11 research outputs found

    Metastability of Logit Dynamics for Coordination Games

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    Logit Dynamics [Blume, Games and Economic Behavior, 1993] are randomized best response dynamics for strategic games: at every time step a player is selected uniformly at random and she chooses a new strategy according to a probability distribution biased toward strategies promising higher payoffs. This process defines an ergodic Markov chain, over the set of strategy profiles of the game, whose unique stationary distribution is the long-term equilibrium concept for the game. However, when the mixing time of the chain is large (e.g., exponential in the number of players), the stationary distribution loses its appeal as equilibrium concept, and the transient phase of the Markov chain becomes important. It can happen that the chain is "metastable", i.e., on a time-scale shorter than the mixing time, it stays close to some probability distribution over the state space, while in a time-scale multiple of the mixing time it jumps from one distribution to another. In this paper we give a quantitative definition of "metastable probability distributions" for a Markov chain and we study the metastability of the logit dynamics for some classes of coordination games. We first consider a pure nn-player coordination game that highlights the distinctive features of our metastability notion based on distributions. Then, we study coordination games on the clique without a risk-dominant strategy (which are equivalent to the well-known Glauber dynamics for the Curie-Weiss model) and coordination games on a ring (both with and without risk-dominant strategy)

    A risk-security tradeoff in graphical coordination games

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    A system relying on the collective behavior of decision-makers can be vulnerable to a variety of adversarial attacks. How well can a system operator protect performance in the face of these risks? We frame this question in the context of graphical coordination games, where the agents in a network choose among two conventions and derive benefits from coordinating neighbors, and system performance is measured in terms of the agents' welfare. In this paper, we assess an operator's ability to mitigate two types of adversarial attacks - 1) broad attacks, where the adversary incentivizes all agents in the network and 2) focused attacks, where the adversary can force a selected subset of the agents to commit to a prescribed convention. As a mitigation strategy, the system operator can implement a class of distributed algorithms that govern the agents' decision-making process. Our main contribution characterizes the operator's fundamental trade-off between security against worst-case broad attacks and vulnerability from focused attacks. We show that this tradeoff significantly improves when the operator selects a decision-making process at random. Our work highlights the design challenges a system operator faces in maintaining resilience of networked distributed systems.Comment: 13 pages, double column, 4 figures. Submitted for journal publicatio

    Convergence to Equilibrium of Logit Dynamics for Strategic Games

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    We present the first general bounds on the mixing time of the Markov chain associated to the logit dynamics for wide classes of strategic games. The logit dynamics with inverse noise beta describes the behavior of a complex system whose individual components act selfishly and keep responding according to some partial ("noisy") knowledge of the system, where the capacity of the agent to know the system and compute her best move is measured by the inverse of the parameter beta. In particular, we prove nearly tight bounds for potential games and games with dominant strategies. Our results show that, for potential games, the mixing time is upper and lower bounded by an exponential in the inverse of the noise and in the maximum potential difference. Instead, for games with dominant strategies, the mixing time cannot grow arbitrarily with the inverse of the noise. Finally, we refine our analysis for a subclass of potential games called graphical coordination games, a class of games that have been previously studied in Physics and, more recently, in Computer Science in the context of diffusion of new technologies. We give evidence that the mixing time of the logit dynamics for these games strongly depends on the structure of the underlying graph. We prove that the mixing time of the logit dynamics for these games can be upper bounded by a function that is exponential in the cutwidth of the underlying graph and in the inverse of noise. Moreover, we consider two specific and popular network topologies, the clique and the ring. For games played on a clique we prove an almost matching lower bound on the mixing time of the logit dynamics that is exponential in the inverse of the noise and in the maximum potential difference, while for games played on a ring we prove that the time of convergence of the logit dynamics to its stationary distribution is significantly shorter

    Rejuvenation and the Spread of Epidemics in General Topologies

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    International audienceEpidemic models have received significant atten-tion in the past few decades to study the propagation of viruses, worms and ideas in computer and social networks. In the case of viruses, the goal is to understand how the topology of the network and the properties of the nodes that comprise the network, together, impact the spread of the epidemics. In this paper, we propose rejuvenation as a way to cope with epidemics. Then, we present a model to study the effect of rejuvenation and of the topology on the steady-state number of infected and failed nodes. We distinguish between a state in which the virus is incubating and in which symptoms might not be visible and yet they may be contagious and infecting other nodes, and a state of failure where symptoms are clear. Sampling costs might be incurred to examine nodes in search for viruses at an early stage. Using the proposed model, we show that the sampling rate admits at most one local minimum greater than zero. Then, we numerically illustrate the impact of different system parameters on the optimal sampling rate, indicating when rejuvenation is more beneficial

