1,086 research outputs found

    Mid-sagittal plane and mid-sagittal surface optimization in brain MRI using a local symmetry measure

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    This paper describes methods for automatic localization of the mid-sagittal plane (MSP) and mid-sagittal sur-face (MSS). The data used is a subset of the Leukoaraiosis And DISability (LADIS) study consisting of three-dimensional magnetic resonance brain data from 62 elderly subjects (age 66 to 84 years). Traditionally, the mid-sagittal plane is localized by global measures. However, this approach fails when the partitioning plane between the brain hemispheres does not coincide with the symmetry plane of the head. We instead propose to use a sparse set of profiles in the plane normal direction and maximize the local symmetry around these using a general-purpose optimizer. The plane is parameterized by azimuth and elevation angles along with the distance to the origin in the normal direction. This approach leads to solutions confirmed as the optimal MSP in 98 percent of the subjects. Despite the name, the mid-sagittal plane is not always planar, but a curved surface resulting in poor partitioning of the brain hemispheres. To account for this, this paper also investigates an opti-mization strategy which fits a thin-plate spline surface to the brain data using a robust least median of squares estimator. Albeit computationally more expensive, mid-sagittal surface fitting demonstrated convincingly better partitioning of curved brains into cerebral hemispheres. 1

    Functional and structural MRI image analysis for brain glial tumors treatment

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    Cotutela con il Dipartimento di Biotecnologie e Scienze della Vita, Universiità degli Studi dell'Insubria.openThis Ph.D Thesis is the outcome of a close collaboration between the Center for Research in Image Analysis and Medical Informatics (CRAIIM) of the Insubria University and the Operative Unit of Neurosurgery, Neuroradiology and Health Physics of the University Hospital ”Circolo Fondazione Macchi”, Varese. The project aim is to investigate new methodologies by means of whose, develop an integrated framework able to enhance the use of Magnetic Resonance Images, in order to support clinical experts in the treatment of patients with brain Glial tumor. Both the most common uses of MRI technology for non-invasive brain inspection were analyzed. From the Functional point of view, the goal has been to provide tools for an objective reliable and non-presumptive assessment of the brain’s areas locations, to preserve them as much as possible at surgery. From the Structural point of view, methodologies for fully automatic brain segmentation and recognition of the tumoral areas, for evaluating the tumor volume, the spatial distribution and to be able to infer correlation with other clinical data or trace growth trend, have been studied. Each of the proposed methods has been thoroughly assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively. All the Medical Imaging and Pattern Recognition algorithmic solutions studied for this Ph.D. Thesis have been integrated in GliCInE: Glioma Computerized Inspection Environment, which is a MATLAB prototype of an integrated analysis environment that offers, in addition to all the functionality specifically described in this Thesis, a set of tools needed to manage Functional and Structural Magnetic Resonance Volumes and ancillary data related to the acquisition and the patient.openInformaticaPedoia, ValentinaPedoia, Valentin

    Functional and structural MRI image analysis for brain glial tumors treatment

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    This Ph.D Thesis is the outcome of a close collaboration between the Center for Research in Image Analysis and Medical Informatics (CRAIIM) of the Insubria University and the Operative Unit of Neurosurgery, Neuroradiology and Health Physics of the University Hospital ”Circolo Fondazione Macchi”, Varese. The project aim is to investigate new methodologies by means of whose, develop an integrated framework able to enhance the use of Magnetic Resonance Images, in order to support clinical experts in the treatment of patients with brain Glial tumor. Both the most common uses of MRI technology for non-invasive brain inspection were analyzed. From the Functional point of view, the goal has been to provide tools for an objective reliable and non-presumptive assessment of the brain’s areas locations, to preserve them as much as possible at surgery. From the Structural point of view, methodologies for fully automatic brain segmentation and recognition of the tumoral areas, for evaluating the tumor volume, the spatial distribution and to be able to infer correlation with other clinical data or trace growth trend, have been studied. Each of the proposed methods has been thoroughly assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively. All the Medical Imaging and Pattern Recognition algorithmic solutions studied for this Ph.D. Thesis have been integrated in GliCInE: Glioma Computerized Inspection Environment, which is a MATLAB prototype of an integrated analysis environment that offers, in addition to all the functionality specifically described in this Thesis, a set of tools needed to manage Functional and Structural Magnetic Resonance Volumes and ancillary data related to the acquisition and the patient

    Quantitative multi-modal analysis of pediatric focal epilepsy

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 101-103).For patients with medically refractive focal epilepsy, surgical intervention to remove the epileptic foci is often the last alternative for permanent cure. The success of such surgery is highly dependent on the doctor's ability to accurately locate the epileptogenic region during the pre-surgical planning and evaluation phase. Hence the goal of this project is to provide an end-to-end quantitative analysis pipeline that fuses an array of imaging modalities including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), diffusion tensor MRI, positron emission tomography (PET), single-photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) as well as EEG data to build patient-specific head models and to compute prior probability maps of epileptic hotspots for more accurate EEG source localization. By improving the ability to accurately locate these epileptogenic seizure sources, patients can benefit tremendously from accurate surgical resection and consequently have a better chance for complete seizure free recovery.by Andy Khai Siang Eow.S.M

    Anatomical landmark based registration of contrast enhanced-t1 weighted magnetic resonance images

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    In many problems involving multiple image analysis, an image registration step is required. One such problem appears in brain tumor imaging, where baseline and follow-up image volumes from a tumor patient are often to-be compared. Nature of the registration for a change detection problem in brain tumor growth analysis is mainly rigid. Contrast enhanced T1-weighted MR images (CE-T1 MRI) are widely used in clinical practice for monitoring brain tumors. Over this modality, contours of the active tumor cells and whole tumor borders and margins are visually enhanced. In this thesis, a new technique to register serial CE-T1 MRI is presented. The proposed fully-automated method is based on five anatomical landmarks: eye balls, nose, confluence of sagittal sinus, and apex of superior sagittal sinus. After extraction of anatomical landmarks from fixed and moving volumes, a rigid transformation is estimated by minimizing the sum of squared distances between the landmark coordinates. Final result is refined with a surface registration, which is based on head masks confined to the surface of the scalp, as well as to a plane constructed from three of the extracted features. The overall registration is not intensity based, and it depends only on the inherent anatomical structures. Validation studies using both synthetically transformed MRI data, and real MRI scans, which included several markers over the head of the patient were performed. In addition, comparison studies against manual landmarks marked by a radiologist, as well as against the results obtained from ITK mean squares and cross correlation based methods were carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Regional brain development analysis through registration using anisotropic similarity, a constrained affine transformation

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    We propose a novel method to quantify brain growth in 3 arbitrary orthogonal directions of the brain or its sub-regions through linear registration. This is achieved by introducing a 9 degrees of freedom (dof) transformation called anisotropic similarity which is an affine transformation with constrained scaling directions along arbitrarily chosen orthogonal vectors. This gives the opportunity to extract scaling factors describing brain growth along those directions by registering a database of subjects onto a common reference. This information about directional growth brings insights that are not usually available in longitudinal volumetric analysis. The interest of this method is illustrated by studying the anisotropic regional and global brain development of 308 healthy subjects betwen 0 and 19 years old. A gender comparison of those scaling factors is also performed for four age-intervals. We demonstrate through these applications the stability of the method to the chosen reference and its ability to highlight growth differences accros regions and gender