4 research outputs found

    A Methodology for integration of heterogeneous databases

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    Reprint. Reprinted from IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering. Vol. 6, no. 6 (Dec. 1994) "December 1994."Includes bibliographical references (p. 932).Supported by the Productivity From Information Technology (PROFIT) Research Initiative at MIT.M.P. Reddy ... [et al.

    Ontology Engineering: a Survey and a Return on Experience

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    Ontology is a new object of IA that recently came to maturity and a powerful conceptual tool of Knowledge Modeling. It provides a coherent base to build on, and a shared reference to align with, in the form of a consensual conceptual vocabulary, on which one can build descriptions and communication acts. This report presents the object that is called "an ontology" and a state of the art of engineering techniques for ontologies. Then it describes a project for which we developed an ontology and used it to improve knowledge management. Finally it describes the design process and discuss the resulting ontology

    Metaproperty-guided deletion from the instance-level of a knowledge base

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    The ontology modeling practice of engineering metaproperties of concepts is a well-known technique. Some metaproperties of concepts describe the dynamics of concept instances, i.e. how instances can and cannot be altered. We investigate how deletions in an ontology-based knowledge base interact with the metaproperties rigidity and dependence. A particularly useful effect are delete cascades. We evaluate how rigidity and dependence may guide delete cascades in an engineering application. A case study in the area of product development shows that beyond explicitly defined deletions, our approach achieves further automated and desirable deletions of facts with high precision and good recall


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    Nowadays, the notion of service has been widely adopted in the practice of economic sectors (e.g., Service, Manufacturing, and Extractive sectors), as well as, in the research focus of various disciplines (e.g., Marketing, Business, and Computer Science). Due to that, a number of research initiatives (e.g., service ontologies, conceptual models, and theories) have tried to understand and characterize the complex notion of service. However, due to particular views of these disciplines and economic sectors, a number of different characterizations of service (e.g., service as interaction, service as co-creation of value, and service as capability / manifestation of competence, among others) have been proposed. The existence of these various non-harmonized characterizations, and the focus on a terminological debate about the service concept, instead of about the service phenomena from a broad perspective, make the establishment of a unified body of knowledge for service difficult. This limitation impacts, e.g., the establishment of unified conceptualization for supporting the smooth alignment between Business and IT views in service-oriented enterprise architecture (SoEA), and the design and usage of service modeling languages. In this thesis we define a theoretical foundation for service based on the notion of service commitment and claims as basic elements in the characterization of service relations along service life-cycle phases (service offer, service negotiation, and service delivery). As discussed in this work, this theoretical foundation is capable of harmonizing a number of service perspectives found in the literature. Such theoretical foundation is specified in a well-founded core reference ontology, named UFO-S, which was designed by adopting a sound ontological engineering apparatus (mainly, a well-founded ontology representation language, OntoUML, and approaches of model verification and model validation). As a kind of theory, UFO-S was applied in the analysis of SoEA structuring principles in order to define a commitment-based SoEA view, which remarks social aspects inherent in service relations usually underexplored in widely adopted service-oriented approaches (such as SOA-RM by OASIS, ITIL, and ArchiMate). Based on this, UFO-S was also applied in an ontological analysis of service modeling at ArchiMates Business layer. Such ontological analysis showed some limitations concerned to semantic ambiguity and lack of expressiveness for representing service offerings (and type thereof) and service agreements in SoEA. In order to address these limitations, three service modeling patterns (service offering type pattern, service offering pattern, and service agreement pattern) were proposed taking as basis UFO-S. The usefulness of these patterns for addressing these limitations was evidentiated by means of an empirical evaluation. Finally, we can say that, beyond offering a broad and well-founded theoretical foundation for service able to harmonize service perspectives, UFO-S presented benefits as a reference model in the analysis of SoEA structuring principles, and in the (re)design of service modeling languages