48 research outputs found

    Analysis and development of numerical methodologies for simulation of flow control with dielectric barrier discharge actuators

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    The aim of this thesis is to investigate and develop different numerical methodologies for modeling the Dielectric Barrier discharge (DBD) plasma actuators for flow control purposes. Two different modeling approaches were considered; one based on Plasma-fluid model and the other based on a phenomenological model. A three component Plasma fluid model based on the transport equations of charged particles was implemented in this thesis in OpenFOAM, using several techniques to reduce the numerical issues. The coupled plasma-fluid problem involves wide range of length and time scales which make the numerical simulation difficult. Therefore, to obtain stable and accurate results in a reasonable computational run time, several numerical procedures were implemented including: semi-implicit treatment of coupling of Poisson equation and charge density equation, super-time-stepping and operator splitting algorithm. We examined our code for a constant positive voltage, testing for the dependency of the behavior of the current density to the selected numerical scheme. In addition, although there is no clear numerical or experimental benchmark case for DBD plasma actuator problem, the developed plasma solver was compared quantitively and qualitively with several numerical works in the literature. Afterward, the developed numerical methodology was used to explore the possibility of influencing the flow, with higher speed, using nano-second (NS) pulsed DBD plasma actuator. Therefore, the interaction of the transonic flow and actuation effects of DBD plasma actuator with nano second pulsed voltage was simulated. The effect of gas heating and body force was calculated by the plasma solver and was supplied into the gas dynamic solver for simulating the flow field. Moreover, the results of the plasma fluid model were used to develop an energy deposition model. It was shown that the energy deposition model is able to capture the main features of the effect of NS DBD plasma actuators correctly, with less computational time. It was also shown that fast energy transfer, from plasma to fluid, leads to the formation of micro-shock waves that modify locally the features of the transonic flow. Although the numerical efficiency of the plasma fluid model was improved, the computational cost of simulating the effect of DBD plasma actuator on a real scale flow situation was still high. Therefore, a simple model for plasma discharge and its effect on the flow was developed based on scaling of the thrust generated by DBD plasma actuators. The scaled thrust model correctly predicts the nonlinear dependency of the thrust produced and the applied voltage. These scales were then introduced into a simple phenomenological model to estimate and simulate the body force distribution generated by the plasma actuator. Although the model includes some experimental correlations, it does not need any fitting parameter. The model was validated with experimental results and showed better accuracy compared to previous plasma models. Using a simple phenomenological model that was developed here, a numerical study was conducted to investigate and compare the effect of steady and unsteady actuation for controlling the flow at relatively high Reynolds number. Firstly it was shown that the size of the time-averaged separation bubble is greatly reduced and the flow structure is sensitive to the frequency of burst modulation of DBD plasma actuators. The results also confirmed that in the case of unsteady actuation, the burst frequency and burst ratio are crucial parameters for influencing the capability of the actuators to control the flow. It was found that burst frequencies near the natural frequencies of the system were able to excite the flow structure in a resonance mode. This observation also confirmed that with proper frequencies of excitation, the flow structure can be well rearranged and the flow losses can be reduced. In the end, Plasma actuators were used for controlling the flow over the Coanda surface of the ACHEON nozzle. When the plasma actuator was used, it was possible to postpone separation of the flow and increase the deflection angle of the exit jet of the nozzle. To find the optimum position of the actuators, seven DBD actuators in forward forcing mode were placed over the Coanda surface considering the numerically obtained separation points. Results show that when the actuator is placed slightly before the separation point, enhanced thrust vectorizing with the use of DBD actuator is achievable. Preliminary results of the experiments agree with planned/foreseen deflection angle obtained from numerical computation.O objetivo deste trabalho visa a investigação e desenvolvimento de diferentes métodos numéricos para modelação de actuadores a plasma de Descarga em Barreira Dieléctrica, (DBD), tendo em vista o controlo do escoamento na camada limite. Esta modelação numérica foi abordada de duas formas diferentes, uma baseada num modelo de “plasma-fluid” e outra fundamentada num modelo fenomenológico. Neste trabalho é usado um modelo “plasma-fluid” de três componentes que