1,136 research outputs found

    Statistical Physics of Vehicular Traffic and Some Related Systems

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    In the so-called "microscopic" models of vehicular traffic, attention is paid explicitly to each individual vehicle each of which is represented by a "particle"; the nature of the "interactions" among these particles is determined by the way the vehicles influence each others' movement. Therefore, vehicular traffic, modeled as a system of interacting "particles" driven far from equilibrium, offers the possibility to study various fundamental aspects of truly nonequilibrium systems which are of current interest in statistical physics. Analytical as well as numerical techniques of statistical physics are being used to study these models to understand rich variety of physical phenomena exhibited by vehicular traffic. Some of these phenomena, observed in vehicular traffic under different circumstances, include transitions from one dynamical phase to another, criticality and self-organized criticality, metastability and hysteresis, phase-segregation, etc. In this critical review, written from the perspective of statistical physics, we explain the guiding principles behind all the main theoretical approaches. But we present detailed discussions on the results obtained mainly from the so-called "particle-hopping" models, particularly emphasizing those which have been formulated in recent years using the language of cellular automata.Comment: 170 pages, Latex, figures include

    Estimating and exploiting the capacity of urban street networks

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    The paper deals with the problem of estimating and exploiting traffic capacity of different road elements (link, nodes, network) and presents the results obtained by performing a systematic investigation of the role that the parameters of a microscopic simulation model play on the macroscopic representation of different road elements. An analysis of traffic parameters has been performed using a microsimulation software package to identify the most important parameters affecting the arterial capacity and to calibrate driver's behavior models through macroscopic traffic observations

    Model-based traffic state estimation for link traffic using moving cameras

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    Traffic State Estimation (TSE) is the process of inferring traffic conditions based on partially observed data using prior knowledge of traffic patterns. The type of input data used has a significant impact on the accuracy and methodology of TSE. Traditional TSE methods have relied on data from either stationary sensors like loop detectors or mobile sensors such as GPS-equipped floating cars. However, both approaches have their limitations. This paper proposes a method for estimating traffic states on a road link using vehicle trajectories obtained from cameras mounted on moving vehicles. It involves combining data from multiple moving cameras to construct time-space diagrams and using them to estimate parameters for the link's fundamental diagram (FD) and densities in unobserved regions of space-time. The Cell Transmission Model (CTM) is utilized in conjunction with a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to optimize the FD parameters and boundary conditions necessary for accurate estimation. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology, simulated traffic data generated by the SUMO traffic simulator was employed incorporating 140 different space-time diagrams with varying lane density and speed. The evaluation of the simulated data demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach, as it achieves a low root mean square error (RMSE) value of 0.0079 veh/m and is comparable to other CTM-based methods. In conclusion, the proposed TSE method opens new avenues for the estimation of traffic state using an innovative data collection method that uses vehicle trajectories collected from on-board cameras.Comment: Under review for journal submissio

    Modelling unsignalised traffic flow with reference to urban and interurban networks

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    A new variant of cellular automata (CA) models is proposed, based on Minimum Acceptable Space (MAP) rules, to study unsignalised traffic flow at two-way stop-controlled (TWSC) intersections and roundabouts in urban and interurban networks. Categorisation of different driver behaviour is possible, based on different space requirements (MAPs), which allow a variety of conditions to be considered. Driver behaviour may be randomly categorised as rational, (when optimum conditions of entry are realised), conservative, urgent and radical, with specified probabilities at each time step. The model can successfully simulate both heterogeneous and inconsistent driver behaviour and interactions at the different road features. The impact of driver behaviour on the overall performance of intersections and roundabouts can be quantified and conditions for gridlock determined. Theorems on roundabout size and throughput are given. The relationship between these measures is clearly non-monotonic. Whereas previous models consider these road features in terms of T-intersections, our approach is new in that each is a unified system. Hence, the relationship between arrival rates on entrance roads can be studied and critical arrival rates can be identified under varied traffic and geometric conditions. The potential for extending the model to entire urban and interurban networks is discussed

