4 research outputs found

    Optimization of SpGEMM with Risc-V vector instructions

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    The Sparse GEneral Matrix-Matrix multiplication (SpGEMM) C=A×BC = A \times B is a fundamental routine extensively used in domains like machine learning or graph analytics. Despite its relevance, the efficient execution of SpGEMM on vector architectures is a relatively unexplored topic. The most recent algorithm to run SpGEMM on these architectures is based on the SParse Accumulator (SPA) approach, and it is relatively efficient for sparse matrices featuring several tens of non-zero coefficients per column as it computes C columns one by one. However, when dealing with matrices containing just a few non-zero coefficients per column, the state-of-the-art algorithm is not able to fully exploit long vector architectures when computing the SpGEMM kernel. To overcome this issue we propose the SPA paRallel with Sorting (SPARS) algorithm, which computes in parallel several C columns among other optimizations, and the HASH algorithm, which uses dynamically sized hash tables to store intermediate output values. To combine the efficiency of SPA for relatively dense matrix blocks with the high performance that SPARS and HASH deliver for very sparse matrix blocks we propose H-SPA(t) and H-HASH(t), which dynamically switch between different algorithms. H-SPA(t) and H-HASH(t) obtain 1.24×\times and 1.57×\times average speed-ups with respect to SPA respectively, over a set of 40 sparse matrices obtained from the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection. For the 22 most sparse matrices, H-SPA(t) and H-HASH(t) deliver 1.42×\times and 1.99×\times average speed-ups respectively

    SMASH: Co-designing Software Compression and Hardware-Accelerated Indexing for Efficient Sparse Matrix Operations

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    Important workloads, such as machine learning and graph analytics applications, heavily involve sparse linear algebra operations. These operations use sparse matrix compression as an effective means to avoid storing zeros and performing unnecessary computation on zero elements. However, compression techniques like Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) that are widely used today introduce significant instruction overhead and expensive pointer-chasing operations to discover the positions of the non-zero elements. In this paper, we identify the discovery of the positions (i.e., indexing) of non-zero elements as a key bottleneck in sparse matrix-based workloads, which greatly reduces the benefits of compression. We propose SMASH, a hardware-software cooperative mechanism that enables highly-efficient indexing and storage of sparse matrices. The key idea of SMASH is to explicitly enable the hardware to recognize and exploit sparsity in data. To this end, we devise a novel software encoding based on a hierarchy of bitmaps. This encoding can be used to efficiently compress any sparse matrix, regardless of the extent and structure of sparsity. At the same time, the bitmap encoding can be directly interpreted by the hardware. We design a lightweight hardware unit, the Bitmap Management Unit (BMU), that buffers and scans the bitmap hierarchy to perform highly-efficient indexing of sparse matrices. SMASH exposes an expressive and rich ISA to communicate with the BMU, which enables its use in accelerating any sparse matrix computation. We demonstrate the benefits of SMASH on four use cases that include sparse matrix kernels and graph analytics applications

    Algebraic, Block and Multiplicative Preconditioners based on Fast Tridiagonal Solves on GPUs

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    This thesis contributes to the field of sparse linear algebra, graph applications, and preconditioners for Krylov iterative solvers of sparse linear equation systems, by providing a (block) tridiagonal solver library, a generalized sparse matrix-vector implementation, a linear forest extraction, and a multiplicative preconditioner based on tridiagonal solves. The tridiagonal library, which supports (scaled) partial pivoting, outperforms cuSPARSE's tridiagonal solver by factor five while completely utilizing the available GPU memory bandwidth. For the performance optimized solving of multiple right-hand sides, the explicit factorization of the tridiagonal matrix can be computed. The extraction of a weighted linear forest (union of disjoint paths) from a general graph is used to build algebraic (block) tridiagonal preconditioners and deploys the generalized sparse-matrix vector implementation of this thesis for preconditioner construction. During linear forest extraction, a new parallel bidirectional scan pattern, which can operate on double-linked list structures, identifies the path ID and the position of a vertex. The algebraic preconditioner construction is also used to build more advanced preconditioners, which contain multiple tridiagonal factors, based on generalized ILU factorizations. Additionally, other preconditioners based on tridiagonal factors are presented and evaluated in comparison to ILU and ILU incomplete sparse approximate inverse preconditioners (ILU-ISAI) for the solution of large sparse linear equation systems from the Sparse Matrix Collection. For all presented problems of this thesis, an efficient parallel algorithm and its CUDA implementation for single GPU systems is provided

    Parallel Cache-Efficient Algorithms on GPUs

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