8 research outputs found

    Bio-Hybrid Micro/Nanodevices Powered by Flagellar Motor: Challenges and Strategies

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    Molecular motors, which are precision-engineered by nature, offer exciting possibilities for bio-hybrid engineered systems. They could enable real applications ranging from micro/nano fluidics, to biosensing, to medical diagnoses. This review describes the fundamental biological insights and fascinating potentials of these remarkable sensing and actuation machines, in particular bacterial flagellar motors, as well as their engineering perspectives with regard to applications in bio-engineered hybrid systems and nanobiotechnology

    Helical micropumps near surfaces

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    Recent experiments proposed to use confined bacteria in order to generate flows near surfaces. We develop a mathematical and a computational model of this fluid transport using a linear superposition of fundamental flow singularities. The rotation of a helical bacterial flagellum induces both a force and a torque on the surrounding fluid, both of which lead to a net flow along the surface. The combined flow is in general directed at an angle to the axis of the flagellar filament. The optimal pumping is thus achieved when bacteria are tilted with respect to the direction in which one wants to move the fluid, in good agreement with experimental results. We further investigate the optimal helical shapes to be used as micropumps near surfaces and show that bacterial flagella are nearly optimal, a result which could be relevant to the expansion of bacterial swarms.This work was funded in part by an ERC Consolidator grant from the European Union (EL)

    Towards the development of biotin carboxylase driven robotic nanoswimmers

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    The objective of this research is to take the first step towards demonstrating the use of the enzyme biotin carboxylase (BC) as a biomolecular motor. BC is a homodimeric protein involved in fatty biosynthesis in all organisms. The conjecture is that BC can convert chemical energy into useful mechanical work via its conformation change, which acts as a fin or flexible oar producing nonreciprocal motion. To this end, we fabricate a proof-of-concept biomolecular machine driven by BC molecules, viz., a robotic nanoswimmer. This machine consists of a Janus-type nanosize silica particle, where one hemisphere is coated with an intermediate layer of chromium and then an outer layer of nickel. Since BC has been engineered to attach to nickel surfaces, this produces an asymmetry on the nanoparticle, which could potentially lead to non- Brownian motion in a low Reynolds number environment. The nanoswimmers have potential applications in drug delivery and transporting cargo in nano and microscale fluidic environments. The proposed nanoswimmer is fabricated using a 500 nm diameter silica particle. The chromium and nickel coatings on the nanoparticle are created using electron beam evaporation. The presence and activity of the BC molecules on the nickel coating are verified using a Bradford protein assay and a PK/LDH coupled assay. A theoretical analysis of the drag force on the nanoswimmer, velocity, and mechanical power that the BC molecules can produce is performed based on Stokes law. The analysis shows that as the particle size increases, its expected velocity increases. Further, it shows that BC should be able to produce enough power to overcome the drag force on the nanoswimmer and propel it at velocities in the micrometer per second range

    \u3ci\u3eVorticella\u3c/i\u3e: A Protozoan for Bio-Inspired Engineering

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    In this review, we introduce Vorticella as a model biological micromachine for microscale engineering systems. Vorticella has two motile organelles: the oral cilia of the zooid and the contractile spasmoneme in the stalk. The oral cilia beat periodically, generating a water flow that translates food particles toward the animal at speeds in the order of 0.1–1 mm/s. The ciliary flow of Vorticella has been characterized by experimental measurement and theoretical modeling, and tested for flow control and mixing in microfluidic systems. The spasmoneme contracts in a few milliseconds, coiling the stalk and moving the zooid at 15–90 mm/s. Because the spasmoneme generates tension in the order of 10–100 nN, powered by calcium ion binding, it serves as a model system for biomimetic actuators in microscale engineering systems. The spasmonemal contraction of Vorticella has been characterized by experimental measurement of its dynamics and energetics, and both live and extracted Vorticellae have been tested for moving microscale objects. We describe past work to elucidate the contraction mechanism of the spasmoneme, recognizing that past and continuing efforts will increase the possibilities of using the spasmoneme as a microscale actuator as well as leading towards bioinspired actuators mimicking the spasmoneme

    Faculty Publications & Presentations, 2006-2007

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    Biological building blocks for 3D printed cellular systems

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    Advancements in the fields of tissue engineering, biomaterials, additive manufacturing, synthetic and systems biology, data acquisition, and nanotechnology have provided 21st-century biomedical engineers with an extensive toolbox of techniques, materials, and resources. These “building blocks” could include biological materials (such as cells, tissues, and proteins), biomaterials (bio-inert, -instructive, -compatible, or -degradable), soluble factors (growth factors or small molecules), and external signals (electrical, chemical, or mechanical). “Forward engineering” attempts to integrate these building blocks in different ways to yield novel systems and machines that, by promoting new relationships and interactions among their individual components, are greater than the sum of their parts. Drawing from an extensive reserve of parts and specifications, these bio-integrated forward-engineered cellular machines and systems could acquire the ability to sense, process signals, and produce force, and could also contain a countless array of applications in drug screening and delivery, programmable tissue engineering, and biomimetic machine design. An intuitive demonstration of a biological machine is one that can produce motion in response to controllable external signaling. In contrast to traditional machines that use external energy to produce an output, muscle cells can be fueled by glucose and other biomolecules. While cardiac cell driven biological actuators have been demonstrated, the requirements of these machines to respond to stimuli and exhibit controlled movement merit the use of skeletal muscle, the primary generator of actuation in animals, as a contractile power source. Here, we report the development of 3D printed hydrogel “bio-bots” powered by the actuation of an engineered mammalian skeletal muscle strip to result in net locomotion of the bio-bot upon applied electrical stimulation. The muscle strips were composed of differentiated skeletal myofibers in a matrix of natural proteins, including fibrin, that provide physical support and cues to the cells as an engineered basement membrane. The hierarchical organization, modularity, and scalable nature of mature skeletal muscle fibers (which can be combined in parallel to increase force production, for example), lends itself to “building with biology.” Few systems have shown net movement from an autonomous, freestanding biological machine composed of skeletal muscle, and even fewer have attempted to incorporate multiple cell types for greater functionality. Modular and flexible platforms for fabrication of such multi-cellular modules and their characterization have been lacking. We also present a modular heterotypic cellular system, made up of multi-layered tissue rings containing integrated skeletal muscle and motor neurons embedded in an extracellular matrix. Site-specific innervation of a group of muscle fibers in the multi-layered tissue rings allowed for muscle contraction via chemical stimulation of motor neurons with glutamate, a major excitatory mammalian neurotransmitter, with the frequency of contraction increasing with glutamate concentration. The addition of the nicotinic receptor antagonist tubocurarine chloride halted the contractions, indicating that muscle contraction was motor neuron-induced. We also present a thorough characterization and optimization of a co-culture system that harnesses the potential of engineered skeletal muscle tissue as the actuating component in a biological machine through the incorporation of motor neurons, and creates an environment that is amenable to both cell types and prime for functional neuromuscular formation. With a bio-fabricated system permitting controllable mechanical and geometric attributes on a range of length scales, our novel engineered cellular system can be utilized for easier integration of other modular “building blocks” in living cellular and biological machines. We are poised to design the next generation of complex biological machines with controllable function, specific life expectancy, and greater consistency. In the future, we envision that this system can be used for applications beyond bio-robotics and muscular actuators; as a functioning heterotypic co-culture, the muscle- neuron arrangement is also a highly relevant machine for the study of neuromuscular diseases and related drug toxicity studies. These results could prove useful for the study of disease-specific models, treatments of myopathies such as muscular dystrophy, and tissue engineering applications