é baseado numa equação de transporte para as partículas electricamente carregadas. Este foi implementado no software OpenFOAM fazendo uso de diversas técnicas para minimização de problemas numéricos que ocorriam na resolução das equações. O cálculo de um problema com acoplamento entre plasma e fluido envolve uma gama diversa de escalas, tanto temporais como dimensionais, trata-se então de uma simulação numérica delicada. Como tal, e por forma a obter resultados estáveis e precisos num tempo de cálculo considerado razoável, foram implementados diversos procedimentos numéricos, tais como o tratamento semiimplícito do acoplamento da equação de Poisson com a equação da densidade de carga, o super-passo-tempo e ainda um algoritmo do tipo divisão de operador. Foi considerado o caso de uma diferença de potencial positiva, constante, e testada a dependência da densidade de corrente com os diferentes esquemas numéricos. Apesar de não existir atualmente uma base de dados, de tipo numérica ou experimental, com casos de teste para actuadores a plasma tipo DBD, o modelo computacional desenvolvido para calcular o plasma foi validado qualitativamente, bem como quantitativamente, usando os vários trabalhos numéricos disponíveis na literatura. Após esta validação inicial, a metodologia numérica desenvolvida foi utilizada para explorar a possibilidade de influenciar um escoamento de maior velocidade, através de actuadores a plasma tipo DBD com impulsos de tensão da ordem de nano-segundos (NS). Desta forma foi simulada a interacção entre um escoamento transónico e o efeito dos actuadores a plasma tipo DBD sobre o escoamento, usando pulsos de nano-segundos. O efeito térmico do gás, assim como a força resultante, foram calculados usando o modelo numérico para cálculo de plasmas desenvolvido neste trabalho. O resultado obtido é acoplado ao modelo de cálculo para a dinâmica de gases, o que torna possível simular as condições do escoamento resultante. Adicionalmente, os resultados do modelo de “plasma-fluid” foram reaproveitados para desenvolver um modelo de deposição de energia. Este demonstrou ter a capacidade de capturar correctamente as características principais do efeito de actuadores de plasma, de tipo NS-DBD, com um tempo de computação menor. Foi demonstrada que uma rápida transferência de energia, do plasma para o fluido, leva à formação de micro-ondas de choque que alteram localmente as características do escoamento transónico. Apesar da eficiência numérica do modelo de “plasma-fluid” ter sido melhorada, o seu custo computacional para a simulação de actuadores a plasma tipo DBD à escala real continua bastante elevado. Neste sentido, a partir de uma escala de propulsão gerada pelo actuador plasma DBD, foi desenvolvido um modelo mais simples para a descarga do plasma e para determinar os seus efeitos sobre o escoamento. O modelo inicial previa correctamente uma dependência não-linear entre a força propulsiva gerada e a diferença de potencial aplicada. Estas escalas foram então introduzidas num modelo fenomenológico mais simples para estimar, e simular, a distribuição de forças geradas pelo actuador a plasma. Apesar de o modelo incluir algumas correlações experimentais, este não requer qualquer parâmetro de afinação. O modelo foi validado com resultados experimentais, demonstrando melhores resultados quando comparado com outros modelos de plasma . Utilizando um modelo fenomenológico simplificado, que foi desenvolvido no presente trabalho, foi feito um estudo numérico com o objetivo de investigar, e comparar, os efeitos que uma actuação estacionária e não-estacionária exibe sobre o controlo do escoamento a números de Reynolds relativamente elevados. Foi demostrado que a dimensão da bolha de separação é reduzida em muito e que a estrutura do escoamento é sensível à frequência da modulação “burst” do actuador a plasma tipo DBD. Os resultados também confirmaram que, para o caso de actuação não-estacionária, a frequência de “burst” e o “burst ratio”, são parâmetros cruciais para influenciar a capacidade de controlo do escoamento por parte dos actuadores a plasma. Determinou-se que as frequências “burst”, semelhantes às frequências naturais do sistema, são capazes de excitar as estruturas do escoamento num modo de ressonância. Esta observação confirma igualmente que, com frequências de excitação apropriadas, a estrutura de um escoamento de camada limite consegue ser correctamente modificada, e que as perdas no escoamento são reduzidas. Por fim, os actuadores a plasma foram utilizados para o controlo do escoamento sobre uma superfície Coanda de uma tubeira. Quando nesta foi aplicado um plasma, tornou-se possível retardar a separação do escoamento e aumentar o ângulo de deflexão do jacto gerado pelo propulsor. Por forma a encontrar a posição óptima para os actuadores, sete actuadores de tipo DBD foram distribuídos ao longo da superfície Coanda, tendo em consideração os pontos de separação do escoamento na camada limite obtidos numericamente. Os resultados mostram que quando o actuador DBD é colocado ligeiramente antes do ponto de separação do escoamento, há um aumento da capacidade de controlo e vectorização do jacto gerado. Os resultados preliminares das experiências efectuadas estão de acordo com o ângulo de deflexão do jacto previsto pelo modelo computacional

