12 research outputs found

    Continuous use of authoring for adaptive educational hypermedia : a long-term case study

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    Adaptive educational hypermedia allows lessons to be personalized according to the needs of the learner. However, to achieve this, content must be split into stand-alone fragments that can be processed by a course personalization engine. Authoring content for this process is still a difficult activity, and it is essential for the popularization of adaptive educational hypermedia that authoring is simplified, so that the various stakeholders in the educational process, students, teachers, administrators, etc. can easily work with such systems. Thus, real-world testing with these stakeholders is essential. In this paper we describe recent extensions and improvements we have implemented in the My Online Teacher MOT3.0 adaptation authoring tool set, based on an initial set of short-term evaluations, and then focus on describing a long-term usage and assessment of the system

    Social e-learning in topolor : a case study

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    Social e-learning is a process through which learners achieve their learning goals via social interactions with each other by sharing knowledge, skills, abilities and educational materials. Adaptive e-learning enables adaptation and personalization of the learning process, based on learner needs, knowledge, preferences and other characteristics. In this paper, we present a case study that analyzes the social interaction features of a social personalized adaptive e-learning system developed at the University of Warwick, called Topolor. We discuss the results of a quantitative case study that evaluates the perceived usefulness and usability. The results demonstrate a generally high level of learner satisfaction with their learning experience. We extend the discussion of the results to explore future research directions and suggest further improvements for the studied social personalized adaptive e-learning system

    A Social Personalized Adaptive E-Learning Environment: A Case Study in Topolor

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    Adaptive e-Learning is a process where learning contents are delivered to learners adaptively, namely, the appropriate contents are delivered to the learners in an appropriate way at an appropriate time based on the learners' needs, knowledge, preferences and other characteristics. Social e-Learning is a process where connections are made among like-minded learners, so they can achieve learning goals via communication and interaction with each other by sharing knowledge, skills, abilities and materials. This paper reports an extended case study that investigated the influence of social interactions in an adaptive e-Learning environment, by analyzing the usage of social interaction features of a Social Personalized Adaptive E-Learning Environment (SPAEE), named Topolor, which strives to combine the advantages from both social e-Learning and adaptive e-Learning. We present the results of a quantitative case study that evaluates the perceived usefulness and ease of use. The results indicated high satisfaction from the students who were using Topolor for their study and helped us with the evaluation processes. Based on the results, we discuss the follow-up work plan for the further improvements for Topolor

    Social E-Learning in Topolor: a Case Study

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    Social e-learning is a process through which learners achieve their learning goals via social interactions with each other by sharing knowledge, skills, abilities and educational materials. Adaptive e-learning enables adaptation and personalization of the learning process, based on learner needs, knowledge, preferences and other characteristics. In this paper, we present a case study that analyzes the social interaction features of a social personalized adaptive e-learning system developed at the University of Warwick, called Topolor. We discuss the results of a quantitative case study that evaluates the perceived usefulness and usability. The results demonstrate a generally high level of learner satisfaction with their learning experience. We extend the discussion of the results to explore future research directions and suggest further improvements for the studied social personalized adaptive e-learning system

    A social personalized adaptive e-learning environment : a case study in Topolor

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    Adaptive e-Learning is a process where learning contents are delivered to learners adaptively, namely, the appropriate contents are delivered to the learners in an appropriate way at an appropriate time based on the learners’ needs, knowledge, preferences and other characteristics. Social e-Learning is a process where connections are made among like-minded learners, so they can achieve learning goals via communication and interaction with each other by sharing knowledge, skills, abilities and materials. This paper reports an extended case study that investigated the influence of social interactions in an adaptive e-Learning environment, by analyzing the usage of social interaction features of a Social Personalized Adaptive E-Learning Environment (SPAEE), named Topolor, which strives to combine the advantages from both social e-Learning and adaptive e-Learning. We present the results of a quantitative case study that evaluates the perceived usefulness and ease of use. The results indicated high satisfaction from the students who were using Topolor for their study and helped us with the evaluation processes. Based on the results, we discuss the follow-up work plan for the further improvements for Topolor

    Supporting delivery of adaptive hypermedia

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    Although Adaptive Hypermedia (AH) can improve upon the traditional one-size-fitsall learning approach through Adaptive Educational Hypermedia (AEH), it still has problems with the authoring and delivery processes that are holding back the widespread usage of AEH. In this thesis we present the development of the Adaptive Delivery Environment (ADE) delivery system and use the lessons learnt during its development along with feedback from adaptation specification authors, researchers and other evaluations to formalise a list of essential and recommended optional features for AEH delivery engines. In addition to this we also investigate how the powerful adaptation techniques recommended in the above list and described in Brusilovsky and Knutov’s taxonomies can be implemented in a way that minimises the technical knowledge of adaptation authors needed to use these techniques. As the adaptation functionality increases, we research how a modular framework for adaptation strategies can be created to increase the reusability of parts of an AH system’s overall adaptation specification. Following on from this, we investigate how reusing these modular strategies via a pedagogically based visual editor can enable adaptation authors without programming experience to use these powerful adaptation techniques

