238,724 research outputs found

    Ontology-based specific and exhaustive user profiles for constraint information fusion for multi-agents

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    Intelligent agents are an advanced technology utilized in Web Intelligence. When searching information from a distributed Web environment, information is retrieved by multi-agents on the client site and fused on the broker site. The current information fusion techniques rely on cooperation of agents to provide statistics. Such techniques are computationally expensive and unrealistic in the real world. In this paper, we introduce a model that uses a world ontology constructed from the Dewey Decimal Classification to acquire user profiles. By search using specific and exhaustive user profiles, information fusion techniques no longer rely on the statistics provided by agents. The model has been successfully evaluated using the large INEX data set simulating the distributed Web environment


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    In this global social media era, it is very easy for people to share their ideas through internet. One of them is by making internet meme. Internet meme becomes new culture of sharingopinions easily in the worldwide networking. When people find it hard to convey theirideas and meaning through lexical words, they will use metaphor to help them explain theirintention. Metaphor has set of mapping between the source domain and target domain inthe process of making. This article will reveal the common issue talked by Indonesiannetizens especially about their political matters from two Facebook accounts: Meme PolitikIndonesia and Humor Politik Indonesia. It has been found that in these two accounts,people make memes mostly about the most recent issue around them: in this case it is aboutJakarta Governor’s election and general politic issues. The use of metaphors mapping asvehicle to share ideas shows that netizens of these two Facebook accounts mostly see POLITIC AS MOVEMENT and POLITIC AS BUSINESS


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    Teaching writing to tourism students is challenging. Many students of diploma programs in hotel and tourism tend to focus to building practical skills such as cooking techniques or cutting methods, setting up table for lunch or dinner, or how to handle check-in or checkout, etc. They ‘hate’ writing exercises because they believe they will start career at operational level in the tourism industry where academic writing is not needed. As the result of this belief they lack of ability to expand idea or topic and what they can only produce short and undeveloped paragraphs. This paper discusses one alternative to approach to teaching writing i.e. using thematic progression. Using Halliday (2004) model students are introduced to the concept of information structure then to theme and rheme, and finally to thematic progression of texts. Then, the teacher guides students to identify how text is developed through its theme and rheme and to identify the types thematic progressions. Two writing tests were given i.e. pre and post teaching to see if there is any different in terms of text development, paragraph coherence, paragraph structure, thematic progression, and focus of text. A set of questions to measure students’ perception toward the lessons was also administered. The results show that students can manage to produce longer better-developed and cohesive paragraphs. Students’ positive perception toward theme-rheme and thematic progression concepts enable them to expand idea into longer text

    Exploratory study to explore the role of ICT in the process of knowledge management in an Indian business environment

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    In the 21st century and the emergence of a digital economy, knowledge and the knowledge base economy are rapidly growing. To effectively be able to understand the processes involved in the creating, managing and sharing of knowledge management in the business environment is critical to the success of an organization. This study builds on the previous research of the authors on the enablers of knowledge management by identifying the relationship between the enablers of knowledge management and the role played by information communication technologies (ICT) and ICT infrastructure in a business setting. This paper provides the findings of a survey collected from the four major Indian cities (Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai and Villupuram) regarding their views and opinions about the enablers of knowledge management in business setting. A total of 80 organizations participated in the study with 100 participants in each city. The results show that ICT and ICT infrastructure can play a critical role in the creating, managing and sharing of knowledge in an Indian business environment


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    Naturalness in translation is a very important point in relation to translation product quality. This paper is a research-based article on the translation of English-novel into Indonesian. This research investigated the naturalness of the Indonesian language used by the translator in the translation of Anna Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl into Indonesian. The theories employed to help the analysis of data in this research meaningbased and componential analysis and of those by other scholars that are related to factors that can help identifying the naturalness of translation. Grammar of both languages involved can also be employed to help the sharp analysis of the data. Translation then should make sense; convey the spirit of manner of the original; have a natural and easy to comprehend form of expression; and produce a similar respond to that of the original. Beyond that, it is expected that some other factors triggering the less natural translation in target language be partially if not fully identified. The contrast between two languages involved in the translation, the cultural discrepancies, and the nature of meaning of each word make the translation process difficult. The use of different register, style, and targeted reader seem also to have role in influencing the naturalness of translation

    Error resilience analysis of wireless image transmission using JPEG, JPEG 2000 and JPWL

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    The wireless extension of the JPEG 2000 standard formally known as JPWL is the newest international standard for still image compression. Different from all previous standards, this new standard was created specifically for wireless imaging applications. This paper examines the error resilience performance of the JPEG, JPEG 2000 and JPWL standards in combating multi-path and fading impairments in Rayleigh fading channels. Comprehensive objective and subjective results are presented in relation to the error resilience performance of these three standards under various conditions. The major findings in this paper reveal that a CRC approach is not a viable option for protecting wireless image data when not used in conjunction with an efficient retransmission strategy. In addition, the Reed-Solomon error correction codes in JPWL provide strong protection for wireless image transmission. However, any stronger protection beyond RS(64,32) yields diminishing returns


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    This research is entitiled The Analysis of Modification Position in Noun Phrase in the Translation of Master of the Game. The material discussed in this research is the modification position of the noun phrase in English into Indonesian. The modification position of the noun phrase in English into Indonesian is a unique case. The uniqueness of the position in the two languages lies in the sequence of words in the noun phrase. There is a rule in forming a noun phrase. The noun phrase is formed by a head and one or some modifications. In English the modification is divided into two groups, determiners and modifiers. The determiner consists of articles, demonstratives, possessives, and indefinite adjectives. The modifier consists of numeratives, descriptive adjectives and other nouns. The modification may lie either at the beginning of the head, which is called pre-head modification,or at the end of the head, which is called post-head modification. The modification can also be formed by phrase such as a prepositional phrase or a participle phrase. The sequence of the modification is disccussed in detail. In Indonesian, the modification is always put at the end of the head except the numeratives lie before the head. The other modification have a function to modify the head. So, most noun phrase in Indonesian refer to the modified-modifiying rule. A change of the modification position would change the meaning of the noun phrase. The translation of a noun phrase may involve the change of the modification position. The pre-head modification of the source language would be the post-modification of the target language, or it would remain the prehead modification. It would happen because of the different grammar of the two languages. Since the grammatical rule of the modification position in English and Indonesian is different, a further and more comprehensive study of the modification should be conducted in the future

    Exploring the Effectiveness of Transit Security Awareness Campaigns in the San Francisco Bay Area, Research Report 09-19

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    Public involvement in alerting officials of suspicious and potentially harmful activity is critical to the overall security of a transit system. As part of an effort to get passengers and the public involved, many transit agencies have security awareness campaigns. The objective of this research is to learn how transit agencies seek to make security awareness campaigns effective and explore how they measure the effectiveness of such campaigns, if at all. This research project includes data from case studies of five major agencies that provide transit service in the San Francisco Bay Area region. The case study data are comprised of descriptions of the types of security awareness campaigns the agencies have implemented, the goals of the campaigns, and how they seek to make their campaigns effective, as well as whether and how these agencies measure and determine the effectiveness of their campaigns. A positive finding of this research is the consistency with which Bay Area transit organizations address the need for passenger awareness as part of their overall security program. However, none of the five agencies analyzed for this study measures the effectiveness of their campaigns. Whereas they all have a similar goal—to increase passenger awareness about security issues—little evidence exists confirming to what extent they are achieving this goal. The paper concludes with suggestions for using outcome measurements to provide a reasonable indication of a campaign’s effectiveness by capturing the public’s response to a campaign


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    Language play in fiction can be used as a means to attract readers’ attention and as such, language play is a means of foregrounding. The readers can notice and feel that the parts containing language play stand out more, which makes them more special compared with the other parts. The research belongs to Stylistics, a study of style. It focuses on the various linguistic forms of language play found in Roald Dahl’s The Witches. This research investigates the different types of language play that occur in children’s fiction. These types will be classified in terms of Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, and Semantics. Furthermore, the research will also discuss the literal and contextual meaning of language play as well as its functions. There are some findings resulted from the research. Language play in children’s fiction, as shown in this particular novel, is basically an exploitation of repetition and deviation. The function of language play is mostly to entertain the readers as it builds humor and creates aesthetics
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