4 research outputs found

    A Service Model for the Development of Management Systems for IT-enabled Services

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    The shift from device and application towards service-orientated IT Management raises new questions that require concepts such as portfolio management, resource planning or mass customization for IT services. These concepts increase the complexity of IT Service Management and require additional tool support. Conceptual models are necessary in order to develop appropriate tools. The goal of our paper is to propose and validate a conceptual IT service model. We introduce the characteristics of IT services and analyze existing IT service models. A common IT service model is derived (theoretically) from the literature and validated through cases of IT service providers. These case studies from three German IT service providers also yield insights for further research

    Recommendations for a general IT Service Catalogue structure

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    IT Service Catalogues (ITSCs) make an important contribution to the administration and distribution of IT products. It is often particularly difficult to draw up a structural concept of an IT Service Catalogue, as appropriate examples are scarce. In the future, advanced ITSCs will be especially important in attracting external customers. So, a practical structure for the ITSC is important. Different perspectives and approaches for structuring an ITSC can be found in the literature, but the total number of works on this topic is relatively small. This article combines an analysis of the literature with consultation of business experts to determine the requirements for ITSC structuring and to formulate a design proposal. This stands out due to several levels of description in combination with a view concept, through which opposing needs can be met. The proposal is illustrated by means of a case study

    Controlling kooperativer Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke von IT-Dienstleistern

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    Im Zentrum der Dissertation steht die Entwicklung einer Controllingkonzeption für die kooperative Erstellung von IT-Dienstleistungen in Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken. Dabei werden zunächst Spezifika der kooperativen Leistungserstellung und dem Controllingobjekt IT-Dienstleistung erörtert. Wichtige Aspekte sind hierbei die Berücksichtigung verschiedener Kategorien von IT-Dienstleistungen, unterschiedliche Betrachtungsebenen der interorganisationalen Leistungserstellung sowie die Heterogenität der Lebenszyklusphasen eines Wertschöpfungsnetzwerks. Auf Basis dieser Rahmenbedingungen werden konkrete Ziele, Aufgaben und organisationale Anforderungen an das Controlling kooperativer Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke von IT-Dienstleistern identifiziert. Anschließend werden hierzu geeignete Instrumente der Planung, Steuerung und Kontrolle präsentiert. Die praktische Anwendbarkeit des vorgeschlagenen Instrumentensets wird anhand eines fiktiven Fallbeispiels demonstriert. This dissertation presents a concept for networks of IT service providers from a management accounting perspective. Specific attributes of cooperative networks, such as perspectives of interorganizational processes and the life cycle of value networks, and the production of IT services, such as IT service categories, constitute fundamental factors for the development of this concept. Besides, these factors determine goals, tasks and organizational aspects of the management accounting concept. These issues are used to identify appropriate instruments for planning, governing and controlling IT service networks. The practical applicability of these instruments is demonstrated with the help of a fictitious case study