    Traffic Time Headway Prediction and Analysis: A Deep Learning Approach

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    In the modern world of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), time headway is a key traffic flow parameter affecting ITS operations and planning. Defined as “the time difference between any two successive vehicles when they cross a given point”, time headway is used in various traffic and transportation engineering research domains, such as capacity analysis, safety studies, car-following, and lane-changing behavior modeling, and level of service evaluation describing stochastic features of traffic flow. Advanced travel and headway information can also help road users avoid traffic congestion through dynamic route planning, for instance. Hence, it is crucial to accurately model headway distribution patterns for the purpose of analyzing traffic operations and making subsequent infrastructure-related decisions. Previous studies have applied a variety of probabilistic models, machine learning algorithms (for example, support vector machine, relevance vector machine, etc.), and neural networks for short-term headway prediction. Recently, deep learning has become increasingly popular following a surge of traffic big data with high resolution, thriving algorithms, and evolved computational capacity. However, only a few studies have exploited this emerging technology for headway prediction applications. This is largely due to the difficulty in capturing the random, seasonal, nonlinear, and spatiotemporal correlated nature of traffic data and asymmetric human driving behavior which has a significant impact on headway. This study employs a novel architecture of deep neural networks, Long Short-Term Neural Network (LSTM NN), to capture nonlinear traffic dynamics effectively to predict vehicle headway. LSTM NN can overcome the issue of back-propagated error decay (that is, vanishing gradient problem) existing in regular Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) through memory blocks which is its special feature, and thus exhibits superior capability for time series prediction with long temporal dependency. There is no existing appropriate model for long term prediction of traffic headway, as existing models lack using big dataset and solving the vanishing gradient problem because of not having a memory block. To overcome these critics and fill the gaps in previous works, multiple LSTM layers are stacked to incorporate temporal information. For model training and validation, this study used the USDOT’s Next Generation Simulation (NGSIM) dataset, which contains historical data of some important features to describe the headway distribution such as lane numbers, microscopic traffic flow parameters, vehicle and road shape, vehicle type, and velocity. LSTM NN can capture the historical relationships between these variables and save them using its unique memory block. At the headway prediction stage, the related spatiotemporal features from the dataset (HighwayI-80) were fed into a fully connected layer and again tested with testing data for validation (both highway I-80 & US 101). The predicted accuracy outperforms previous time headway predictions

    Transport systems analysis : models and data

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    Funding: This research project has been funded by Spanish R+D Programs, specifcally under Grant PID2020-112967GB-C31.Rapid advancements in new technologies, especially information and communication technologies (ICT), have significantly increased the number of sensors that capture data, namely those embedded in mobile devices. This wealth of data has garnered particular interest in analyzing transport systems, with some researchers arguing that the data alone are sufficient enough to render transport models unnecessary. However, this paper takes a contrary position and holds that models and data are not mutually exclusive but rather depend upon each other. Transport models are built upon established families of optimization and simulation approaches, and their development aligns with the scientific principles of operations research, which involves acquiring knowledge to derive modeling hypotheses. We provide an overview of these modeling principles and their application to transport systems, presenting numerous models that vary according to study objectives and corresponding modeling hypotheses. The data required for building, calibrating, and validating selected models are discussed, along with examples of using data analytics techniques to collect and handle the data supplied by ICT applications. The paper concludes with some comments on current and future trends

    Traffic stream macro and micro analysis in AP-7 turnpike

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    El present treball té com a objectiu principal l’anàlisi tant macroscòpic com microscòpic del flux de trànsit de l’autopista AP-7. Aquest anàlisi que parteix d’una potent base de dades amb registres vehicle a vehicle, pretén demostrar que únicament prenent les definicions generalitzades d’Edie de les diferents variables calculades correctament, els resultats són vàlids. És a dir que, a partir d’una correcte estimació de les diferents variables del trànsit, els errors es minimitzen i les relacions entre variables es compleixen reduïnt-ne notablement la dispersió. Gràcies doncs a aquesta base de dades de 24 hores de registres vehicle a vehicle el càlcul de les diferents variables del tràfic és possible. A més, la informació registrada al diumenge dia 7 de Setembre de 2008 inclou les dades d’una important congestió de forma que tots els estats del trànsit estan contemplats en aquest anàlisi


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    Cooperative Vehicular Platooning (Co-VP) is a paradigmatic example of a Cooperative Cyber-Physical System (Co-CPS), which holds the potential to vastly improve road safety by partially removing humans from the driving task. However, the challenges are substantial, as the domain involves several topics, such as control theory, communications, vehicle dynamics, security, and traffic engineering, that must be coupled to describe, develop and validate these systems of systems accurately. This work presents a comprehensive survey of significant and recent advances in Co-VP relevant fields. We start by overviewing the work on control strategies and underlying communication infrastructures, focusing on their interplay. We also address a fundamental concern by presenting a cyber-security overview regarding these systems. Furthermore, we present and compare the primary initiatives to test and validate those systems, including simulation tools, hardware-in-the-loop setups, and vehicular testbeds. Finally, we highlight a few open challenges in the Co-VP domain. This work aims to provide a fundamental overview of highly relevant works on Co-VP topics, particularly by exposing their inter-dependencies, facilitating a guide that will support further developments in this challenging field.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio