213 research outputs found

    Dynamic Fault Analysis in Substations Based on Knowledge Graphs

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    To address the challenge of identifying hidden danger in substations from unstructured text, a novel dynamic analysis method is proposed. We first extract relevant information from the unstructured text, and then leverages a flexible distributed search engine built on Elastic-Search to handle the data. Following this, the hidden Markov model is employed to train the data within the engine. The Viterbi algorithm is integrated to decipher the hidden state sequences, facilitating the segmentation and labeling of entities related to hidden dangers. The final step involves using the Neo4j graph database to dynamically create a knowledge graph that visualizes hidden dangers in the substation. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through a case analysis from a specific substation with hidden dangers revealed in the text records

    Cyber-Physical Power System (CPPS): A Review on Modelling, Simulation, and Analysis with Cyber Security Applications

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    Cyber-Physical System (CPS) is a new kind of digital technology that increases its attention across academia, government, and industry sectors and covers a wide range of applications like agriculture, energy, medical, transportation, etc. The traditional power systems with physical equipment as a core element are more integrated with information and communication technology, which evolves into the Cyber-Physical Power System (CPPS). The CPPS consists of a physical system tightly integrated with cyber systems (control, computing, and communication functions) and allows the two-way flows of electricity and information for enabling smart grid technologies. Even though the digital technologies monitoring and controlling the electric power grid more efficiently and reliably, the power grid is vulnerable to cybersecurity risk and involves the complex interdependency between cyber and physical systems. Analyzing and resolving the problems in CPPS needs the modelling methods and systematic investigation of a complex interaction between cyber and physical systems. The conventional way of modelling, simulation, and analysis involves the separation of physical domain and cyber domain, which is not suitable for the modern CPPS. Therefore, an integrated framework needed to analyze the practical scenario of the unification of physical and cyber systems. A comprehensive review of different modelling, simulation, and analysis methods and different types of cyber-attacks, cybersecurity measures for modern CPPS is explored in this paper. A review of different types of cyber-attack detection and mitigation control schemes for the practical power system is presented in this paper. The status of the research in CPPS around the world and a new path for recommendations and research directions for the researchers working in the CPPS are finally presented.publishedVersio

    Impact Assessment, Detection, and Mitigation of False Data Attacks in Electrical Power Systems

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    The global energy market has seen a massive increase in investment and capital flow in the last few decades. This has completely transformed the way power grids operate - legacy systems are now being replaced by advanced smart grid infrastructures that attest to better connectivity and increased reliability. One popular example is the extensive deployment of phasor measurement units, which is referred to PMUs, that constantly provide time-synchronized phasor measurements at a high resolution compared to conventional meters. This enables system operators to monitor in real-time the vast electrical network spanning thousands of miles. However, a targeted cyber attack on PMUs can prompt operators to take wrong actions that can eventually jeopardize the power system reliability. Such threats originating from the cyber-space continue to increase as power grids become more dependent on PMU communication networks. Additionally, these threats are becoming increasingly efficient in remaining undetected for longer periods while gaining deep access into the power networks. An attack on the energy sector immediately impacts national defense, emergency services, and all aspects of human life. Cyber attacks against the electric grid may soon become a tactic of high-intensity warfare between nations in near future and lead to social disorder. Within this context, this dissertation investigates the cyber security of PMUs that affects critical decision-making for a reliable operation of the power grid. In particular, this dissertation focuses on false data attacks, a key vulnerability in the PMU architecture, that inject, alter, block, or delete data in devices or in communication network channels. This dissertation addresses three important cyber security aspects - (1) impact assessment, (2) detection, and (3) mitigation of false data attacks. A comprehensive background of false data attack models targeting various steady-state control blocks is first presented. By investigating inter-dependencies between the cyber and the physical layers, this dissertation then identifies possible points of ingress and categorizes risk at different levels of threats. In particular, the likelihood of cyber attacks against the steady-state power system control block causing the worst-case impacts such as cascading failures is investigated. The case study results indicate that false data attacks do not often lead to widespread blackouts, but do result in subsequent line overloads and load shedding. The impacts are magnified when attacks are coordinated with physical failures of generators, transformers, or heavily loaded lines. Further, this dissertation develops a data-driven false data attack detection method that is independent of existing in-built security mechanisms in the state estimator. It is observed that a convolutional neural network classifier can quickly detect and isolate false measurements compared to other deep learning and traditional classifiers. Finally, this dissertation develops a recovery plan that minimizes the consequence of threats when sophisticated attacks remain undetected and have already caused multiple failures. Two new controlled islanding methods are developed that minimize the impact of attacks under the lack of, or partial information on the threats. The results indicate that the system operators can successfully contain the negative impacts of cyber attacks while creating stable and observable islands. Overall, this dissertation presents a comprehensive plan for fast and effective detection and mitigation of false data attacks, improving cyber security preparedness, and enabling continuity of operations

