2,800 research outputs found

    Merging Mixture Components for Cell Population Identification in Flow Cytometry

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    We present a framework for the identification of cell subpopulations in flow cytometry data based on merging mixture components using the flowClust methodology. We show that the cluster merging algorithm under our framework improves model fit and provides a better estimate of the number of distinct cell subpopulations than either Gaussian mixture models or flowClust, especially for complicated flow cytometry data distributions. Our framework allows the automated selection of the number of distinct cell subpopulations and we are able to identify cases where the algorithm fails, thus making it suitable for application in a high throughput FCM analysis pipeline. Furthermore, we demonstrate a method for summarizing complex merged cell subpopulations in a simple manner that integrates with the existing flowClust framework and enables downstream data analysis. We demonstrate the performance of our framework on simulated and real FCM data. The software is available in the flowMerge package through the Bioconductor project

    A computational framework to emulate the human perspective in flow cytometric data analysis

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    Background: In recent years, intense research efforts have focused on developing methods for automated flow cytometric data analysis. However, while designing such applications, little or no attention has been paid to the human perspective that is absolutely central to the manual gating process of identifying and characterizing cell populations. In particular, the assumption of many common techniques that cell populations could be modeled reliably with pre-specified distributions may not hold true in real-life samples, which can have populations of arbitrary shapes and considerable inter-sample variation. <p/>Results: To address this, we developed a new framework flowScape for emulating certain key aspects of the human perspective in analyzing flow data, which we implemented in multiple steps. First, flowScape begins with creating a mathematically rigorous map of the high-dimensional flow data landscape based on dense and sparse regions defined by relative concentrations of events around modes. In the second step, these modal clusters are connected with a global hierarchical structure. This representation allows flowScape to perform ridgeline analysis for both traversing the landscape and isolating cell populations at different levels of resolution. Finally, we extended manual gating with a new capacity for constructing templates that can identify target populations in terms of their relative parameters, as opposed to the more commonly used absolute or physical parameters. This allows flowScape to apply such templates in batch mode for detecting the corresponding populations in a flexible, sample-specific manner. We also demonstrated different applications of our framework to flow data analysis and show its superiority over other analytical methods. <p/>Conclusions: The human perspective, built on top of intuition and experience, is a very important component of flow cytometric data analysis. By emulating some of its approaches and extending these with automation and rigor, flowScape provides a flexible and robust framework for computational cytomics

    Multivariate modality inference using Gaussian kernel

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    The number of modes (also known as modality) of a kernel density estimator (KDE) draws lots of interests and is important in practice. In this paper, we develop an inference framework on the modality of a KDE under multivariate setting using Gaussian kernel. We applied the modal clustering method proposed by [1] for mode hunting. A test statistic and its asymptotic distribution are derived to assess the significance of each mode. The inference procedure is applied on both simulated and real data sets

    Identifying Mixtures of Mixtures Using Bayesian Estimation

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    The use of a finite mixture of normal distributions in model-based clustering allows to capture non-Gaussian data clusters. However, identifying the clusters from the normal components is challenging and in general either achieved by imposing constraints on the model or by using post-processing procedures. Within the Bayesian framework we propose a different approach based on sparse finite mixtures to achieve identifiability. We specify a hierarchical prior where the hyperparameters are carefully selected such that they are reflective of the cluster structure aimed at. In addition this prior allows to estimate the model using standard MCMC sampling methods. In combination with a post-processing approach which resolves the label switching issue and results in an identified model, our approach allows to simultaneously (1) determine the number of clusters, (2) flexibly approximate the cluster distributions in a semi-parametric way using finite mixtures of normals and (3) identify cluster-specific parameters and classify observations. The proposed approach is illustrated in two simulation studies and on benchmark data sets.Comment: 49 page

