12,364 research outputs found

    Robust and Efficient Uncertainty Quantification and Validation of RFIC Isolation

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    Modern communication and identification products impose demanding constraints on reliability of components. Due to this statistical constraints more and more enter optimization formulations of electronic products. Yield constraints often require efficient sampling techniques to obtain uncertainty quantification also at the tails of the distributions. These sampling techniques should outperform standard Monte Carlo techniques, since these latter ones are normally not efficient enough to deal with tail probabilities. One such a technique, Importance Sampling, has successfully been applied to optimize Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs) while guaranteeing very small failure probabilities, even going beyond 6-sigma variations of parameters involved. Apart from this, emerging uncertainty quantifications techniques offer expansions of the solution that serve as a response surface facility when doing statistics and optimization. To efficiently derive the coefficients in the expansions one either has to solve a large number of problems or a huge combined problem. Here parameterized Model Order Reduction (MOR) techniques can be used to reduce the work load. To also reduce the amount of parameters we identify those that only affect the variance in a minor way. These parameters can simply be set to a fixed value. The remaining parameters can be viewed as dominant. Preservation of the variation also allows to make statements about the approximation accuracy obtained by the parameter-reduced problem. This is illustrated on an RLC circuit. Additionally, the MOR technique used should not affect the variance significantly. Finally we consider a methodology for reliable RFIC isolation using floor-plan modeling and isolation grounding. Simulations show good comparison with measurements

    Extending systems-on-chip to the third dimension : performance, cost and technological tradeoffs.

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    Because of the today's market demand for high-performance, high-density portable hand-held applications, electronic system design technology has shifted the focus from 2-D planar SoC single-chip solutions to different alternative options as tiled silicon and single-level embedded modules as well as 3-D integration. Among the various choices, finding an optimal solution for system implementation dealt usually with cost, performance and other technological trade-off analysis at the system conceptual level. It has been identified that the decisions made within the first 20% of the total design cycle time will ultimately result up to 80% of the final product cost. In this paper, we discuss appropriate and realistic metric for performance and cost trade-off analysis both at system conceptual level (up-front in the design phase) and at implementation phase for verification in the three-dimensional integration. In order to validate the methodology, two ubiquitous electronic systems are analyzed under various implementation schemes and discuss the pros and cons of each of them

    Measurement, Modeling and Suppression of Substrate Noise in Wide Band Mixed-signal ICs

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    Oscillator phase noise: a tutorial

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    Linear time-invariant (LTI) phase noise theories provide important qualitative design insights but are limited in their quantitative predictive power. Part of the difficulty is that device noise undergoes multiple frequency translations to become oscillator phase noise. A quantitative understanding of this process requires abandoning the principle of time invariance assumed in most older theories of phase noise. Fortunately, the noise-to-phase transfer function of oscillators is still linear, despite the existence of the nonlinearities necessary for amplitude stabilization. In addition to providing a quantitative reconciliation between theory and measurement, the time-varying phase noise model presented in this tutorial identifies the importance of symmetry in suppressing the upconversion of 1/f noise into close-in phase noise, and provides an explicit appreciation of cyclostationary effects and AM-PM conversion. These insights allow a reinterpretation of why the Colpitts oscillator exhibits good performance, and suggest new oscillator topologies. Tuned LC and ring oscillator circuit examples are presented to reinforce the theoretical considerations developed. Simulation issues and the accommodation of amplitude noise are considered in appendixes

    Quiescent current testing of CMOS data converters

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    Power supply quiescent current (IDDQ) testing has been very effective in VLSI circuits designed in CMOS processes detecting physical defects such as open and shorts and bridging defects. However, in sub-micron VLSI circuits, IDDQ is masked by the increased subthreshold (leakage) current of MOSFETs affecting the efficiency of I¬DDQ testing. In this work, an attempt has been made to perform robust IDDQ testing in presence of increased leakage current by suitably modifying some of the test methods normally used in industry. Digital CMOS integrated circuits have been tested successfully using IDDQ and IDDQ methods for physical defects. However, testing of analog circuits is still a problem due to variation in design from one specific application to other. The increased leakage current further complicates not only the design but also testing. Mixed-signal integrated circuits such as the data converters are even more difficult to test because both analog and digital functions are built on the same substrate. We have re-examined both IDDQ and IDDQ methods of testing digital CMOS VLSI circuits and added features to minimize the influence of leakage current. We have designed built-in current sensors (BICS) for on-chip testing of analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits. We have also combined quiescent current testing with oscillation and transient current test techniques to map large number of manufacturing defects on a chip. In testing, we have used a simple method of injecting faults simulating manufacturing defects invented in our VLSI research group. We present design and testing of analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits with on-chip BICS such as an operational amplifier, 12-bit charge scaling architecture based digital-to-analog converter (DAC), 12-bit recycling architecture based analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and operational amplifier with floating gate inputs. The designed circuits are fabricated in 0.5 μm and 1.5 μm n-well CMOS processes and tested. Experimentally observed results of the fabricated devices are compared with simulations from SPICE using MOS level 3 and BSIM3.1 model parameters for 1.5 μm and 0.5 μm n-well CMOS technologies, respectively. We have also explored the possibility of using noise in VLSI circuits for testing defects and present the method we have developed