    Impact Assessment, Detection, And Mitigation Of False Data Attacks In Electrical Power Systems

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    The global energy market has seen a massive increase in investment and capital flow in the last few decades. This has completely transformed the way power grids operate - legacy systems are now being replaced by advanced smart grid infrastructures that attest to better connectivity and increased reliability. One popular example is the extensive deployment of phasor measurement units, which is referred to PMUs, that constantly provide time-synchronized phasor measurements at a high resolution compared to conventional meters. This enables system operators to monitor in real-time the vast electrical network spanning thousands of miles. However, a targeted cyber attack on PMUs can prompt operators to take wrong actions that can eventually jeopardize the power system reliability. Such threats originating from the cyber-space continue to increase as power grids become more dependent on PMU communication networks. Additionally, these threats are becoming increasingly efficient in remaining undetected for longer periods while gaining deep access into the power networks. An attack on the energy sector immediately impacts national defense, emergency services, and all aspects of human life. Cyber attacks against the electric grid may soon become a tactic of high-intensity warfare between nations in near future and lead to social disorder. Within this context, this dissertation investigates the cyber security of PMUs that affects critical decision-making for a reliable operation of the power grid. In particular, this dissertation focuses on false data attacks, a key vulnerability in the PMU architecture, that inject, alter, block, or delete data in devices or in communication network channels. This dissertation addresses three important cyber security aspects - (1) impact assessment, (2) detection, and (3) mitigation of false data attacks. A comprehensive background of false data attack models targeting various steady-state control blocks is first presented. By investigating inter-dependencies between the cyber and the physical layers, this dissertation then identifies possible points of ingress and categorizes risk at different levels of threats. In particular, the likelihood of cyber attacks against the steady-state power system control block causing the worst-case impacts such as cascading failures is investigated. The case study results indicate that false data attacks do not often lead to widespread blackouts, but do result in subsequent line overloads and load shedding. The impacts are magnified when attacks are coordinated with physical failures of generators, transformers, or heavily loaded lines. Further, this dissertation develops a data-driven false data attack detection method that is independent of existing in-built security mechanisms in the state estimator. It is observed that a convolutional neural network classifier can quickly detect and isolate false measurements compared to other deep learning and traditional classifiers. Finally, this dissertation develops a recovery plan that minimizes the consequence of threats when sophisticated attacks remain undetected and have already caused multiple failures. Two new controlled islanding methods are developed that minimize the impact of attacks under the lack of, or partial information on the threats. The results indicate that the system operators can successfully contain the negative impacts of cyber attacks while creating stable and observable islands. Overall, this dissertation presents a comprehensive plan for fast and effective detection and mitigation of false data attacks, improving cyber security preparedness, and enabling continuity of operations

    Enhancing Grid Reliability With Phasor Measurement Units

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    Over the last decades, great efforts and investments have been made to increase the integration level of renewable energy resources in power grids. The New York State has set the goal to achieve 70% renewable generations by 2030, and realize carbon neutrality by 2040 eventually. However, the increased level of uncertainty brought about by renewables makes it more challenging to maintain stable and robust power grid operation. In addition to renewable energy resources, the ever-increasing number of electric vehicles and active loads have further increased the uncertainties in power systems. All these factors challenge the way the power grids are operated, and thus ask for new solutions to maintain stable and reliable grids. To meet the emerging requirements, advanced metering infrastructures are being integrated into power grids that transform traditional grids into \u27\u27 smart grids . One example is the widely deployed phasor measurement units (PMUs), which enable generating time-synchronized measurements with high sampling frequency, and pave a new path to realize real-time monitoring and control in power grids. However,the massive data generated by PMUs raises the questions of how to efficiently utilize the obtained measurements to understand and control the present system. Additionally, to meet the communication requirements between the advanced meters, the connectivity of the cyber layer has become more sophisticated, and thus is exposed to more cyber-attacks than before. Therefore, to enhance the grid reliability with PMUs, robust and efficient grid monitoring and control methods are required. This dissertation focuses on three important aspects of improving grid reliability with PMUs: (1) power system event detection; (2) impact assessment regarding both steady-state and transient stability; and (3) impact mitigation. In this dissertation, a comprehensive introduction of PMUs in the wide-area monitoring system, and comparisons with the existing supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems are presented first. Next, a data-driven event detection method is developed for efficient event detection with PMU measurements. A text mining approach is utilized to extract event oscillation patterns and determine event types. To ensure the integrity of the received data, the developed detection method is further designed to identify the fake events, and thus is robust against cyber-threat. Once a real event is detected, it is critical to promptly understand the consequences of the event in both steady and dynamic states. Sometimes, a single system event, e.g., a transmission line fault, may cause subsequent failures that lead to a cascading failure in the grid. In the worst case, these failures can result in large-scale blackouts. To assess the risk of an event in steady state, a probabilistic cascading failure model is developed. With the real-time phasor measurements, the failure probability of each system component at a specific operating condition can be predicted. In terms of the dynamic state, a failure of a system component may cause generators to lose synchronism, which will damage the power plant and lead to a blackout. To predict the transient stability after an event, a predictive online transient stability assessment (TSA) tool is developed in this dissertation. With only one sample of the PMU voltage measurements, the status of the transient stability can be predicted within cycles. In addition to the impact detection and assessment, it is also critical to identify proper mitigations to alleviate the failures. In this dissertation, a data-driven model predictive control strategy is developed. As a parameter-based system model is vulnerable to topology errors, a data-driven model is developed to mimic the grid behavior. Rather than utilizing the system parameters to construct the grid model, the data-driven model only leverages the received phasor measurements to determine proper corrective actions. Furthermore, to be robust against cyber-attacks, a check-point protocol, where past stored trustworthy data can be used to amend the attacked data, is utilized. The overall objective of this dissertation is to efficiently utilize advanced PMUs to detect, assess, and mitigate system failure, and help improve grid reliability


