10,931 research outputs found

    Subdivision surface fitting to a dense mesh using ridges and umbilics

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    Fitting a sparse surface to approximate vast dense data is of interest for many applications: reverse engineering, recognition and compression, etc. The present work provides an approach to fit a Loop subdivision surface to a dense triangular mesh of arbitrary topology, whilst preserving and aligning the original features. The natural ridge-joined connectivity of umbilics and ridge-crossings is used as the connectivity of the control mesh for subdivision, so that the edges follow salient features on the surface. Furthermore, the chosen features and connectivity characterise the overall shape of the original mesh, since ridges capture extreme principal curvatures and ridges start and end at umbilics. A metric of Hausdorff distance including curvature vectors is proposed and implemented in a distance transform algorithm to construct the connectivity. Ridge-colour matching is introduced as a criterion for edge flipping to improve feature alignment. Several examples are provided to demonstrate the feature-preserving capability of the proposed approach

    Computational complexity and memory usage for multi-frontal direct solvers in structured mesh finite elements

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    The multi-frontal direct solver is the state-of-the-art algorithm for the direct solution of sparse linear systems. This paper provides computational complexity and memory usage estimates for the application of the multi-frontal direct solver algorithm on linear systems resulting from B-spline-based isogeometric finite elements, where the mesh is a structured grid. Specifically we provide the estimates for systems resulting from Cp1C^{p-1} polynomial B-spline spaces and compare them to those obtained using C0C^0 spaces.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Mesh simplification with hierarchical shape analysis and iterative edge contraction

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    2003-2004 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    TetSplat: Real-time Rendering and Volume Clipping of Large Unstructured Tetrahedral Meshes

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    We present a novel approach to interactive visualization and exploration of large unstructured tetrahedral meshes. These massive 3D meshes are used in mission-critical CFD and structural mechanics simulations, and typically sample multiple field values on several millions of unstructured grid points. Our method relies on the pre-processing of the tetrahedral mesh to partition it into non-convex boundaries and internal fragments that are subsequently encoded into compressed multi-resolution data representations. These compact hierarchical data structures are then adaptively rendered and probed in real-time on a commodity PC. Our point-based rendering algorithm, which is inspired by QSplat, employs a simple but highly efficient splatting technique that guarantees interactive frame-rates regardless of the size of the input mesh and the available rendering hardware. It furthermore allows for real-time probing of the volumetric data-set through constructive solid geometry operations as well as interactive editing of color transfer functions for an arbitrary number of field values. Thus, the presented visualization technique allows end-users for the first time to interactively render and explore very large unstructured tetrahedral meshes on relatively inexpensive hardware

    The persistent cosmic web and its filamentary structure II: Illustrations

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    The recently introduced discrete persistent structure extractor (DisPerSE, Soubie 2010, paper I) is implemented on realistic 3D cosmological simulations and observed redshift catalogues (SDSS); it is found that DisPerSE traces equally well the observed filaments, walls, and voids in both cases. In either setting, filaments are shown to connect onto halos, outskirt walls, which circumvent voids. Indeed this algorithm operates directly on the particles without assuming anything about the distribution, and yields a natural (topologically motivated) self-consistent criterion for selecting the significance level of the identified structures. It is shown that this extraction is possible even for very sparsely sampled point processes, as a function of the persistence ratio. Hence astrophysicists should be in a position to trace and measure precisely the filaments, walls and voids from such samples and assess the confidence of the post-processed sets as a function of this threshold, which can be expressed relative to the expected amplitude of shot noise. In a cosmic framework, this criterion is comparable to friend of friend for the identifications of peaks, while it also identifies the connected filaments and walls, and quantitatively recovers the full set of topological invariants (Betti numbers) {\sl directly from the particles} as a function of the persistence threshold. This criterion is found to be sufficient even if one particle out of two is noise, when the persistence ratio is set to 3-sigma or more. The algorithm is also implemented on the SDSS catalogue and used to locat interesting configurations of the filamentary structure. In this context we carried the identification of an ``optically faint'' cluster at the intersection of filaments through the recent observation of its X-ray counterpart by SUZAKU. The corresponding filament catalogue will be made available online.Comment: A higher resolution version is available at http://www.iap.fr/users/sousbie together with complementary material (movie and data). Submitted to MNRA

    Point Cloud Structural Parts Extraction based on Segmentation Energy Minimization

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    In this work we consider 3D point sets, which in a typical setting represent unorganized point clouds. Segmentation of these point sets requires first to single out structural components of the unknown surface discretely approximated by the point cloud. Structural components, in turn, are surface patches approximating unknown parts of elementary geometric structures, such as planes, ellipsoids, spheres and so on. The approach used is based on level set methods computing the moving front of the surface and tracing the interfaces between different parts of it. Level set methods are widely recognized to be one of the most efficient methods to segment both 2D images and 3D medical images. Level set methods for 3D segmentation have recently received an increasing interest. We contribute by proposing a novel approach for raw point sets. Based on the motion and distance functions of the level set we introduce four energy minimization models, which are used for segmentation, by considering an equal number of distance functions specified by geometric features. Finally we evaluate the proposed algorithm on point sets simulating unorganized point clouds