39 research outputs found

    Interstellar: Using Halide's Scheduling Language to Analyze DNN Accelerators

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    We show that DNN accelerator micro-architectures and their program mappings represent specific choices of loop order and hardware parallelism for computing the seven nested loops of DNNs, which enables us to create a formal taxonomy of all existing dense DNN accelerators. Surprisingly, the loop transformations needed to create these hardware variants can be precisely and concisely represented by Halide's scheduling language. By modifying the Halide compiler to generate hardware, we create a system that can fairly compare these prior accelerators. As long as proper loop blocking schemes are used, and the hardware can support mapping replicated loops, many different hardware dataflows yield similar energy efficiency with good performance. This is because the loop blocking can ensure that most data references stay on-chip with good locality and the processing units have high resource utilization. How resources are allocated, especially in the memory system, has a large impact on energy and performance. By optimizing hardware resource allocation while keeping throughput constant, we achieve up to 4.2X energy improvement for Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), 1.6X and 1.8X improvement for Long Short-Term Memories (LSTMs) and multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs), respectively.Comment: Published as a conference paper at ASPLOS 202

    High-level FPGA accelerator design for structured-mesh-based numerical solvers

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    Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have become highly attractive as accelerators due to their low power consumption and re-programmability. However, a key limitation is the time and know-how required to program them. Even with high-level synthesis tools, they still require significant hand-tuned/low-level customizations and design space exploration to gain good performance. The need to program FPGAs using the dataflow programming model, much less well known and practised by the high-performance computing (HPC) community, is a major barrier for adoption for HPC. The underlying motivation of this work is to bridge this gap - attaining near-optimal performance vs the ease of programming. To this end, we target the important class of applications based on structured meshes, focusing on numerical algorithms based on explicit and implicit techniques. We leverage the main characteristics of the application class, its computation-communication pattern and the hardware features. For explicit schemes, characterized by stencil computations, we unify the state-of-the-art techniques such as vectorization and unrolling with a number of new high-gain optimizations such as creating perfect data reuse data-paths, batching and tiling. A key new feature is their applicability to multiple stencil loops enabling the development of real-world workloads. For implicit schemes, we re-evaluate the characteristics of the tridiagonal system solver algorithms for FPGAs and develop a new high throughput batched multi-dimensional tridiagonal system solver library with orders of magnitude better performance than the state-of-the-art. New analytic models are developed to support the solvers, elucidating and modelling the critical path of execution and parameterizing the design. This together with the optimal designs and new library lead to a unified design work-flow for synthesis on FPGAs. The new workflow is used to implement a range of applications, from simple single stencil designs, multiple stencil loops to solvers with real-world utility. They are synthesized on the currently dominant Xilinx and Intel FPGAs. Benchmarking indicate the FPGAs matching or outperforming the best GPU implementations, the current best traditional architecture device solution. Over 30% energy saving can also be observed. The performance model demonstrates over 85% accuracy. The thesis discusses the determinants for these applications to be amenable for FPGA implementation, providing insights into the feasibility and profitability of a design. Finally we propose initial steps in automating the workflow to be used through a DSL

    A multi-level functional IR with rewrites for higher-level synthesis of accelerators

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    Specialised accelerators deliver orders of magnitude higher energy-efficiency than general-purpose processors. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have become the substrate of choice, because the ever-changing nature of modern workloads, such as machine learning, demands reconfigurability. However, they are notoriously hard to program directly using Hardware Description Languages (HDLs). Traditional High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tools improve productivity, but come with their own problems. They often produce sub-optimal designs and programmers are still required to write hardware-specific code, thus development cycles remain long. This thesis proposes Shir, a higher-level synthesis approach for high-performance accelerator design with a hardware-agnostic programming entry point, a multi-level Intermediate Representation (IR), a compiler and rewrite rules for optimisation. First, a novel, multi-level functional IR structure for accelerator design is described. The IRs operate on different levels of abstraction, cleanly separating different hardware concerns. They enable the expression of different forms of parallelism and standard memory features, such as asynchronous off-chip memories or synchronous on-chip buffers, as well as arbitration of such shared resources. Exposing these features at the IR level is essential for achieving high performance. Next, mechanical lowering procedures are introduced to automatically compile a program specification through Shir’s functional IRs until low-level HDL code for FPGA synthesis is emitted. Each lowering step gradually adds implementation details. Finally, this thesis presents rewrite rules for automatic optimisations around parallelisation, buffering and data reshaping. Reshaping operations pose a challenge to functional approaches in particular. They introduce overheads that compromise performance or even prevent the generation of synthesisable hardware designs altogether. This fundamental issue is solved by the application of rewrite rules. The viability of this approach is demonstrated by running matrix multiplication and 2D convolution on an Intel Arria 10 FPGA. A limited design space exploration is conducted, confirming the ability of the IR to exploit various hardware features. Using rewrite rules for optimisation, it is possible to generate high-performance designs that are competitive with highly tuned OpenCL implementations and that outperform hardware-agnostic OpenCL code. The performance impact of the optimisations is further evaluated showing that they are essential to achieving high performance, and in many cases also necessary to produce hardware that fits the resource constraints

