume handling of large quantities of components, and the high cost associated to top-down manipulation with the required precision. However, the bottom-up manufacturing methods have certain limitations, such as components need to have pre-define shapes and surface coatings, and the number of assembly components is limited to very few. For example, in the case of self-assembly of nano-cubes with origami design, post-assembly manipulation of cubes in large quantities and cost-efficiency is still challenging. In this thesis, we envision a new paradigm for nano scale assembly, realized with the help of a wafer-scale microfactory containing large numbers of MEMS microrobots. These robots will work together to enhance the throughput of the factory, while their cost will be reduced when compared to conventional nano positioners. To fulfill the microfactory vision, numerous challenges related to design, power, control and nanoscale task completion by these microrobots must be overcome. In this work, we study three types of microrobots for the microfactory: a world’s first laser-driven micrometer-size locomotor called ChevBota stationary millimeter-size robotic arm, called Solid Articulated Four Axes Microrobot (sAFAM), and a light-powered centimeter-size crawler microrobot called SolarPede. The ChevBot can perform autonomous navigation and positioning on a dry surface with the guidance of a laser beam. The sAFAM has been designed to perform nano positioning in four degrees of freedom, and nanoscale tasks such as indentation, and manipulation. And the SolarPede serves as a mobile workspace or transporter in the microfactory environment

    Design of a miniaturized work-cell for micro-manipulation

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    The paper describes the design and development of a miniaturised workcell devoted to the robotized micro manipulation and assembly of extremely small components, jointly carried out by the University of Brescia, University of Bergamo, University of Ancona and the Institute of Industrial Technologies and Automation of the Italian National Research Council in the framework of the project PRIN2009 MM&A, funded by MIUR. Besides analyzing theoretical and practical aspects related to the design of the work cell components (positioning and orienting devices, grippers, vision and control systems), an automated test bed for the assembly of micro pieces whose typical dimension belongs to the submillimeter scale range has been implemented. The perspective is to contribute to the realization of general automatic production systems at the moment absent for objects of these dimensions

    Design and implementation of double H’-gantry manipulator for TUT microfactory concept

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    This Master of Science thesis depicts the mechanical design and physical implementa-tion of double H’-gantry manipulator called DOHMAN. The H’-gantry mechanism is belt driven, two dimensional positioning device in which the belt is arranged in capital “H” form, and enables one linear and one rotary movement. The Ball-Screw Spline, in addition, is mechanism that consists of Ball Screw Nut, Ball Spline Nut, and Lead Screw with screw and spline grooves that fit both nuts. This mechanism enables linear and rotary displacement along the same axis. The DOHMAN robot is made of two par-allel kinematic H’-gantry structures linked with a miniature Ball Screw-Spline mecha-nism. The resulting structure is capable of performing four degrees-of-freedom (DOF) displacements along the three Cartesian axes X, Y and Z as well as a rotation W around the Z axis. The size and the other geometries of the DOHMAN robot aim to fit into the microfactory concept (TUT-ÎŒF) developed at Tampere University of Technology. For position control and visual servoing of the robot, an additional module was de-signed and implemented. Custom design of mechanical parts along with the selection of off-the-shelf components was done for building the robot prototype. The chapters and the appendix of this thesis thoroughly explain the design decisions and the implementa-tion. During the design development a new innovative homing strategy for linear Z and angular W axes was suggested and later implemented. This innovative homing provides efficient use of space for mounting the limit switches, avoiding huge loss in the overall Z-axis movement, and significantly reduces the cabling issues in the moving structure. Besides the innovative homing, other advantages of DOHMAN are distributed actuation and homogeneous workspace. The distributed actuation decreases the overall mass of the moving structure and also reduces the cabling within the overall mechanical system. The consistency in the workspace eases the control of the robot because there are no regions to avoid while moving the end effector

    Implementing additive manufacturing in microfactories

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    This thesis presents two technologies with the potential to radically change the way we manufacture, design and recycle products in the future. The two technologies in question are additive manufacturing (also known as 3D printing, rapid prototyping, solid freeform manufacturing, and a variety of other names) and the microfactory concept. In this work, the technological basis for both these technologies and their status in industrial manufacturing is briefly examined. The aim of the microfactory concept can be described simply: to miniaturize production equipment to roughly the same size as the product. This reduces the energy consumption and factory floor space of the production process. The benefits of the concept also include faster setup times and improved usability. On the other hand, some barriers also exist, these being mainly the lack of examples and components. TUT’s Department of Production Engineering has been active in the field, demonstrating a modular microfactory concept suitable for a variety of cases. Additive manufacturing, or 3d printing as it is more commonly known, refers to a group of technologies which allow fabricating parts layer-by-layer, eliminating the need for subtractive shaping of the parts. A CAD model is “sliced” so that each cross-sectional slice equals one layer of the part built by the additive manufacturing machine. This allows producing parts with geometries impossible to manufacture using traditional methods, e.g. a sphere within a sphere. In practice, two types of additive manufacturing are happening currently: industrial production, characterized by expensive machines, materials and parts and low volumes, and peer production, in which consumers are purchasing or building their own low-cost machines and producing customized products at home. Some synergies and potential applications for combining the concepts have been found. Additionally, some technical concepts were developed and presented in the thesis. Finally, the validity of these ideas is briefly discussed in the conclusion of the thesis