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    Insurance businesses for the cyberworld are an evolving opportunity. However, a quantitative model in today\u27s security technologies may not be established. Besides, a generalized methodology to assess the systematic risks remains underdeveloped. There has been a technical challenge to capture intrusion risks of the cyber-physical system, including estimating the impact of the potential cascaded events initiated by the hacker\u27s malicious actions. This dissertation attempts to integrate both modeling aspects: 1) steady-state probabilities for the Internet protocol-based substation switching attack events based on hypothetical cyberattacks, 2) potential electricity losses. The phenomenon of sequential attacks can be characterized using a time-domain simulation that exhibits dynamic cascaded events. Such substation attack simulation studies can establish an actuarial framework for grid operation. The novelty is three-fold. First, the development to extend features of steady-state probabilities is established based on 1) modified password models, 2) new models on digital relays with two-step authentications, and 3) honeypot models. A generalized stochastic Petri net is leveraged to formulate the detailed statuses and transitions of components embedded in a Cyber-net. Then, extensive modeling of steady-state probabilities is qualitatively performed. Methodologies on how transition probabilities and rates are extracted from network components and actuarial applications are summarized and discussed. Second, dynamic models requisite for switching attacks against multiple substations or digital relays deployed in substations are formulated. Imperative protection and control models to represent substation attacks are clarified with realistic model parameters. Specifically, wide-area protections, i.e., special protection systems (SPSs), are elaborated, asserting that event-driven SPSs may be skipped for this type of case study. Third, the substation attack replay using a proven commercially available time-domain simulation tool is validated in IEEE system models to study attack combinations\u27 critical paths. As the time-domain simulation requires a higher computational cost than power flow-based steady-state simulation, a balance of both methods is established without missing the critical dynamic behavior. The direct impact of substation attacks, i.e., electricity losses, is compared between steady-state and dynamic analyses. Steady-state analysis results are prone to be pessimistic for a smaller number of compromised substations. Finally, simulation findings based on the risk-based metrics and technical implementation are extensively discussed with future work

    Smart Urban Water Networks

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    This book presents the paper form of the Special Issue (SI) on Smart Urban Water Networks. The number and topics of the papers in the SI confirm the growing interest of operators and researchers for the new paradigm of smart networks, as part of the more general smart city. The SI showed that digital information and communication technology (ICT), with the implementation of smart meters and other digital devices, can significantly improve the modelling and the management of urban water networks, contributing to a radical transformation of the traditional paradigm of water utilities. The paper collection in this SI includes different crucial topics such as the reliability, resilience, and performance of water networks, innovative demand management, and the novel challenge of real-time control and operation, along with their implications for cyber-security. The SI collected fourteen papers that provide a wide perspective of solutions, trends, and challenges in the contest of smart urban water networks. Some solutions have already been implemented in pilot sites (i.e., for water network partitioning, cyber-security, and water demand disaggregation and forecasting), while further investigations are required for other methods, e.g., the data-driven approaches for real time control. In all cases, a new deal between academia, industry, and governments must be embraced to start the new era of smart urban water systems
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