6,493 research outputs found

    Intuitionistic linguistic multi-attribute decision making algorithm based on integrated distance measure

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    This study aims to integrate the intuitionistic linguistic multi-attribute decision making (MADM) method which builds upon an integrated distance measure into supplier evaluation and selection problems. More specifically, an intuitionistic linguistic integrated distance measure based on ordered weighted averaging operator (OWA) and weighted average approach is presented and applied. The desirable characteristics and families of the developed distance operator are further explored. In addition, based on the proposed distance measure, a supplier selection problem for an automobile factory is used to test the practicality of its framework. The effectiveness and applicability of the presented framework for supplier selection are examined by carrying comparative analysis against the existing techniques of aggregation

    Social sustainable supplier evaluation and selection: a group decision-support approach

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    Organisational and managerial decisions are influenced by corporate sustainability pressures. Organisations need to consider economic, environmental and social sustainability dimensions in their decisions to become sustainable. Supply chain decisions play a distinct and critical role in organisational good and service outputs sustainability. Sustainable supplier selection influences the supply chain sustainability allowing many organisations to build competitive advantage. Within this context, the social sustainability dimension has received relatively minor investigation; with emphasis typically on economic and environmental sustainability. Neglecting social sustainability can have serious repercussions for organisational supply chains. This study proposes a social sustainability attribute decision framework to evaluate and select socially sustainable suppliers. A grey-based multi-criteria decision-support tool composed of the ‘best-worst method’ (BWM) and TODIM (TOmada de DecisĂŁo Interativa e MulticritĂ©rio – in Portuguese ‘Interactive and Multicriteria Decision Making’) is introduced. A grey-BWM approach is used to determine social sustainability attribute weights, and a grey-TODIM method is utilised to rank suppliers. This process is completed in a group decision setting. A case study of an Iranian manufacturing company is used to exemplify the applicability and suitability of the proposed social sustainability decision framework. Managerial implications, limitations, and future research directions are introduced after the application of the model

    A Method Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Dependent Aggregation Operators for Supplier Selection

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    Recently, resolving the decision making problem of evaluation and ranking the potential suppliers have become as a key strategic factor for business firms. In this paper, two new intuitionistic fuzzy aggregation operators are developed: dependent intuitionistic fuzzy ordered weighed averaging (DIFOWA) operator and dependent intuitionistic fuzzy hybrid weighed aggregation (DIFHWA) operator. Some of their main properties are studied. A method based on the DIFHWA operator for intuitionistic fuzzy multiple attribute decision making is presented. Finally, an illustrative example concerning supplier selection is given

    Partner selection in sustainable supply chains: a fuzzy ensemble learning model

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    With the increasing demands on businesses to operate more sustainably, firms must ensure that the performance of their whole supply chain in sustainability is optimized. As partner selection is critical to supply chain management, focal firms now need to select supply chain partners that can offer a high level of competence in sustainability. This paper proposes a novel multi-partner classification model for the partner qualification and classification process, combining ensemble learning technology and fuzzy set theory. The proposed model enables potential partners to be classified into one of four categories (strategic partner, preference partner, leverage partner and routine partner), thereby allowing distinctive partner management strategies to be applied for each category. The model provides for the simultaneous optimization of both efficiency in its use of multi-partner and multi-dimension evaluation data, and effectiveness in dealing with the vagueness and uncertainty of linguistic commentary data. Compared to more conventional methods, the proposed model has the advantage of offering a simple classification and a stable prediction performance. The practical efficacy of the model is illustrated by an application in a listed electronic equipment and instrument manufacturing company based in southeastern China

    Heterogeneous group decision making with thermodynamical parameters

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    There often exist different types of information due to the subjective and objective criteria in practical decision-making problems, thus it is necessary to develop some efficient frameworks to deal with the decision-making problems with heterogeneous information. The paper proposes a framework for group decisionmaking problems with heterogeneous information with thermodynamical parameters consisting of three parts to achieving this goal. The first part builds the rectifications of criteria weights according to decision makers’ confidence in evaluations. The second part adopts thermodynamical parameters to measure the numerical values and the data distribution of heterogeneous information to characterize the heterogeneous information fully. The last part applies the TODIM (an acronym in Portuguese for Interactive and Multicriteria Decision Making) to aggregate the decision-making results based on the characterized heterogeneous information without transforming it into a unified form. By depicting decision makers’ different sensitive attitudes towards uncertainty by several mathematical expressions, experiments are performed to assess the sensitive attitudes’ impacts on decisionmaking results with the proposed framework. Finally, a case study on the selection of a green supplier under the low-carbon economy is provided to illustrate the flexibility and feasibility of the proposed framework

    A systematic review on multi-criteria group decision-making methods based on weights: analysis and classification scheme

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    Interest in group decision-making (GDM) has been increasing prominently over the last decade. Access to global databases, sophisticated sensors which can obtain multiple inputs or complex problems requiring opinions from several experts have driven interest in data aggregation. Consequently, the field has been widely studied from several viewpoints and multiple approaches have been proposed. Nevertheless, there is a lack of general framework. Moreover, this problem is exacerbated in the case of experts’ weighting methods, one of the most widely-used techniques to deal with multiple source aggregation. This lack of general classification scheme, or a guide to assist expert knowledge, leads to ambiguity or misreading for readers, who may be overwhelmed by the large amount of unclassified information currently available. To invert this situation, a general GDM framework is presented which divides and classifies all data aggregation techniques, focusing on and expanding the classification of experts’ weighting methods in terms of analysis type by carrying out an in-depth literature review. Results are not only classified but analysed and discussed regarding multiple characteristics, such as MCDMs in which they are applied, type of data used, ideal solutions considered or when they are applied. Furthermore, general requirements supplement this analysis such as initial influence, or component division considerations. As a result, this paper provides not only a general classification scheme and a detailed analysis of experts’ weighting methods but also a road map for researchers working on GDM topics or a guide for experts who use these methods. Furthermore, six significant contributions for future research pathways are provided in the conclusions.The first author acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Universities [grant number FPU18/01471]. The second and third author wish to recognize their support from the Serra Hunter program. Finally, this work was supported by the Catalan agency AGAUR through its research group support program (2017SGR00227). This research is part of the R&D project IAQ4EDU, reference no. PID2020-117366RB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
