12,073 research outputs found

    Benchmarking and Comparing Popular Visual SLAM Algorithms

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    This paper contains the performance analysis and benchmarking of two popular visual SLAM Algorithms: RGBD-SLAM and RTABMap. The dataset used for the analysis is the TUM RGBD Dataset from the Computer Vision Group at TUM. The dataset selected has a large set of image sequences from a Microsoft Kinect RGB-D sensor with highly accurate and time-synchronized ground truth poses from a motion capture system. The test sequences selected depict a variety of problems and camera motions faced by Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithms for the purpose of testing the robustness of the algorithms in different situations. The evaluation metrics used for the comparison are Absolute Trajectory Error (ATE) and Relative Pose Error (RPE). The analysis involves comparing the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of the two metrics and the processing time for each algorithm. This paper serves as an important aid in the selection of SLAM algorithm for different scenes and camera motions. The analysis helps to realize the limitations of both SLAM methods. This paper also points out some underlying flaws in the used evaluation metrics.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Past, Present, and Future of Simultaneous Localization And Mapping: Towards the Robust-Perception Age

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)consists in the concurrent construction of a model of the environment (the map), and the estimation of the state of the robot moving within it. The SLAM community has made astonishing progress over the last 30 years, enabling large-scale real-world applications, and witnessing a steady transition of this technology to industry. We survey the current state of SLAM. We start by presenting what is now the de-facto standard formulation for SLAM. We then review related work, covering a broad set of topics including robustness and scalability in long-term mapping, metric and semantic representations for mapping, theoretical performance guarantees, active SLAM and exploration, and other new frontiers. This paper simultaneously serves as a position paper and tutorial to those who are users of SLAM. By looking at the published research with a critical eye, we delineate open challenges and new research issues, that still deserve careful scientific investigation. The paper also contains the authors' take on two questions that often animate discussions during robotics conferences: Do robots need SLAM? and Is SLAM solved

    Map Management Approach for SLAM in Large-Scale Indoor and Outdoor Areas

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    This work presents a semantic map management approach for various environments by triggering multiple maps with different simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) configurations. A modular map structure allows to add, modify or delete maps without influencing other maps of different areas. The hierarchy level of our algorithm is above the utilized SLAM method. Evaluating laser scan data (e.g. the detection of passing a doorway) triggers a new map, automatically choosing the appropriate SLAM configuration from a manually predefined list. Single independent maps are connected by link-points, which are located in an overlapping zone of both maps, enabling global navigation over several maps. Loop- closures between maps are detected by an appearance-based method, using feature matching and iterative closest point (ICP) registration between point clouds. Based on the arrangement of maps and link-points, a topological graph is extracted for navigation purpose and tracking the global robot's position over several maps. Our approach is evaluated by mapping a university campus with multiple indoor and outdoor areas and abstracting a metrical-topological graph. It is compared to a single map running with different SLAM configurations. Our approach enhances the overall map quality compared to the single map approaches by automatically choosing predefined SLAM configurations for different environmental setups

    The Revisiting Problem in Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: A Survey on Visual Loop Closure Detection

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    Where am I? This is one of the most critical questions that any intelligent system should answer to decide whether it navigates to a previously visited area. This problem has long been acknowledged for its challenging nature in simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), wherein the robot needs to correctly associate the incoming sensory data to the database allowing consistent map generation. The significant advances in computer vision achieved over the last 20 years, the increased computational power, and the growing demand for long-term exploration contributed to efficiently performing such a complex task with inexpensive perception sensors. In this article, visual loop closure detection, which formulates a solution based solely on appearance input data, is surveyed. We start by briefly introducing place recognition and SLAM concepts in robotics. Then, we describe a loop closure detection system's structure, covering an extensive collection of topics, including the feature extraction, the environment representation, the decision-making step, and the evaluation process. We conclude by discussing open and new research challenges, particularly concerning the robustness in dynamic environments, the computational complexity, and scalability in long-term operations. The article aims to serve as a tutorial and a position paper for newcomers to visual loop closure detection.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figure

    Multi-Session Visual SLAM for Illumination Invariant Localization in Indoor Environments

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    For robots navigating using only a camera, illumination changes in indoor environments can cause localization failures during autonomous navigation. In this paper, we present a multi-session visual SLAM approach to create a map made of multiple variations of the same locations in different illumination conditions. The multi-session map can then be used at any hour of the day for improved localization capability. The approach presented is independent of the visual features used, and this is demonstrated by comparing localization performance between multi-session maps created using the RTAB-Map library with SURF, SIFT, BRIEF, FREAK, BRISK, KAZE, DAISY and SuperPoint visual features. The approach is tested on six mapping and six localization sessions recorded at 30 minutes intervals during sunset using a Google Tango phone in a real apartment.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    ProSLAM: Graph SLAM from a Programmer's Perspective