    Bit Fusion: Bit-Level Dynamically Composable Architecture for Accelerating Deep Neural Networks

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    Fully realizing the potential of acceleration for Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) requires understanding and leveraging algorithmic properties. This paper builds upon the algorithmic insight that bitwidth of operations in DNNs can be reduced without compromising their classification accuracy. However, to prevent accuracy loss, the bitwidth varies significantly across DNNs and it may even be adjusted for each layer. Thus, a fixed-bitwidth accelerator would either offer limited benefits to accommodate the worst-case bitwidth requirements, or lead to a degradation in final accuracy. To alleviate these deficiencies, this work introduces dynamic bit-level fusion/decomposition as a new dimension in the design of DNN accelerators. We explore this dimension by designing Bit Fusion, a bit-flexible accelerator, that constitutes an array of bit-level processing elements that dynamically fuse to match the bitwidth of individual DNN layers. This flexibility in the architecture enables minimizing the computation and the communication at the finest granularity possible with no loss in accuracy. We evaluate the benefits of BitFusion using eight real-world feed-forward and recurrent DNNs. The proposed microarchitecture is implemented in Verilog and synthesized in 45 nm technology. Using the synthesis results and cycle accurate simulation, we compare the benefits of Bit Fusion to two state-of-the-art DNN accelerators, Eyeriss and Stripes. In the same area, frequency, and process technology, BitFusion offers 3.9x speedup and 5.1x energy savings over Eyeriss. Compared to Stripes, BitFusion provides 2.6x speedup and 3.9x energy reduction at 45 nm node when BitFusion area and frequency are set to those of Stripes. Scaling to GPU technology node of 16 nm, BitFusion almost matches the performance of a 250-Watt Titan Xp, which uses 8-bit vector instructions, while BitFusion merely consumes 895 milliwatts of power

    Tuning the Computational Effort: An Adaptive Accuracy-aware Approach Across System Layers

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    This thesis introduces a novel methodology to realize accuracy-aware systems, which will help designers integrate accuracy awareness into their systems. It proposes an adaptive accuracy-aware approach across system layers that addresses current challenges in that domain, combining and tuning accuracy-aware methods on different system layers. To widen the scope of accuracy-aware computing including approximate computing for other domains, this thesis presents innovative accuracy-aware methods and techniques for different system layers. The required tuning of the accuracy-aware methods is integrated into a configuration layer that tunes the available knobs of the accuracy-aware methods integrated into a system

    Gemmini: Enabling Systematic Deep-Learning Architecture Evaluation via Full-Stack Integration

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    DNN accelerators are often developed and evaluated in isolation without considering the cross-stack, system-level effects in real-world environments. This makes it difficult to appreciate the impact of System-on-Chip (SoC) resource contention, OS overheads, and programming-stack inefficiencies on overall performance/energy-efficiency. To address this challenge, we present Gemmini, an open-source*, full-stack DNN accelerator generator. Gemmini generates a wide design-space of efficient ASIC accelerators from a flexible architectural template, together with flexible programming stacks and full SoCs with shared resources that capture system-level effects. Gemmini-generated accelerators have also been fabricated, delivering up to three orders-of-magnitude speedups over high-performance CPUs on various DNN benchmarks. * https://github.com/ucb-bar/gemminiComment: To appear at the 58th IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC), December 2021, San Francisco, CA, US