    A prototype for 3D electrohydrodynamic printing

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    Electrohydrodynamic direct writing is a flexible cost effective alternative technique that is capable of producing a very fine jet of liquid in the presence of an external electric field. This jet can then be used to pattern surfaces in an ordered and controlled fashion and offers a robust route to low cost large area micro and nano-manufacturing. Unlike other types of direct writing techniques, the liquid in electrohydrodynamic printing is subjected to both pushing and pulling forces. The pushing force is brought about by the constant flow rate that is maintained via high precision mechanical pumps while a pulling force is applied through a potential difference that is applied between the nozzle and the ground electrode and as a result a fine jet can be generated to pattern surfaces. The impracticality of use and the cost of building micrometre and sub-micrometre sized nozzles to print narrow line widths warrant an investigation into alternative means of dispensing printing inks using nozzles that are cheap to produce, easy to handle and consistent in delivery. The enormous capillary pressures that would have to be overcome in order to print highly viscous materials with micrometre and sub-micrometre sized nozzles may also limit the types of feed that could be used in printing narrow line widths. Thus, the initial work described is focused on improving print head design in an attempt to electrohydrodynamic print pattern narrow line widths using silk fibroin. This is followed by work where we attempt to design and construct of a new electrohydrodynamic printing machine with the sole purpose of expediting research in electrohydrodynamic printing in a flexible, feasible and user friendly manner. To achieve this, replicating rapid prototype technology is merged with conventional electrohydrodynamic printing phenomena to produce a EHD printing machine capable of print depositing narrow line widths. In order to validate the device the work also describes an attempt to print a fully formed human ear out of polycaprolactone. Finally, we investigate an approach to the electohydrodynamic printing of nasal septal scaffolds using the microfabrication system that was developed and optimized in our laboratory. In these initial stages we were successful in showing the degree of control and flexibility we possess when manufacturing constructs out of a biodegradable polymer ( polycaprolactone) from the micro to macro scale through manipulation of just one process parameter (concentration). This work also features characterization of scaffold mechanical properties using a recently invented Atomic force microscopy technique called PeakForce QNM (Quantitative Nanomechanical Property Mapping)

    Fiber-based tissue engineering: Progress, challenges, and opportunities.

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    Tissue engineering aims to improve the function of diseased or damaged organs by creating biological substitutes. To fabricate a functional tissue, the engineered construct should mimic the physiological environment including its structural, topographical, and mechanical properties. Moreover, the construct should facilitate nutrients and oxygen diffusion as well as removal of metabolic waste during tissue regeneration. In the last decade, fiber-based techniques such as weaving, knitting, braiding, as well as electrospinning, and direct writing have emerged as promising platforms for making 3D tissue constructs that can address the abovementioned challenges. Here, we critically review the techniques used to form cell-free and cell-laden fibers and to assemble them into scaffolds. We compare their mechanical properties, morphological features and biological activity. We discuss current challenges and future opportunities of fiber-based tissue engineering (FBTE) for use in research and clinical practice

