26,012 research outputs found

    Mobibush : A Cloud Enabled Mobile app for Farmers

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    Mobile technology is increasingly being adopted in the agricultural space as a measure to assist farmers in decision. The aim of the project is to enable farmers to have mobile access to up to date information on pesticides and further make decisions on which pesticides to refer, how to appertain them, when to use them, and so on. Due to its complexity, Mobibush is designed as a mobile distributed system that follows a three-layered deployment; mobile clients(users or farmers), middleware(proxy layer), and a database server. Since the data that is being drive to the mobile is resident on the database server, caching policy on the mobile has been proposed to support offline affordability of pesticide information. However, there are oppugn that arise due to the intermittent loss of connectivity which leads to stale data on the mobile. In this project, we have accomodate the dual caching technique where we reserve data on the mobile and on the middleware. The approach makes the Mobibush architecture now robust and reliable for offline data accessibility


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    Mobile devices are the dominant interface for interacting with online services as well as an efficient platform for cloud data consumption. Cloud computing allows the delivery of applications/functionalities as services over the internet and provides the software/hardware infrastructure to host these services in a scalable manner. In mobile cloud computing, the apps running on the mobile device use cloud hosted services to overcome resource constraints of the host device. This approach allows mobile devices to outsource the resource-consuming tasks. Furthermore, as the number of devices owned by a single user increases, there is the growing demand for cross-platform application deployment to ensure a consistent user experience. However, the mobile devices communicate through unstable wireless networks, to access the data and services hosted in the cloud. The major challenges that mobile clients face when accessing services hosted in the cloud, are network latency and synchronization of data. To address the above mentioned challenges, this research proposed an architecture which introduced a policy-based middleware that supports user to access cloud hosted digital assets and services via an application across multiple mobile devices in a seamless manner. The major contribution of this thesis is identifying different information, used to configure the behavior of the middleware towards reliable and consistent communication among mobile clients and the cloud hosted services. Finally, the advantages of the using policy-based middleware architecture are illustrated by experiments conducted on a proof-of-concept prototype

    Design and realization of a middleware for mobile task coordination

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    The trend towards interconnection of applications has long been recognized as a key challenge for information systems design. Following this trend, organi- zations have developed and introduced many distributed systems with differ- ent functionalities. Furthermore, computing becomes today increasingly mobile; performances of mobile devices (i.e. PDAs and smartphones) as well as the expansion of high-speed mobile networks allows many tasks to be performed beyond stationary workspaces. The dramatic growth of stand-alone and partly incompatible applications will negatively affect the integration, coordination and communication for entire so- lution. Contemporary solutions focus on stationary systems only; the usage of mobile devices is limited to simple scenarios (i.e. information access). In order to support the seamless integration of mobile devices, future distributed solutions should take services and service meta-information into account (e.g. variation of network bandwidth, battery power, availability, connectivity, reachability, sensors data and locations of services and service providers). In this master thesis we want to analyze how a distributed environment with va- riety of separated (mobile) service providers - implemented with different tech- nologies - can be integrated and coordinated. Finding compromises between performance, comfort and intelligent intercommunication is the main goal of this thesis. Therefore, it is concentrated on the conceptualization and design of a central middleware component that provide the coordination and communication functionalities for stationary and mobile entities. In order to prove some possible communication scenarios, the thesis provides a middleware-based scenario

    Ubiquitous Information Systems (UBIS): A design research study of intelligent middleware and architecture

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    Ubiquitous information systems (UBIS) adapt current Information System thinking to explicitly differentiate technology between hardware devices and software components in relation to people and process. More recent ubiquitous computing approaches provide the means to link Web content and services to a number of mobile devices (evolving from earlier Palm Computers to more recent smart phones and ambient screens), adapting information to provide mobile business solutions. In general, these approaches focus on providing the means to improve specific information access and transcoding but not on how the information can be discovered and accessed on-the-fly. This paper explores how a number of investment banking systems can be re-used to provide the invisibility of pervasive access and uncover more effective architectural models for strategies of this type. A proof-of-concept intelligent middleware Web service is built to further test and explore how human-devices-application connections can be made sporadically and not limited to pre-configured access to specific applications and data