    Local Mixing Time: Distributed Computation and Applications

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    The mixing time of a graph is an important metric, which is not only useful in analyzing connectivity and expansion properties of the network, but also serves as a key parameter in designing efficient algorithms. We introduce a new notion of mixing of a random walk on a (undirected) graph, called local mixing. Informally, the local mixing with respect to a given node ss, is the mixing of a random walk probability distribution restricted to a large enough subset of nodes --- say, a subset of size at least n/βn/\beta for a given parameter β\beta --- containing ss. The time to mix over such a subset by a random walk starting from a source node ss is called the local mixing time with respect to ss. The local mixing time captures the local connectivity and expansion properties around a given source node and is a useful parameter that determines the running time of algorithms for partial information spreading, gossip etc. Our first contribution is formally defining the notion of local mixing time in an undirected graph. We then present an efficient distributed algorithm which computes a constant factor approximation to the local mixing time with respect to a source node ss in O~(τs)\tilde{O}(\tau_s) rounds, where τs\tau_s is the local mixing time w.r.t ss in an nn-node regular graph. This bound holds when τs\tau_s is significantly smaller than the conductance of the local mixing set (i.e., the set where the walk mixes locally); this is typically the interesting case where the local mixing time is significantly smaller than the mixing time (with respect to ss). We also present a distributed algorithm that computes the exact local mixing time in O~(τsD)\tilde{O}(\tau_s \mathcal{D}) rounds, where D=min{τs,D}\mathcal{D} =\min\{\tau_s, D\} and DD is the diameter of the graph. We further show that local mixing time tightly characterizes the complexity of partial information spreading.Comment: 16 page

    Distributed Community Detection via Metastability of the 2-Choices Dynamics

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    We investigate the behavior of a simple majority dynamics on networks of agents whose interaction topology exhibits a community structure. By leveraging recent advancements in the analysis of dynamics, we prove that, when the states of the nodes are randomly initialized, the system rapidly and stably converges to a configuration in which the communities maintain internal consensus on different states. This is the first analytical result on the behavior of dynamics for non-consensus problems on non-complete topologies, based on the first symmetry-breaking analysis in such setting. Our result has several implications in different contexts in which dynamics are adopted for computational and biological modeling purposes. In the context of Label Propagation Algorithms, a class of widely used heuristics for community detection, it represents the first theoretical result on the behavior of a distributed label propagation algorithm with quasi-linear message complexity. In the context of evolutionary biology, dynamics such as the Moran process have been used to model the spread of mutations in genetic populations [Lieberman, Hauert, and Nowak 2005]; our result shows that, when the probability of adoption of a given mutation by a node of the evolutionary graph depends super-linearly on the frequency of the mutation in the neighborhood of the node and the underlying evolutionary graph exhibits a community structure, there is a non-negligible probability for species differentiation to occur.Comment: Full version of paper appeared in AAAI-1

    Price Competition, Fluctuations, and Welfare Guarantees

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    In various markets where sellers compete in price, price oscillations are observed rather than convergence to equilibrium. Such fluctuations have been empirically observed in the retail market for gasoline, in airline pricing and in the online sale of consumer goods. Motivated by this, we study a model of price competition in which an equilibrium rarely exists. We seek to analyze the welfare, despite the nonexistence of an equilibrium, and present welfare guarantees as a function of the market power of the sellers. We first study best response dynamics in markets with sellers that provide a homogeneous good, and show that except for a modest number of initial rounds, the welfare is guaranteed to be high. We consider two variations: in the first the sellers have full information about the valuation of the buyer. Here we show that if there are nn items available across all sellers and nmaxn_{\max} is the maximum number of items controlled by any given seller, the ratio of the optimal welfare to the achieved welfare will be at most log(nnnmax+1)+1\log(\frac{n}{n-n_{\max}+1})+1. As the market power of the largest seller diminishes, the welfare becomes closer to optimal. In the second variation we consider an extended model where sellers have uncertainty about the buyer's valuation. Here we similarly show that the welfare improves as the market power of the largest seller decreases, yet with a worse ratio of nnnmax+1\frac{n}{n-n_{\max}+1}. The exponential gap in welfare between the two variations quantifies the value of accurately learning the buyer valuation. Finally, we show that extending our results to heterogeneous goods in general is not possible. Even for the simple class of kk-additive valuations, there exists a setting where the welfare approximates the optimal welfare within any non-zero factor only for O(1/s)O(1/s) fraction of the time, where ss is the number of sellers

    Metastability of Logit Dynamics for Coordination Games

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    Logit Dynamics [Blume, Games and Economic Behavior, 1993] is a randomized best response dynamics for strategic games: at every time step a player is selected uniformly at random and she chooses a new strategy according to a probability distribution biased toward strategies promising higher payoffs. This process defines an ergodic Markov chain, over the set of strategy profiles of the game, whose unique stationary distribution is the long-term equilibrium concept for the game. However, when the mixing time of the chain is large (e.g., exponential in the number of players), the stationary distribution loses its appeal as equilibrium concept, and the transient phase of the Markov chain becomes important. In several cases it happens that on a time-scale shorter than mixing time the chain is “quasistationary”, meaning that it stays close to some small set of the state space, while in a time-scale multiple of the mixing time it jumps from one quasi-stationaryconfiguration to another; this phenomenon is usually called “metastability”. In this paper we give a quantitative definition of “metastable probability distributions ” for a Markov chain and we study the metastability of the Logit dynamics for some classes of coordination games. In particular, we study no-risk-dominant coordination games on the clique (which is equivalent to the well-known Glauber dynamics for the Ising model) and coordination games on a ring (both the risk-dominant and norisk-dominant case). We also describe a simple “artificial” game that highlights the distinctive features of our metastability notion based on distributions