    Models of polymer solutions in electrified jets and solution blowing

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    Fluid flows hosting electrical phenomena make the subject of a fascinating and highly interdisciplinary scientific field. In recent years, the extraordinary success of electrospinning and solution blowing technologies for the generation of polymer nanofibers has motivated vibrant research aiming at rationalizing the behavior of viscoelastic jets under applied electric fields or other stretching fields including gas streams. Theoretical models unveiled many original aspects in the underpinning physics of polymer solutions in jets, and provided useful information to improve experimental platforms. This article reviews advances in the theoretical description and numerical simulation of polymer solution jets in electrospinning and solution blowing. Instability phenomena of electrical and hydrodynamic origin are highlighted, which play a crucial role in the relevant flow physics. Specifications leading to accurate and computationally viable models are formulated. Electrohydrodynamic modeling, theories for the jet bending instability, recent advances in Lagrangian approaches to describe the jet flow, including strategies for dynamic refinement of simulations, and effects of strong elongational flow on polymer networks are reviewed. Finally, the current challenges and future perspectives of the field are outlined and discussed, including the task of correlating the physics of the jet flows with the properties of realized materials, as well as the development of multiscale techniques for modelling viscoelastic jets.Comment: 135 pages, 42 figure

    Rational Design of Flexible and Stretchable Electronics based on 3D Printing

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    Flexible and stretchable electronics have been considered as the key component for the next generation of flexible devices. There are many approaches to prepare the devices, such as dip coating, spin coating, Mayer bar coating, filtration and transfer, and printing, etc. The effectiveness of these methods has been proven, but some drawbacks cannot be ignored, such as lacking pattern control, labor consuming, requiring complex pretreatment, wasting conductive materials, etc. In this investigation, we propose to adopt 3D printing technology to design flexible and stretchable electronics. The objective is to rationally design flexible and stretchable sensors, simplify the preparation process, form the sample with the complex desirable patterns, and promote the performance of the samples. The dissertation comprises of three major parts: water-induced polymer swelling and its application in soft electronics, utilizing 3D printing to transfer conductive layer into elastomer for building soft electronics, and 3D printing of functional devices. In the first part, we developed the soft electronics with wrinkled structure via 3D printing and water-induced polymer swelling, which can avoid some disadvantages in conventional method, e.g., pre-stretching and organic solvent-induced polymer swelling, including mechanical loss, negative effect to human health, and unidirectionally response to external deformation. Water-induced polymer swelling was achieved by introducing soluble particles into silicone matrixes and soaking the polymer composites in aqueous solution. We have investigated the characteristics and mechanisms of water-induced polymer swelling. Then, the conductive materials were deposited on the swollen sample to form the desired wrinkled structures for stretchable sensors. Furthermore, a dopamine layer was adopted to enhance the adhesion of matrix and conductive layer. The improvement was a key enabler to achieve superior electrical properties of 3D printed stretchable sensors for long-term cyclic stretching. We have demonstrated a series of human motion detection by using these stretchable strain sensors. Another part is designing flexible electrodes with desirable complex pattern by transferring a conductive layer into soft substrates during a 3D printing process. Taking advantage of extrusion pressure and polymer adhesion, the thin conductive layers were embedded into the printed polymer patterns, which can achieve conductive flexible electronics with desirable complex patterns. High-quality transfer has been achieved through adjusting conductive layer thickness, nozzle-to-substrate distance, and printing parameters, etc. Moreover, various printing patterns were created, and their properties were exhibited. The stretchable sensors showed an outstanding stress-strain relationship and electrical response to external deformations. The third part is about 3D printing of functional devices. In the collaborated study, the drug particles were introduced into silicone matrix to prepare the drug-eluting devices. When water molecules transported into the silicone matrix, the loaded drug particles decomposed and released nitric oxide (NO) enabling antibacterial properties. It is noted that 3D printing is creatively employed to form the desirable patterns. We also observed a self-wiring effect in the printing process, i.e., the printed device is covered by a drug-free layer due to the diffusion of a low viscosity silicone component during printing, which can be utilized to prevent drug release bursts and to form a gradient drug-loaded device. The printed samples showed a sustainable NO release and good antibacterial property. Furthermore, the water-induced polymer swelling was possible to be used as actuator in humidity environment. There are some highlights deserving emphasis in the dissertation. Firstly, the water-induced polymer swelling is proposed to develop the flexible and stretchable electronics. The findings have a wide potential application. Additionally, a drug-eluting polymer device with a drug-loaded bulk and a drug-free coating is prepared via leveraging self-wiring effect in 3D printing. The structure can regulate the drug release rate. On the other hand, the additive manufacturing platform offers unique opportunities to produce drug-eluting silicone devices in a customized manner. Finally, 3D printing is employed to encapsulate the conductive layers to achieve the flexible electronics with patterned structure and high performances. The facile and effective approach provides a distinctive view in advancing the development of stretchable electronics