    Structures in High-Dimensional Data: Intrinsic Dimension and Cluster Analysis

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    With today's improved measurement and data storing technologies it has become common to collect data in search for hypotheses instead of for testing hypotheses---to do exploratory data analysis. Finding patterns and structures in data is the main goal. This thesis deals with two kinds of structures that can convey relationships between different parts of data in a high-dimensional space: manifolds and clusters. They are in a way opposites of each other: a manifold structure shows that it is plausible to connect two distant points through the manifold, a clustering shows that it is plausible to separate two nearby points by assigning them to different clusters. But clusters and manifolds can also be the same: each cluster can be a manifold of its own.The first paper in this thesis concerns one specific aspect of a manifold structure, namely its dimension, also called the intrinsic dimension of the data. A novel estimator of intrinsic dimension, taking advantage of ``the curse of dimensionality'', is proposed and evaluated. It is shown that it has in general less bias than estimators from the literature and can therefore better distinguish manifolds with different dimensions.The second and third paper in this thesis concern cluster analysis of data generated by flow cytometry---a high-throughput single-cell measurement technology. In this area, clustering is performed routinely by manual assignment of data in two-dimensional plots, to identify cell populations. It is a tedious and subjective task, especially since data often has four, eight, twelve or even more dimensions, and the analysts need to decide which two dimensions to look at together, and in which order.In the second paper of the thesis a new pipeline for automated cell population identification is proposed, which can process multiple flow cytometry samples in parallel using a hierarchical model that shares information between the clusterings of the samples, thus making corresponding clusters in different samples similar while allowing for variation in cluster location and shape.In the third and final paper of the thesis, statistical tests for unimodality are investigated as a tool for quality control of automated cell population identification algorithms. It is shown that the different tests have different interpretations of unimodality and thus accept different kinds of clusters as sufficiently close to unimodal

    Parametric modeling of cellular state transitions as measured with flow cytometry

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gradual or sudden transitions among different states as exhibited by cell populations in a biological sample under particular conditions or stimuli can be detected and profiled by flow cytometric time course data. Often such temporal profiles contain features due to transient states that present unique modeling challenges. These could range from asymmetric non-Gaussian distributions to outliers and tail subpopulations, which need to be modeled with precision and rigor.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To ensure precision and rigor, we propose a parametric modeling framework StateProfiler based on finite mixtures of skew <it>t</it>-Normal distributions that are robust against non-Gaussian features caused by asymmetry and outliers in data. Further, we present in StateProfiler a new greedy EM algorithm for fast and optimal model selection. The parsimonious approach of our greedy algorithm allows us to detect the genuine dynamic variation in the key features as and when they appear in time course data. We also present a procedure to construct a well-fitted profile by merging any redundant model components in a way that minimizes change in entropy of the resulting model. This allows precise profiling of unusually shaped distributions and less well-separated features that may appear due to cellular heterogeneity even within clonal populations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>By modeling flow cytometric data measured over time course and marker space with StateProfiler, specific parametric characteristics of cellular states can be identified. The parameters are then tested statistically for learning global and local patterns of spatio-temporal change. We applied StateProfiler to identify the temporal features of yeast cell cycle progression based on knockout of S-phase triggering cyclins Clb5 and Clb6, and then compared the S-phase delay phenotypes due to differential regulation of the two cyclins. We also used StateProfiler to construct the temporal profile of clonal divergence underlying lineage selection in mammalian hematopoietic progenitor cells.</p

    Annealing-based model-free expectation maximisation for multi-colour flow cytometry data clustering

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    This paper proposes an optimised model-free expectation maximisation method for automated clustering of high-dimensional datasets. The method is based on a recursive binary division strategy that successively divides an original dataset into distinct clusters. Each binary division is carriedout using a model-free expectation maximisation scheme that exploits the posterior probability computation capability of the quasi-supervised learningalgorithm subjected to a line-search optimisation over the reference set size parameter analogous to a simulated annealing approach. The divisions arecontinued until a division cost exceeds an adaptively determined limit. Experiment results on synthetic as well as real multi-colour flow cytometrydatasets showed that the proposed method can accurately capture the prominent clusters without requiring any prior knowledge on the number of clusters ortheir distribution models