6 research outputs found

    Intersection Features For Android Botnet Classification

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    The evolution of the Internet of things (IoT) has made a significant impact and availed opportunities for mobile device usage on human life. Many of IoT devices will be supposedly controlled through a mobile, giving application (apps) developers great opportunities in the development of new applications. However, hackers are continuously developing malicious applications especially Android botnet to steal private information, causing financial losses and breach user privacy. This paper proposed an enhancement approach for Android botnet classification based on features selection and classification algorithms. The proposed approach used requested permissions in the Android app and API function as features to differentiate between the Android botnet apps and benign apps. The Chi Square was used to select the most significant permissions, then the classification algorithms like NaĂŻve Bayes and Decision Tree were used to classify the Android apps as botnet or benign apps. The results showed that Decision Tree with Chi-Square feature selection achieved the highest detection accuracy of 98.6% which was higher than other classifiers

    Integrated information gain with extra tree algorithm for feature permission analysis in android malware classification

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    The rapid growth of free applications in the android market has led to the fast spread of malware apps since users store their sensitive personal information on their mobile devices when using those apps. The permission mechanism is designed as a security layer to protect the android operating system by restricting access to local resources of the system at installation time and run time for updated versions of the android operating system. Even though permissions provide a secure layer to users, they can be exploited by attackers to threaten user privacy. Consequently, exploring the patterns of those permissions becomes necessary to find the relevant permission features that contribute to classifying android apps. However, with the era of big data and the rapid explosion of malware along with many unnecessary requested permissions, it has become a challenge to recognize the patterns of permissions from these data due to the irrelevant and redundant features that affect the classification performance and increase the complexity cost overhead. Ensemble-based Extra Tree - Feature Selection (FS-EX) algorithm was proposed in this study to explore the permission patterns by selecting a minimal-sized subset of highly discriminant permission features capable of discriminating against malware samples from nonmalware samples. The integrated Information Gain with Ensemble-based Extra Tree - Feature Selection (FS-IGEX) algorithm is proposed to assign weight values to permission features instead of binary values to determine the impact of weighted attribute variables on the classification performance. The two proposed methods based on Ensemble Extra Tree Feature Selection were evaluated on five datasets with various sample sizes and feature space using nine machine learning classifiers. Comparison studies were carried out between FS-EX subsets and the dataset of Full Permission features (FP) and the two approaches of the FS-IGEX method - the Permission-Binary (PB) approach and the Permission-Weighted (PW) approach. The permissions with PB were represented with binary values, whereas permissions with PW were represented with weighted values. The results demonstrated that the approach with the FS-EX was promising in obtaining the most prominent permission features related to the class target and attaining the same or close classification results in terms of accuracy with the highest accuracy mean of 96%, as compared to the FP. In addition, the PW approach of the FS-IGEX method had highly influential weighted permission features that could classify apps as malware and non-malware with the highest accuracy mean of 93%, compared to the PB approach of the FS-IGEX method and the FP

    Malware detection : a framework for reverse engineered android applications through machine learning algorithms

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    Today, Android is one of the most used operating systems in smartphone technology. This is the main reason, Android has become the favorite target for hackers and attackers. Malicious codes are being embedded in Android applications in such a sophisticated manner that detecting and identifying an application as a malware has become the toughest job for security providers. In terms of ingenuity and cognition, Android malware has progressed to the point where they’re more impervious to conventional detection techniques. Approaches based on machine learning have emerged as a much more effective way to tackle the intricacy and originality of developing Android threats. They function by first identifying current patterns of malware activity and then using this information to distinguish between identified threats and unidentified threats with unknown behavior. This research paper uses Reverse Engineered Android applications’ features and Machine Learning algorithms to find vulnerabilities present in Smartphone applications. Our contribution is twofold. Firstly, we propose a model that incorporates more innovative static feature sets with the largest current datasets of malware samples than conventional methods. Secondly, we have used ensemble learning with machine learning algorithms such as AdaBoost, SVM, etc. to improve our model’s performance. Our experimental results and findings exhibit 96.24% accuracy to detect extracted malware from Android applications, with a 0.3 False Positive Rate (FPR). The proposed model incorporates ignored detrimental features such as permissions, intents, API calls, and so on, trained by feeding a solitary arbitrary feature, extracted by reverse engineering as an input to the machine

    Merging Permission and API Features For Android Malware Detection

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    The prosperity of mobile devices have been rapidly and drastically reforming the use pattern and of user habits with computing devices. Android, the most popular mobile operating system, has a privilege-separated security system through a sophisticated permission control mechanism. Android Apps need to request permissions to access sensitive personal data and system resources, but empirical studies have found that various types of malicious software could obtain permissions and attack systems and applications by deceiving users and the security mechanism. In this paper, we propose a novel machine learning approach to detect malware by mining the patterns of Permissions and API Function Calls acquired and used by Android Apps. Based on static analysis of source code and resource files of Android Apps, binary and numerical features are extracted for qualitative and quantitative evaluation. Feature selection methods are applied to reduce the feature dimension and enhance the efficiency. Different machine learning methods, including Support Vector Machines, Random Forest and Neural Networks, are applied and compared in classification. The experimental results show that the proposed approach delivers accurate detection of Android malware. We deem that the proposed approach could help raise users\u27 awareness of potential risks and mitigate malware threats for Android devices

    Feature Selection on Permissions, Intents and APIs for Android Malware Detection

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    Malicious applications pose an enormous security threat to mobile computing devices. Currently 85% of all smartphones run Android, Google’s open-source operating system, making that platform the primary threat vector for malware attacks. Android is a platform that hosts roughly 99% of known malware to date, and is the focus of most research efforts in mobile malware detection due to its open source nature. One of the main tools used in this effort is supervised machine learning. While a decade of work has made a lot of progress in detection accuracy, there is an obstacle that each stream of research is forced to overcome, feature selection, i.e., determining which attributes of Android are most effective as inputs into machine learning models. This dissertation aims to address that problem by providing the community with an exhaustive analysis of the three primary types of Android features used by researchers: Permissions, Intents and API Calls. The intent of the report is not to describe a best performing feature set or a best performing machine learning model, nor to explain why certain Permissions, Intents or API Calls get selected above others, but rather to provide a holistic methodology to help guide feature selection for Android malware detection. The experiments used eleven different feature selection techniques covering filter methods, wrapper methods and embedded methods. Each feature selection technique was applied to seven different datasets based on the seven combinations available of Permissions, Intents and API Calls. Each of those seven datasets are from a base set of 119k Android apps. All of the result sets were then validated against three different machine learning models, Random Forest, SVM and a Neural Net, to test applicability across algorithm type. The experiments show that using a combination of Permissions, Intents and API Calls produced higher accuracy than using any of those alone or in any other combination and that feature selection should be performed on the combined dataset, not by feature type and then combined. The data also shows that, in general, a feature set size of 200 or more attributes is required for optimal results. Finally, the feature selection methods Relief, Correlation-based Feature Selection (CFS) and Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) using a Neural Net are not satisfactory approaches for Android malware detection work. Based on the proposed methodology and experiments, this research provided insights into feature selection – a significant but often overlooked issue in Android malware detection. We believe the results reported herein is an important step for effective feature evaluation and selection in assisting malware detection especially for datasets with a large number of features. The methodology also has the potential to be applied to similar malware detection tasks or even in broader domains such as pattern recognition