17 research outputs found

    Acta Biologica Szegediensis : Volume 65. Number 1.

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    Tecnologías avanzadas para la obtención de ingredientes funcionales de shiitake (Lentinula edodes)

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Química Física Aplicada. Fecha de lectura: 22-01-202

    Metodologias para produção, extração e caracterização de compostos antibacterianos

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    This doctoral project is based on two parts, one using text and data mining and another in laboratory providing strategies based on advanced analytical methodologies for the discovery of bioactive compounds (BC), with potential applications on pharmaceutical and biotechnological tools from fungi organisms. The primary goal of this project was using a text mining technique for identifying the topics of a relevant scientific text related to fungi bioactive compounds and evolutionary connection among these topics, as well as using visualization tools for presenting both the topics and the association among them, as a convenient way to help users to determine relevant topics. In the second part of this thesis, firstly, fungi species were cultivated in lab using a batch reactor. Then, these fungi organisms were extracted by using environmentally friendly extraction techniques, such as High-Pressure Extraction (HPE). Secondly, the extracted compounds were characterized using elemental analysis (CNHS), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Thirdly, the bioactivity was evaluated through antimicrobial assays based on European pharmacopeia. Finally, the project findings will provide relevant data to stakeholders involved in the economic recovery plan through the sustainable resource management.Este trabalho de doutoramento é baseado em duas partes, uma usando mineração de dados e texto e outra em laboratório, fornecendo estratégias baseadas em metodologias analíticas avançadas para a descoberta de compostos bioativos (CB), com potenciais aplicações em ferramentas farmacêuticas e biotecnológicas de organismos fúngicos. O objetivo principal deste projeto foi usar uma técnica de mineração de texto para identificar os tópicos de um texto científico relevante relacionado com compostos bioativos de fungos e a conexão evolutiva entre esses tópicos, bem como usar ferramentas de visualização para apresentar os tópicos e a associação entre eles, como uma maneira conveniente de ajudar os utilizadores a determinar tópicos relevantes. Na segunda parte desta tese, inicialmente, as espécies de fungos foram cultivadas em laboratório usando um reator descontínuo. Em seguida, esses organismos fúngicos foram extraídos usando técnicas de extração verdes, como a Extração de Alta Pressão (HPE). Em segundo lugar, os compostos extraídos foram caracterizados por análise elementar (CNHS), ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN) e espectroscopia de infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR). Em terceiro lugar, a bioatividade foi avaliada através de ensaios antimicrobianos baseados na farmacopeia europeia. Finalmente, as conclusões do projeto fornecerão dados relevantes às partes interessadas e envolvidas no plano de recuperação económica através da gestão de recursos sustentáveis.Programa Doutoral em Químic

    Feeling the Heat: Investigating the dual assault of Zymoseptoria tritici and Heat Stress on Wheat (Triticum aestivum)

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    As a result of climate change, field conditions are increasingly challenging for crops. Research has shown how elevated temperatures affect crop performance, yet the impact of temperature on host-pathogen relationships remains unknown. Understanding the effects of combined abiotic and biotic stresses on crop plants and the plant-microbial interaction is crucial in developing strategies to improve crop stress tolerance and manage diseases effectively. Lipids sense, signal, and mitigate temperature elevation effects, and lipid remodelling plays a key role in the plant and fungal response to heat stress. Our study uses a systems approach to examine the Z. tritici wheat model system, combining transcriptomics, lipidomics, and phenotyping to decipher the impact of high-temperature stress on the plant-pathogen interaction. Microscopy in vivo and RNA-Seq analyses confirmed that Z. tritici responds to high-temperature treatments with morphological and transcriptomic changes. Temperature-related configuration of the transcriptome was associated with the accessory chromosomes and expression of ‘accessory’ pan-genome-derived genes. Metabolism-related gene expression predominated, indicated by GO enrichment and analysis of KOG classes, and large-scale lipid remodelling was likely given the proportion of lipid transport and metabolism-related expression changes in response to temperature. Changes in lipid content and composition were then validated by LC-MS analysis. Heat-responsive fungal genes and pathways, including scramblase family genes, are being tested by reverse genetics to ascertain their importance for fungal adaption to elevated temperatures. Elevated temperature schemes were applied to wheat to study the impact of combined stress on the plant-pathogen interaction, based on long-term climate data from Rothamsted Research, using transcriptomic, lipidomic and phenotypic analyses. Comparing non-infected and infected wheat plants under typical and elevated temperatures. Our initial analysis of the transcriptomic data indicates a delay in the development of Z. tritici, followed by its adaptation to the warmer environment. Once the infection was established, the fungus exhibited resilience to the impact of higher external temperatures. Our results indicate that temperature elevations associated with climate change directly impact plant-pathogen interactions. Furthermore, the study demonstrates a need for further detailed understanding to sustain crop resilience

    Fungal Pigments 2021

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    New edition of the reprint Fungal pigments: Chapters titles: PART 1. Investigation on various chemical classes of fungal pigments: Genomic Analysis and Assessment of Melanin Synthesis in Amorphotheca resinae by Jeong-Joo Oh et al.; Fungal Melanins and Applications in Healthcare, Bioremediation and Industry by Ellie Rose Mattoon et al.; Recent Findings in Azaphilone Pigments by Lúcia P. S. Pimenta et al.; Characterization of a Biofilm Bioreactor Designed for the Single-Step Production of Aerial Conidia and Oosporein by Beauveria bassiana PQ2 by Héctor Raziel Lara-Juache et al.; PART 2. Molecular characterization: Molecular Characterization of Fungal Pigments by Miriam S. Valenzuela-Gloria et al.; PART 3. Biological properties: Seven New Cytotoxic and Antimicrobial Xanthoquinodins from Jugulospora vestita by Lulu Shao et al.; PART 4. Toxicity assessment and safety evaluation of fungal pigments: Safety Evaluation of Fungal Pigments for Food Applications by Rajendran Poorniammal et al.; Preliminary Examination of the Toxicity of Spalting Fungal Pigments: A Comparison between Extraction Methods by Badria H. Almurshidi et al.; PART 5. Use of by-products or waste for industrial production of fungal pigments: Production of Bio-Based Pigments from Food Processing Industry By-Products Using Aspergillus carbonarius by Ezgi Bezirhan Arikan et al.; PART 6. Prospective aspects and brainstorming: Does Structural Color Exist in True Fungi? by Juliet Brodie et al.; Fungal Biomarkers Stability in Mars Regolith Analogues after Simulated Space and Mars-like Conditions by Alessia Cassaro et al

    Advances in Antifungal Development: Discovery of New Drugs and Drug Repurposing

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    This reprint describes recent advances made in the field of antifungal development, especially the discovery of new drugs and drug repurposing. The articles presented in this book provide useful information and insight for the development of new antifungal drugs or intervention strategies. The identification of new, safe molecules, and cellular targets, as well as the elucidation of their antifungal mechanisms of action, will further the effective control of fungal pathogens, especially those resistant to current therapeutic agents