1,493 research outputs found

    On Optimal and Fair Service Allocation in Mobile Cloud Computing

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    This paper studies the optimal and fair service allocation for a variety of mobile applications (single or group and collaborative mobile applications) in mobile cloud computing. We exploit the observation that using tiered clouds, i.e. clouds at multiple levels (local and public) can increase the performance and scalability of mobile applications. We proposed a novel framework to model mobile applications as a location-time workflows (LTW) of tasks; here users mobility patterns are translated to mobile service usage patterns. We show that an optimal mapping of LTWs to tiered cloud resources considering multiple QoS goals such application delay, device power consumption and user cost/price is an NP-hard problem for both single and group-based applications. We propose an efficient heuristic algorithm called MuSIC that is able to perform well (73% of optimal, 30% better than simple strategies), and scale well to a large number of users while ensuring high mobile application QoS. We evaluate MuSIC and the 2-tier mobile cloud approach via implementation (on real world clouds) and extensive simulations using rich mobile applications like intensive signal processing, video streaming and multimedia file sharing applications. Our experimental and simulation results indicate that MuSIC supports scalable operation (100+ concurrent users executing complex workflows) while improving QoS. We observe about 25% lower delays and power (under fixed price constraints) and about 35% decrease in price (considering fixed delay) in comparison to only using the public cloud. Our studies also show that MuSIC performs quite well under different mobility patterns, e.g. random waypoint and Manhattan models

    mARC: Memory by Association and Reinforcement of Contexts

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    This paper introduces the memory by Association and Reinforcement of Contexts (mARC). mARC is a novel data modeling technology rooted in the second quantization formulation of quantum mechanics. It is an all-purpose incremental and unsupervised data storage and retrieval system which can be applied to all types of signal or data, structured or unstructured, textual or not. mARC can be applied to a wide range of information clas-sification and retrieval problems like e-Discovery or contextual navigation. It can also for-mulated in the artificial life framework a.k.a Conway "Game Of Life" Theory. In contrast to Conway approach, the objects evolve in a massively multidimensional space. In order to start evaluating the potential of mARC we have built a mARC-based Internet search en-gine demonstrator with contextual functionality. We compare the behavior of the mARC demonstrator with Google search both in terms of performance and relevance. In the study we find that the mARC search engine demonstrator outperforms Google search by an order of magnitude in response time while providing more relevant results for some classes of queries

    Power models, energy models and libraries for energy-efficient concurrent data structures and algorithms

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    EXCESS deliverable D2.3. More information at http://www.excess-project.eu/This deliverable reports the results of the power models, energy models and librariesfor energy-efficient concurrent data structures and algorithms as available by projectmonth 30 of Work Package 2 (WP2). It reports i) the latest results of Task 2.2-2.4 onproviding programming abstractions and libraries for developing energy-efficient datastructures and algorithms and ii) the improved results of Task 2.1 on investigating andmodeling the trade-off between energy and performance of concurrent data structuresand algorithms. The work has been conducted on two main EXCESS platforms: Intelplatforms with recent Intel multicore CPUs and Movidius Myriad platforms

    End to end Multi-Objective Optimisation of H.264 and HEVC Codecs

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    All multimedia devices now incorporate video CODECs that comply with international video coding standards such as H.264 / MPEG4-AVC and the new High Efficiency Video Coding Standard (HEVC) otherwise known as H.265. Although the standard CODECs have been designed to include algorithms with optimal efficiency, large number of coding parameters can be used to fine tune their operation, within known constraints of for e.g., available computational power, bandwidth, consumer QoS requirements, etc. With large number of such parameters involved, determining which parameters will play a significant role in providing optimal quality of service within given constraints is a further challenge that needs to be met. Further how to select the values of the significant parameters so that the CODEC performs optimally under the given constraints is a further important question to be answered. This thesis proposes a framework that uses machine learning algorithms to model the performance of a video CODEC based on the significant coding parameters. Means of modelling both the Encoder and Decoder performance is proposed. We define objective functions that can be used to model the performance related properties of a CODEC, i.e., video quality, bit-rate and CPU time. We show that these objective functions can be practically utilised in video Encoder/Decoder designs, in particular in their performance optimisation within given operational and practical constraints. A Multi-objective Optimisation framework based on Genetic Algorithms is thus proposed to optimise the performance of a video codec. The framework is designed to jointly minimize the CPU Time, Bit-rate and to maximize the quality of the compressed video stream. The thesis presents the use of this framework in the performance modelling and multi-objective optimisation of the most widely used video coding standard in practice at present, H.264 and the latest video coding standard, H.265/HEVC. When a communication network is used to transmit video, performance related parameters of the communication channel will impact the end-to-end performance of the video CODEC. Network delays and packet loss will impact the quality of the video that is received at the decoder via the communication channel, i.e., even if a video CODEC is optimally configured network conditions will make the experience sub-optimal. Given the above the thesis proposes a design, integration and testing of a novel approach to simulating a wired network and the use of UDP protocol for the transmission of video data. This network is subsequently used to simulate the impact of packet loss and network delays on optimally coded video based on the framework previously proposed for the modelling and optimisation of video CODECs. The quality of received video under different levels of packet loss and network delay is simulated, concluding the impact on transmitted video based on their content and features

