404 research outputs found

    Advanced Optimization Models in Waste Management

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá optimalizací svozu odpadu pro středně velká města. Model úlohy zohledňuje požadavky vzešlé z praxe. K jejímu řešení byl navržen původní memetický algoritmus, který byl implementován v jazyce C++.This thesis deals with an optimization of waste collection in a mid-sized town. The model is formulated based on requirements from a real process. To deal with this problem, the original memetic algorithm was developed and implemented in C++.

    The Multi Trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Release Dates

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    The Multi-Trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Release Dates is a variant of the Multi-Trip Vehicle Routing Problem where a time windows is associated with each customer and a release date is associated with each merchandise to be delivered at a certain client. The release date represents the moment the merchandise becomes available at the depot for final delivery. The problem is relevant in city logistics context, where delivery systems based on city distribution centers (CDC) are studied. Trucks arrive at the CDC during the whole working day to deliver goods that are transferred to eco-friendly vehicles in charge of accomplish final deliveries to customers. We propose a population-based algorithm for the problem based on giant tour representation of the chromosomes as well as a split procedure to obtain solutions from individuals

    Waste Collection Vehicle Routing Problem Model with Multiple Trips, Time Windows, Split Delivery, Heterogeneous Fleet and Intermediate Facility

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    Waste Collection Vehicle Routing Problem (WCVRP) is one of the developments of a Vehicle Routing Problem, which can solve the route determination of transporting waste. This study aims to develop a model from WCVRP by adding characteristics such as split delivery, multiple trips, time windows, heterogeneous fleet, and intermediate facilities alongside an objective function to minimize costs and travel distance. Our model determines the route for transporting waste especially in Cakung District, East Jakarta. The additional characteristics are obtained by analyzing the characteristics of waste transportation in the area. The models are tested using dummy data to analyze the required computational time and route suitability. The models contribute to determining the route of transporting waste afterward. The WCVRP model has been successfully developed, conducted the numerical testing, and implemented with the actual characteristics such as split delivery, multiple trips, time windows, heterogeneous fleets, and intermediate facilities. The output has reached the global optimal for both dummy and real data

    On green routing and scheduling problem

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    The vehicle routing and scheduling problem has been studied with much interest within the last four decades. In this paper, some of the existing literature dealing with routing and scheduling problems with environmental issues is reviewed, and a description is provided of the problems that have been investigated and how they are treated using combinatorial optimization tools

    The stochastic vehicle routing problem : a literature review, part II : solution methods

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    Building on the work of Gendreau et al. (Oper Res 44(3):469–477, 1996), and complementing the first part of this survey, we review the solution methods used for the past 20 years in the scientific literature on stochastic vehicle routing problems (SVRP). We describe the methods and indicate how they are used when dealing with stochastic vehicle routing problems. Keywords: vehicle routing (VRP), stochastic programmingm, SVRPpublishedVersio

    Hybrid Meta-Heuristics for Robust Scheduling

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    The production and delivery of rapidly perishable goods in distributed supply networks involves a number of tightly coupled decision and optimization problems regarding the just-in-time production scheduling and the routing of the delivery vehicles in order to satisfy strict customer specified time-windows. Besides dealing with the typical combinatorial complexity related to activity assignment and synchronization, effective methods must also provide robust schedules, coping with the stochastic perturbations (typically transportation delays) affecting the distribution process. In this paper, we propose a novel metaheuristic approach for robust scheduling. Our approach integrates mathematical programming, multi-objective evolutionary computation, and problem-specific constructive heuristics. The optimization algorithm returns a set of solutions with different cost and risk tradeoffs, allowing the analyst to adapt the planning depending on the attitude to risk. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated by a real-world case concerning the production and distribution of ready-mixed concrete.Meta-Heuristics;Multi-Objective Genetic Optimization;Robust Scheduling;Supply Networks

    Vehicle routing and location routing with intermediate stops:A review

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    This paper reviews the literature on vehicle routing problems and location rout-8 ing problems with intermediate stops. We classify publications into different categories from both an application-based perspective and a methodological perspective. In addition, we analyze the papers with respect to the algorithms and benchmark instances they present. Furthermore, we provide an overview of trends in the literature and identify promising areas for further research.</p