    Um modelo para portais moveis baseado em middleware reflexivo e agentes moveis

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    Orientador: Edmundo Roberto Mauro MadeiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: A Computação Móvel possibilita o acesso a informação de qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento. Contudo, as preferências do usuário e as limitações geradas no ambiente móvel trazem a necessidade de personalizar o acesso aos serviços. Este trabalho descreve o ICoMP (I-centric Communication Mobile Portal), um modelo para Portal Móvel que oferece serviços aos usuários baseado no seu perfil (preferências, recursos disponíveis, localização e contexto). O ICoMP baseia-se na abordagem I-centric, onde os sistemas adaptam-se dinamicamente às necessidades do usuário e às mudanças no ambiente móvel. A infra-estrutura do ICoMP integra um middleware reflexivo (ReMMoC) e uma plataforma de Agentes Móveis (Grasshopper ) para dar suporte a dois tipos de acesso: a serviços oferecidos por agentes móveis e serviços implementados por tipos de middleware heterogêneos. Além disso, uma avaliação do modelo ICoMP é feita em termos de espaço de armazenamento e no suporte a aplicações móveisAbstract: Mobile Computing enables information access anytime, anywhere. However, the needs of users and the constraints generated by the mobile environment raise the necessity to personalize access to services. This work describes ICoMP (I-centric Communication Mobile Portal), which is a mobile portal model that offers services based upon user profiles (these contain information including: preferences, available resources, location and environment context). Notably, ICoMP follows an I-Centric approach, whereby the system dynamically adapts to manage both user requirements and changes in the mobile environment. ICoMP's infrastructure integrates a reflective middleware (ReMMoC) and a mobile agent platform (Grasshopper) to support two types of access to information and application services, i.e. it interoperates with both services offered by mobile agents and also services implemented upon heterogeneous middleware. Moreover, we evaluate our implementation of the ICoMP portal in terms of memory footprint cost and support for mobile applicationsMestrad

    Middleware Support for Mobile Social Ecosystems

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    International audienceWith the increased prevalence of advanced mobile devices (the so-called “smart” phones), interest has grown in mobile social ecosystems, where users not only access traditional Web-based social networks using their mobile devices, but are also able to use the context information provided by these devices to further enrich their interactions. Owing to the large variety of platforms available for smart phones, as well as the different ways that data and context information is represented, it is natural to think of middleware solutions that the developers of these systems can use while creating their applications. In this paper, we highlight the issues which should be addressed by middleware designed for mobile social ecosystems, taking into account the heterogeneity of both deployment nodes and available data, the intrinsic distributed nature of mobile social applications, as well as users' security concerns. As part of our ongoing effort to develop this middleware, we present a comprehensive model to represent mobile social ecosystems and the interactions possible in them, and show how to exploit it in a representative scenario

    Towards a mobile computing middleware: a synergy of reflection and mobile code techniques

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    The increasing popularity of wireless devices, such as mobile phones, personal digital assistants, watches and the like. is enabling new classes of applications that present challenging problems to designers. Applications have to be aware of, and adapt to, frequent variations in the context of execution, such as fluctuating network bandwidth, decreasing batten, power, changes in location or device capabilities, and so on. In this paper, we argue that middleware solutions for wired distributed systems cannot be used in a mobile setting, as the principle of transparency that has driven their design runs counter to the new degrees of awareness imposed by mobility: We propose a synergy of reflection and code mobility as a means for middleware to give applications the desired level of flexibility to react to changes happening in the environment, including those that have not necessarily been foreseen by middleware designers. We ruse the sharing and processing of images as an application scenario to highlight the advantages of our approach

    Deploying a middleware architecture for next generation mobile systems

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    Although 2G systems quite adequately cater for voice communications, today demand is for high-speed access to data centric applications and multimedia. Future networks have been designed to provide higher rates for data transmission, but this will be complemented by higher speed access to services via hotspots using secondary wireless interfaces such as Bluetooth or WLAN. With a wide range of applications that may be developed, a growing number of short range wireless interfaces that may be deployed, and with mobile terminals of different capabilities, a means to integrate all these variables in order to facilitate provision of services is desirable. This paper describes an architecture involving the use of middleware that makes software development independent of the specific wireless platfor