    Ultra-thin chip-based printed electronics for emerging high-performance flexible electronics

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    Flexible hybrid electronic (FHE) systems that signify the integration of printed electronics and conventional silicon (Si)-based CMOS technology, have gained tremendous interest in the past years owing to their newly discovered opportunities in wearables, soft robotics, ultra-thin displays, and healthcare devices, etc. These FHE systems are envisioned to cater to the demanding requisites of large-area electronics while maintaining high performance. Obtaining these characteristics exclusively through current Si technology or printed electronics however proves to be challenging. Achieving large-area electronics using Si technology alone is a demanding and high-cost task, and obtaining high performance with minimal data delays through printed electronics alone presents a substantial challenge. Nevertheless, the latter has unlocked pathways to resource-efficient and potentially environmentally sustainable routes for deploying electronics on diverse substrates. Consequently, the pragmatic approach involves the integration of devices fabricated through Si-CMOS technology and printed electronics into hybrid systems. It is important to note that conventional Si-CMOS technology predominantly yields rigid devices. Therefore, the incorporation of thinning techniques to reduce wafer or chip thickness not only facilitates bendability but also ensures the preservation of flexibility within FHE systems. In this context, the concept of "flexible hybrid electronics (FHE)" or "heterogeneous integration," which combines ultra-thin chips (UTCs) with printed devices and interconnects, has garnered substantial interest. Despite advancements in each of these domains in recent years, substantial challenges persist in the effective integration of these technologies onto flexible substrates. Therefore, this thesis is devoted to addressing the enduring challenges associated with the development of ultra-thin integrated circuits (ICs) and their seamless integration with flexible foils, particularly in realising reliable interconnects using suitable techniques. Firstly, the challenges associated with the development and handling of thin ICs are addressed. A novel two-step thinning process is devised, encompassing lapping with polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) sacrificial technique and chemical etching using tetra-methylammonium hydroxide (TMAH), enabling the attainment of UTCs with a thickness of up to 2 µm. The reliable and high-throughput lapping process is proven to be efficient and effective by showing stable device performance after thinning Si-based metal oxide semiconductor capacitors (MOSCAPs), aluminium nitride (AlN)-based pressure sensors and metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) down to 35 µm with excellent flexibility. Si-based MOSFET UTCs have been used for all the following processes to enable FHE systems in this thesis to evaluate the reliability of the developed procedures. The challenges relating to physically bonding thin ICs have been addressed by adopting the direct transfer printing process. The electrical bonding between thin ICs and flexible foils is thoroughly studied and developed using high-resolution extrusion and electrohydrodynamic inkjet (EHD) printing. UTC-based MOSFET device performance is comprehensively evaluated at each fabrication step and eventually under bending, repeatedly confirming the reliability of every developed process step. The EHD printing system has also been adopted to realise high aspect ratio 3D pillars, opening opportunities to create out-of-plane high-density and high-performance electronics, demonstrated by fabricating photodetectors with excellent UV sensing and omnidirectional light-absorption ability. This thesis, which entails a comprehensive evaluation of each meticulously developed process, has not only affirmed the reliability and repeatability of these procedures but has also demonstrated their efficacy in the pursuit of realising high-density thin Si IC-based FHE systems. Through rigorous investigations, this research establishes a solid foundation for the implementation of these processes in practical applications