    Merging strategies for authoring QoE-based adaptive hypermedia

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    Personalization is desirable, but writing the adaptation behaviour description to go with it is taxing. Even more challenging is the application of multiple adaptation strategies over the same static content. This paper focuses on recent work on strategy modularisation and merger development in the authoring process ofadaptive hypermedia. The reason for the modularisation of strategies is to break a complex adaptation decision into a number of simpler ones, which may be reused more easily and applied in different orders. The rationale for strategy merger is to be able to apply multiple adaptation strategies over the same content - a challenge which is not yet fully addressed in current adaptive hypermedia systems. To demonstrate the proposed method we present an example case study and sample strategies written in the LAG adaptation language. The case study is based on a recently proposed model for Quality of Experience in e-learning. This model exposes the complex interaction between a number of factors affecting QoE and hence presents a good candidate for the application of a strategy merger, as well as modularisation. We have then evaluated this approach via structured questionnaires used with a number of design experts of hypermedia content creation, especially in the domain of education. This allows us to draw generic conclusions for both our own further research, as well as for the community at large, interested in the area of reuse and modularisation of adaptation

    Supporting authoring of adaptive hypermedia

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    It is well-known that students benefit from personalised attention. However, frequently teachers are unable to provide this, most often due to time constraints. An Adaptive Hypermedia (AH) system can offer a richer learning experience, by giving personalised attention to students. The authoring process, however, is time consuming and cumbersome. Our research explores the two main aspects to authoring of AH: authoring of content and adaptive behaviour. The research proposes possible solutions, to overcome the hurdles towards acceptance of AH in education. Automation methods can help authors, for example, teachers could create linear lessons and our prototype can add content alternatives for adaptation. Creating adaptive behaviour is more complex. Rule-based systems, XML-based conditional inclusion, Semantic Web reasoning and reusable, portable scripting in a programming language have been proposed. These methods all require specialised knowledge. Hence authoring of adaptive behaviour is difficult and teachers cannot be expected to create such strategies. We investigate three ways to address this issue. 1. Reusability: We investigate limitations regarding adaptation engines, which influence the authoring and reuse of adaptation strategies. We propose a metalanguage, as a supplement to the existing LAG adaptation language, showing how it can overcome such limitations. 2. Standardisation: There are no widely accepted standards for AH. The IMSLearning Design (IMS-LD) specification has similar goals to Adaptive Educational Hypermedia (AEH). Investigation shows that IMS-LD is more limited in terms of adaptive behaviour, but the authoring process focuses more on learning sequences and outcomes. 3. Visualisation: Another way is to simplify the authoring process of strategies using a visual tool. We define a reference model and a tool, the Conceptual Adaptation Model (CAM) and GRAPPLE Authoring Tool (GAT), which allow specification of an adaptive course in a graphical way. A key feature is the separation between content, strategy and adaptive course, which increases reusability compared to approaches that combine all factors in one model

    Manual and automatic authoring for adaptive hypermedia

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    Adaptive Hypermedia allows online content to be tailored specifically to the needs of the user. This is particularly valuable in educational systems, where a student might benefit from a learning experience which only displays (or recommends) content that they need to know. Authoring for adaptive systems requires content to be divided into stand-alone fragments which must then be labelled with sufficient pedagogical metadata. Authors must also create a pedagogical strategy that selects the appropriate content depending on (amongst other things) the learner's profile. This authoring process is time-consuming and unfamiliar to most non-technical authors. Therefore, to ensure that students (of all ages, ability level and interests) can benefit from Adaptive Educational Hypermedia, authoring tools need to be usable by a range of educators. The overall aim of this thesis is therefore to identify the ways that this authoring process can be simplified. The research in this thesis describes the changes that were made to the My Online Teacher (MOT) tool in order to address issues such as functionality and usability. The thesis also describes usability and functionality changes that were made to the GRAPPLE Authoring Tool (GAT), which was developed as part of a European FP7 project. These two tools (which utilise different authoring paradigms) were then used within a usability evaluation, allowing the research to draw a comparison between the two toolsets. The thesis also describes how educators can reuse their existing non-adaptive (linear) material (such as presentations and Wiki articles) by importing content into an adaptive authoring system