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    In this paper we present ProSLAM, a lightweight stereo visual SLAM system designed with simplicity in mind. Our work stems from the experience gathered by the authors while teaching SLAM to students and aims at providing a highly modular system that can be easily implemented and understood. Rather than focusing on the well known mathematical aspects of Stereo Visual SLAM, in this work we highlight the data structures and the algorithmic aspects that one needs to tackle during the design of such a system. We implemented ProSLAM using the C++ programming language in combination with a minimal set of well known used external libraries. In addition to an open source implementation, we provide several code snippets that address the core aspects of our approach directly in this paper. The results of a thorough validation performed on standard benchmark datasets show that our approach achieves accuracy comparable to state of the art methods, while requiring substantially less computational resources.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Topological place recognition for life-long visual localization

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    Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado de la UAH en el año académico 2016-2017La navegación de vehículos inteligentes o robots móviles en períodos largos de tiempo ha experimentado un gran interés por parte de la comunidad investigadora en los últimos años. Los sistemas basados en cámaras se han extendido ampliamente en el pasado reciente gracias a las mejoras en sus características, precio y reducción de tamaño, añadidos a los progresos en técnicas de visión artificial. Por ello, la localización basada en visión es una aspecto clave para desarrollar una navegación autónoma robusta en situaciones a largo plazo. Teniendo en cuenta esto, la identificación de localizaciones por medio de técnicas de reconocimiento de lugar topológicas puede ser complementaria a otros enfoques como son las soluciones basadas en el Global Positioning System (GPS), o incluso suplementaria cuando la señal GPS no está disponible.El estado del arte en reconocimiento de lugar topológico ha mostrado un funcionamiento satisfactorio en el corto plazo. Sin embargo, la localización visual a largo plazo es problemática debido a los grandes cambios de apariencia que un lugar sufre como consecuencia de elementos dinámicos, la iluminación o la climatología, entre otros. El objetivo de esta tesis es enfrentarse a las dificultades de llevar a cabo una localización topológica eficiente y robusta a lo largo del tiempo. En consecuencia, se van a contribuir dos nuevos enfoques basados en reconocimiento visual de lugar para resolver los diferentes problemas asociados a una localización visual a largo plazo. Por un lado, un método de reconocimiento de lugar visual basado en descriptores binarios es propuesto. La innovación de este enfoque reside en la descripción global de secuencias de imágenes como códigos binarios, que son extraídos mediante un descriptor basado en la técnica denominada Local Difference Binary (LDB). Los descriptores son eficientemente asociados usando la distancia de Hamming y un método de búsqueda conocido como Approximate Nearest Neighbors (ANN). Además, una técnica de iluminación invariante es aplicada para mejorar el funcionamiento en condiciones luminosas cambiantes. El empleo de la descripción binaria previamente introducida proporciona una reducción de los costes computacionales y de memoria.Por otro lado, también se presenta un método de reconocimiento de lugar visual basado en deep learning, en el cual los descriptores aplicados son procesados por una Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Este es un concepto recientemente popularizado en visión artificial que ha obtenido resultados impresionantes en problemas de clasificación de imagen. La novedad de nuestro enfoque reside en la fusión de la información de imagen de múltiples capas convolucionales a varios niveles y granularidades. Además, los datos redundantes de los descriptores basados en CNNs son comprimidos en un número reducido de bits para una localización más eficiente. El descriptor final es condensado aplicando técnicas de compresión y binarización para realizar una asociación usando de nuevo la distancia de Hamming. En términos generales, los métodos centrados en CNNs mejoran la precisión generando representaciones visuales de las localizaciones más detalladas, pero son más costosos en términos de computación.Ambos enfoques de reconocimiento de lugar visual son extensamente evaluados sobre varios datasets públicos. Estas pruebas arrojan una precisión satisfactoria en situaciones a largo plazo, como es corroborado por los resultados mostrados, que comparan nuestros métodos contra los principales algoritmos del estado del arte, mostrando mejores resultados para todos los casos.Además, también se ha analizado la aplicabilidad de nuestro reconocimiento de lugar topológico en diferentes problemas de localización. Estas aplicaciones incluyen la detección de cierres de lazo basada en los lugares reconocidos o la corrección de la deriva acumulada en odometría visual usando la información proporcionada por los cierres de lazo. Asimismo, también se consideran las aplicaciones de la detección de cambios geométricos a lo largo de las estaciones del año, que son esenciales para las actualizaciones de los mapas en sistemas de conducción autónomos centrados en una operación a largo plazo. Todas estas contribuciones son discutidas al final de la tesis, incluyendo varias conclusiones sobre el trabajo presentado y líneas de investigación futuras