    A review on materials and technologies for organic large-area electronics

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    New and innovative applications in the field of electronics are rapidly emerging. Such applications often require flexible or stretchable substrates, lightweight and transparent materials, and design freedom. This paper offers a complete overview concerning flexible electronics manufacturing, focusing on the materials and technologies that have been recently developed. This combination of materials and technologies aims to fuel a fast, economical, and environmentally sustainable transition from the conventional to the novel and highly customizable electronics. Organic conductors, semiconductors, and dielectrics have recently gathered lots of attention since they are compatible with printing technologies, and can be easily spread over large and flexible substrates. These printing technologies are usually simple and fast procedures, which rely on low-cost and recycle-friendly materials, intended for large-scale fabrication. Overall, even though organic large-area electronics manufacturing is still in its early stages of development, it is a field with tremendous potential that holds promise to revolutionize the way products are designed, developed, and processed from the factory premises to the consumers’ hands. Besides, this technology is highly versatile and can be applied to a large array of sectors such as automotive, medical, home design, industrial, agricultural, among others.This work was supported by NORTE-06-3559-FSE-000018, integrated in the invitation NORTE-59-2018-41, aiming the Hiring of Highly Qualified Human Resources, co-financed by the Regional Operational Programme of the North 2020, thematic area of Competitiveness and Employment, through the European Social Fund (ESF), and by the scope of projects with references UIDB/05256/2020 and UIDP/05256/2020, financed by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal. The authors also thank Prof. Luís A. Rocha for his support and guidance during the writing of this review work

    Preparation of monodisperse microbubbles in a capillary embedded T-Junction device and the influence of process control parameters on bubble size and stability

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    The main goal for this work was to produce microbubbles for a wide range of applications with sizes ranging between 10 to 300 μm in a capillary embedded Tjunction device. Initially the bubble formation process was characterized and the factors that affected the bubble size; in particular the parameters that reduce it were determined. In this work, a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) block (100 x 100 x 10 mm3) was used, in which the T-shaped junction was created by embedded capillaries of fixed outer diameter. The effect of the inner diameter was investigated by varying all the inlet and outlet capillaries’ inner diameter at different stages. In addition, the effect of changes in the continuous phase viscosity and flow rate (Ql) as well as the gas pressure (Pg) on the resulting bubble size was studied. Aqueous glycerol solutions were chosen for the liquid phase, as they are widely used in experimental studies of flow phenomena and provide a simple method of varying properties through dilution. In addition, the viscosity could be varied without significantly changing the surface tension and density of the solutions. The experimental data were then compared with empirical data derived from scaling models proposed in literature, which is widely used and accepted as a basis of comparison among investigators. While the role of liquid viscosity was investigated by these authors, it was not directly incorporated in the scaling models proposed and therefore the effect of viscosity was also studied experimentally. It was found that bubble formation was influenced by both the ratio of liquid to gas flow rate and the capillary number. Furthermore, the effect of various surfactant types and concentrations on the bubble formation and stability were investigated. Preliminary studies with the current T-junction set-up indicated that producing microbubbles with size ranging from 50-300 μm was achievable. Subsequently, the study progressed to optimise the junction to produce smaller bubbles (~ 20 μm) by directly introducing an electric field to the T-junction set-up and assisting the bubble breakup with the combination of microfluidic and electrohydrodynamic focusing techniques. Finally, in this thesis, a novel method that combines microfluidics with electrohydrodynamic (EHD) processing to produce porous BSA scaffolds from microbubble templates with functional particles and/or fibres incorporated into the scaffolds’ structure is presented

    Suspension Near-Field Electrospinning: a Nanofabrication Method of Polymer Nanoarray Architectures for Tissue Engineering

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    Chapter 1. This chapter is divided into six sections. The first will discuss the issue of nerve tissue loss, and the strategies of therapy (1.1). The second describes the role of nanofabrication in tissue engineering (1.2). The third section details the theoretical background of electrospinning in terms of solution and process parameters (1.3). The fourth section introduces near-field electrospinning (NFES), recent advances in this field and the principles of NFES techniques (1.4). The fifth section details objectives for a tissue engineered construct for neural cell therapy, and presents possible viable solutions (1.5). The sixth summarizes the aims and structure of this thesis (1.6)..