4 research outputs found

    On Measuring Non-Recursive Trade-Offs

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    We investigate the phenomenon of non-recursive trade-offs between descriptional systems in an abstract fashion. We aim at categorizing non-recursive trade-offs by bounds on their growth rate, and show how to deduce such bounds in general. We also identify criteria which, in the spirit of abstract language theory, allow us to deduce non-recursive tradeoffs from effective closure properties of language families on the one hand, and differences in the decidability status of basic decision problems on the other. We develop a qualitative classification of non-recursive trade-offs in order to obtain a better understanding of this very fundamental behaviour of descriptional systems

    Lexicalized non-local MCTAG with dominance links is NP-complete

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    An NP-hardness proof for non-local Multicomponent Tree Adjoining Grammar (MCTAG) by Rambow and Satta (1st International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammers 1992), based on Dahlhaus and Warmuth (in J Comput Syst Sci 33:456–472, 1986), is extended to some linguistically relevant restrictions of that formalism. It is found that there are NP-hard grammars among non-local MCTAGs even if any or all of the following restrictions are imposed: (i) lexicalization: every tree in the grammar contains a terminal; (ii) dominance links: every tree set contains at most two trees, and in every such tree set, there is a link between the foot node of one tree and the root node of the other tree, indicating that the former node must dominate the latter in the derived tree. This is the version of MCTAG proposed in Becker et al. (Proceedings of the 5th conference of the European chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics 1991) to account for German long-distance scrambling. This result restricts the field of possible candidates for an extension of Tree Adjoining Grammar that would be both mildly context-sensitive and linguistically adequate

    On state-alternating context-free grammars

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    AbstractState-alternating context-free grammars are introduced, and the language classes obtained from them are compared to the classes of the Chomsky hierarchy as well as to some well-known complexity classes. In particular, state-alternating context-free grammars are compared to alternating context-free grammars (Theoret. Comput. Sci. 67 (1989) 75–85) and to alternating pushdown automata. Further, various derivation strategies are considered, and their influence on the expressive power of (state-) alternating context-free grammars is investigated

    Clearing Restarting Automata

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    Restartovací automaty byly navrženy jako model pro redukční analýzu, která představuje lingvisticky motivovanou metodu pro kontrolu korektnosti věty. Cílem práce je studovat omezenější modely restartovacích automatů, které smí vymazat podřetězec nebo jej nahradit speciálním pomocným symbolem, jenom na základě omezeného lokálního kontextu tohoto podřetězce. Tyto restartovací automaty se nazývají clearing restarting automata. V práci jsou taktéž zkoumány uzávěrové vlastnosti těchto automatů, jejich vztah k Chomskeho hierarchii a možnosti učení těchto automatů na základě pozitivních a negativních příkladů.Restarting automata were introduced as a model for analysis by reduction which is a linguistically motivated method for checking correctness of a sentence. The goal of the thesis is to study more restricted models of restarting automata which based on a limited context can either delete a substring of the current content of its tape or replace a substring by a special symbol, which cannot be overwritten anymore, but it can be deleted later. Such restarting automata are called clearing restarting automata. The thesis investigates the properties of clearing restarting automata, their relation to Chomsky hierarchy and possibilities for machine learning of such automata from positive and negative samples.Department of Software and Computer Science EducationKatedra softwaru a výuky informatikyFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult