9 research outputs found

    Modern concepts in non-surgical esthetics; a review

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    New non-surgical esthetics is the most dynamic field in contemporary medicine. At the same time, it is greatly influenced by our contemporary society. This paper reviews modern methods used in non-surgical esthetics, especially in Romania. From injectology and non-surgical face lifting to non-surgical body contouring, we analyzed all procedures performed by Romanian physicians, and we show the advantages and disadvantages of the advanced esthetic procedures. Injectology typically implies hyaluronic acid, botox and mesotherapy (for wrinkles and rejuvenation). Laser and radiofrequency treatment are used for wrinkles as well, with fewer unwanted adverse reactions and results exceeding those of injectables. Non-surgical lifting has gained more ground because it requires little recovery time and the results are very positive. Elective treatment for facial discoloration is the laser approach. For non-surgical body contouring, cryolipolisis, vacuum, radio frequency, and infrared systems have all revolutionized this part of esthetics, but each has limitations, and only after establishing the correct course of action, might we think of achieving favorable results and thus raising to the expectations of patients

    Periodontal Disease

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    This book aims to provide readers with the latest updates and an informative overview of the most successful diagnostic aids for periodontal diseases. This book is divided into three sections. Section 1 discusses the periodontal disease pathogenesis and how the disease develops and the contributing factors in disease development. Section 2 includes three chapters that focus mainly on the most common and recent biomarkers that aid in diagnosis of periodontal diseases. Section 3 includes one chapter and discusses a non-surgical treatment modality that could provide definite improvement in the mild to moderate conditions in periodontal diseases

    Evidence‐based treatment for gynoid lipodystrophy: A review of the recent literature

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    Resumen La lipodistrofia ginoide (LDG) es una alteracion estructural, inflamatoria y bioquımica del tejido subcutaneo que causa modificaciones topograficas en la piel. Conocida comunmente como “celulitis”, la LDG afecta hasta a 90% de las mujeres, practicamente en todas las etapas de la vida, iniciando en la pubertad. Se trata de una condicion que afecta considerablemente la calidad de vida de quien la padece. Es motivo frecuente de consulta aunque las pacientes recurren a tratamientos empıricos, improvisados, sin bases ni evidencia cientıfica, los cuales desmotivan y producen frustracion no solo por su falta de resultados, sino por complicaciones derivadas de dichos tratamientos. Un grupo de expertos de diversas especialidades involucradas en el manejo de este problema presenta en este artıculo el resultado de una busqueda bibliografica sistematica y de la discusion consensuada de la evidencia obtenida de diversos tratamientos disponibles actualmente. El analisis se dividio en tratamientos topicos, tratamientos sistemicos, tratamientos no invasivos y tratamientos mınimamente invasivos

    Minimally invasive aesthetic procedures in young adults

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    Age is a significant factor in modifying specific needs when it comes to medical aesthetic procedures. In this review we will focus on young adults in their third decade of life and review minimally invasive aesthetic procedures other than cosmetics and cosmeceuticals. Correction of asymmetries, correction after body modifying procedures, and facial sculpturing are important issues for young adults. The implication of aesthetic medicine as part of preventive medicine is a major ethical challenge that differentiates aesthetic medicine from fashion

    Interpretación y Turismo de Salud en España: tratamientos médico estéticos

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    El objetivo que nos proponemos con el presente trabajo obedece a la necesidad de abordar desde la interpretación social el fenómeno del turismo de salud en España y, en concreto, la creciente demanda internacional por los tratamientos médico estéticos, ya que presentan el doble atractivo de la gran calidad y reputación de nuestra sanidad y unos precios asequibles. Los pacientes internacionales proceden principalmente del Reino Unido y de países de la Cuenca del Mediterráneo que emplean el francés como lengua vehicular. De ahí que este estudio cubra los tratamientos más demandados en las combinaciones de lenguas español-inglés y español-francés. Partimos de que los tratamientos de relleno dérmico con ácido hialurónico y con toxina botulínica son los que más demanda el perfil de cliente extranjero, por ello planteamos confeccionar un módulo didáctico que ofrezca a docentes y estudiantes la posibilidad de practicar en el aula de interpretación unas situaciones profesionales que hasta ahora no se cubren en el Grado (el turismo de salud en España). La metodología que seguimos es de un estudio de caso. En primer lugar, la candidata entró en contacto con una clínica médico-estética granadina de gran reputación que permitió que se hiciera pasar por una paciente para que pudiera grabar y anotar todas las fases de este tipo de tratamientos: desde la recepción a la consulta, el tratamiento, la información sobre el precio, la firma del consentimiento informado y la revisión. Esto facilitó el barrido terminológico que se completó con búsquedas en el sitio web de la clínica, así como de los sitios web de sociedades profesionales de medicina estética españoles, británicos y franceses. El resultado se compone de un módulo didáctico que cuenta con cuatro role-plays sobre los tratamientos mencionados (dos en cada combinación de lengua), sus grabaciones y transcripciones en soporte audio para la práctica de la interpretación bilateral y varios documentos (consentimiento informado, folletos informativos) para la realización de ejercicios de traducción a la vista. Este estudio de caso resulta muy pertinente al intentar acercar al aula una realidad profesional que recluta a intérpretes profesionales, pero en su mayor parte a individuos que hablan lenguas extranjeros y que no se contempla en la formación de intérpretes en nuestro Grado en Traducción e Interpretación.The aim of the field study is to provide the university's interpreting classes with a training module to develop interpreting training material devoted to help trainers and students interpret in the field of non-surgical cosmetic surgery treatments. Health tourism and medical aesthetical treatments in particular are a setting which has witnessed a constant increase in demand for translation and interpreting services. The ultimate goal of this training module is to bring interpreting training closer to market needs. The growing international demand for medical aesthetic treatments in Spain is principally due to the high quality and reputation of Spanish healthcare worldwide. A good balance between quality and price and climate, cultural heritage, transport and accommodation are factors that make Spain the ideal destination for Health Tourism. In order to conduct the training module, it was necessary to conduct a field study with the aim of learning in depth about the aesthetic medical clinics sector within the framework of Health Tourism. For this purpose, several routes were taken. Firstly, a survey was prepared and filled out by suitably qualified and experienced medical professionals from Quintalegre Clínica Médico Estética who had extensive experience with foreign patients, both on the Granada coast and in Malaga (Costa del Sol). The survey collected relevant data of foreign patients to develop a training model successfully. Additionally, various meetings took place with experienced and qualified medical professionals from the clinic. Finally, it was essential to make a simulated appointment in the clinic to elaborate each role-play as close to reality as possible. It is necessary to prepare the students of interpreting for this communicative situation. Thus, the training module prepares students to interpret a communicative situation involving non-surgical cosmetic surgery treatments such as dermal fillings: Botox injections (botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid) in both English and French

    Textbook on Scar Management

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    This text book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. Written by a group of international experts in the field and the result of over ten years of collaboration, it allows students and readers to gain to gain a detailed understanding of scar and wound treatment – a topic still dispersed among various disciplines. The content is divided into three parts for easy reference. The first part focuses on the fundamentals of scar management, including assessment and evaluation procedures, classification, tools for accurate measurement of all scar-related elements (volume density, color, vascularization), descriptions of the different evaluation scales. It also features chapters on the best practices in electronic-file storage for clinical reevaluation and telemedicine procedures for safe remote evaluation. The second section offers a comprehensive review of treatment and evidence-based technologies, presenting a consensus of the various available guidelines (silicone, surgery, chemical injections, mechanical tools for scar stabilization, lasers). The third part evaluates the full range of emerging technologies offered to physicians as alternative or complementary solutions for wound healing (mechanical, chemical, anti-proliferation). Textbook on Scar Management will appeal to trainees, fellows, residents and physicians dealing with scar management in plastic surgery, dermatology, surgery and oncology, as well as to nurses and general practitioners ; Comprehensive reference covering the complete field of wounds and scar management: semiology, classifications and scoring Highly educational contents for trainees as well as professionals in plastic surgery, dermatology, surgery, oncology as well as nurses and general practitioners Fast access to information through key points, take home messages, highlights, and a wealth of clinical cases Book didactic contents enhanced by supplementary material and video

    Textbook on Scar Management

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    This text book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. Written by a group of international experts in the field and the result of over ten years of collaboration, it allows students and readers to gain to gain a detailed understanding of scar and wound treatment – a topic still dispersed among various disciplines. The content is divided into three parts for easy reference. The first part focuses on the fundamentals of scar management, including assessment and evaluation procedures, classification, tools for accurate measurement of all scar-related elements (volume density, color, vascularization), descriptions of the different evaluation scales. It also features chapters on the best practices in electronic-file storage for clinical reevaluation and telemedicine procedures for safe remote evaluation. The second section offers a comprehensive review of treatment and evidence-based technologies, presenting a consensus of the various available guidelines (silicone, surgery, chemical injections, mechanical tools for scar stabilization, lasers). The third part evaluates the full range of emerging technologies offered to physicians as alternative or complementary solutions for wound healing (mechanical, chemical, anti-proliferation). Textbook on Scar Management will appeal to trainees, fellows, residents and physicians dealing with scar management in plastic surgery, dermatology, surgery and oncology, as well as to nurses and general practitioners ; Comprehensive reference covering the complete field of wounds and scar management: semiology, classifications and scoring Highly educational contents for trainees as well as professionals in plastic surgery, dermatology, surgery, oncology as well as nurses and general practitioners Fast access to information through key points, take home messages, highlights, and a wealth of clinical cases Book didactic contents enhanced by supplementary material and video

    Protest against gender stereotypes in the Grinchenko’s family works

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    У статті досліджено гендерний дискурс у творчості родини Грінченків. Проаналізовано роль і місце родини Грінченків у жіночому русі кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ ст. на основі не досліджених раніше документівВ статье исследуется гендерный дискурс в творчестве семьи Гринченко. Рассматриваются роль и место семьи Гринченко в женском движении конца ХІХ – начала ХХ в. на основе неисследованных ранее документовThis article analyses Grinchenko’s family participation in Ukrainian women’s movement in the end of XIX – early XX century. The research based on famous works and previously unstudied documents unpublished articles by Boris Grinchenko, popular Maria Grinchenko’s chapbook, small fiction works and poetry, written by Boris, Maria and Nastya Grinchenko. Unpublished works are stored in the funds of the Institute of Manuscripts of the National Library of Ukraine named after V. Vernadsky. The analysis is carried out in a comparative aspect. The comparative approach is used to supplement the traditional interpretation of the work’s by disclosing other levels of each Grinchenko’s family member creative manner and biography. Analyzed works are chosen cause of need to enter them into scientific circulation. The aim of this paper is to highlight the new aspects of the gender discourse in Grinchenko’s family works and to show their connection and distinctive features. Ukrainians fought for their freedom in Ukrainian lands divided between the two empires. Women’s movement was a logical continuation of this struggle. Boris and Maria Grinchenko theoretically interpreted the "women's question" due to the special treatment of a woman whose remains were preserved in Ukrainian intelligent families. In addition, they, according to their beliefs, brought up their only daughter Anastasia (Nastya). Then Nastya Grinchenko became at the forefront of the universal struggle for creating a new society based on partnership and mutual respect. It is shown the prospects for further research in the global context of the Ukrainian literary process in the end of XIX – early XX centur