    The Ubiquity of Large Graphs and Surprising Challenges of Graph Processing: Extended Survey

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    Graph processing is becoming increasingly prevalent across many application domains. In spite of this prevalence, there is little research about how graphs are actually used in practice. We performed an extensive study that consisted of an online survey of 89 users, a review of the mailing lists, source repositories, and whitepapers of a large suite of graph software products, and in-person interviews with 6 users and 2 developers of these products. Our online survey aimed at understanding: (i) the types of graphs users have; (ii) the graph computations users run; (iii) the types of graph software users use; and (iv) the major challenges users face when processing their graphs. We describe the participants' responses to our questions highlighting common patterns and challenges. Based on our interviews and survey of the rest of our sources, we were able to answer some new questions that were raised by participants' responses to our online survey and understand the specific applications that use graph data and software. Our study revealed surprising facts about graph processing in practice. In particular, real-world graphs represent a very diverse range of entities and are often very large, scalability and visualization are undeniably the most pressing challenges faced by participants, and data integration, recommendations, and fraud detection are very popular applications supported by existing graph software. We hope these findings can guide future research

    High Performance Computing via High Level Synthesis

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    As more and more powerful integrated circuits are appearing on the market, more and more applications, with very different requirements and workloads, are making use of the available computing power. This thesis is in particular devoted to High Performance Computing applications, where those trends are carried to the extreme. In this domain, the primary aspects to be taken into consideration are (1) performance (by definition) and (2) energy consumption (since operational costs dominate over procurement costs). These requirements can be satisfied more easily by deploying heterogeneous platforms, which include CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs to provide a broad range of performance and energy-per-operation choices. In particular, as we will see, FPGAs clearly dominate both CPUs and GPUs in terms of energy, and can provide comparable performance. An important aspect of this trend is of course design technology, because these applications were traditionally programmed in high-level languages, while FPGAs required low-level RTL design. The OpenCL (Open Computing Language) developed by the Khronos group enables developers to program CPU, GPU and recently FPGAs using functionally portable (but sadly not performance portable) source code which creates new possibilities and challenges both for research and industry. FPGAs have been always used for mid-size designs and ASIC prototyping thanks to their energy efficient and flexible hardware architecture, but their usage requires hardware design knowledge and laborious design cycles. Several approaches are developed and deployed to address this issue and shorten the gap between software and hardware in FPGA design flow, in order to enable FPGAs to capture a larger portion of the hardware acceleration market in data centers. Moreover, FPGAs usage in data centers is growing already, regardless of and in addition to their use as computational accelerators, because they can be used as high performance, low power and secure switches inside data-centers. High-Level Synthesis (HLS) is the methodology that enables designers to map their applications on FPGAs (and ASICs). It synthesizes parallel hardware from a model originally written C-based programming languages .e.g. C/C++, SystemC and OpenCL. Design space exploration of the variety of implementations that can be obtained from this C model is possible through wide range of optimization techniques and directives, e.g. to pipeline loops and partition memories into multiple banks, which guide RTL generation toward application dependent hardware and benefit designers from flexible parallel architecture of FPGAs. Model Based Design (MBD) is a high-level and visual process used to generate implementations that solve mathematical problems through a varied set of IP-blocks. MBD enables developers with different expertise, e.g. control theory, embedded software development, and hardware design to share a common design framework and contribute to a shared design using the same tool. Simulink, developed by MATLAB, is a model based design tool for simulation and development of complex dynamical systems. Moreover, Simulink embedded code generators can produce verified C/C++ and HDL code from the graphical model. This code can be used to program micro-controllers and FPGAs. This PhD thesis work presents a study using automatic code generator of Simulink to target Xilinx FPGAs using both HDL and C/C++ code to demonstrate capabilities and challenges of high-level synthesis process. To do so, firstly, digital signal processing unit of a real-time radar application is developed using Simulink blocks. Secondly, generated C based model was used for high level synthesis process and finally the implementation cost of HLS is compared to traditional HDL synthesis using Xilinx tool chain. Alternative to model based design approach, this work also presents an analysis on FPGA programming via high-level synthesis techniques for computationally intensive algorithms and demonstrates the importance of HLS by comparing performance-per-watt of GPUs(NVIDIA) and FPGAs(Xilinx) manufactured in the same node running standard OpenCL benchmarks. We conclude that generation of high quality RTL from OpenCL model requires stronger hardware background with respect to the MBD approach, however, the availability of a fast and broad design space exploration ability and portability of the OpenCL code, e.g. to CPUs and GPUs, motivates FPGA industry leaders to provide users with OpenCL software development environment which promises FPGA programming in CPU/GPU-like fashion. Our experiments, through extensive design space exploration(DSE), suggest that FPGAs have higher performance-per-watt with respect to two high-end GPUs manufactured in the same technology(28 nm). Moreover, FPGAs with more available resources and using a more modern process (20 nm) can outperform the tested GPUs while consuming much less power at the cost of more expensive devices
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