20 research outputs found

    Optimal Save-Then-Transmit Protocol for Energy Harvesting Wireless Transmitters

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    In this paper, the design of a wireless communication device relying exclusively on energy harvesting is considered. Due to the inability of rechargeable energy sources to charge and discharge at the same time, a constraint we term the energy half-duplex constraint, two rechargeable energy storage devices (ESDs) are assumed so that at any given time, there is always one ESD being recharged. The energy harvesting rate is assumed to be a random variable that is constant over the time interval of interest. A save-then-transmit (ST) protocol is introduced, in which a fraction of time {\rho} (dubbed the save-ratio) is devoted exclusively to energy harvesting, with the remaining fraction 1 - {\rho} used for data transmission. The ratio of the energy obtainable from an ESD to the energy harvested is termed the energy storage efficiency, {\eta}. We address the practical case of the secondary ESD being a battery with {\eta} < 1, and the main ESD being a super-capacitor with {\eta} = 1. The optimal save-ratio that minimizes outage probability is derived, from which some useful design guidelines are drawn. In addition, we compare the outage performance of random power supply to that of constant power supply over the Rayleigh fading channel. The diversity order with random power is shown to be the same as that of constant power, but the performance gap can be large. Furthermore, we extend the proposed ST protocol to wireless networks with multiple transmitters. It is shown that the system-level outage performance is critically dependent on the relationship between the number of transmitters and the optimal save-ratio for single-channel outage minimization. Numerical results are provided to validate our proposed study.Comment: This is the longer version of a paper to appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Contention tree-based access for wireless machine-to-machine networks with energy harvesting

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    ©2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this paper, we consider a wireless machine-to-machine network composed of end-devices with energy harvesters that periodically transmit data to a gateway. While energy harvesting allows for perpetual operation, the uncertain amount of harvested energy may not guarantee fully continuous operation due to temporary energy shortages. This fact needs to be addressed at the medium access control layer. We thus investigate the performance of an energy harvesting-aware contention tree-based access (EH-CTA) protocol, which uses a tree-splitting algorithm to resolve collisions and takes energy availability into account. We derive a theoretical model to compute the probability of delivery and the time efficiency. In addition, we conduct a performance comparison of EH-CTA using an EH-aware dynamic frame slotted-ALOHA (EH-DFSA) as a benchmark. We determine the parameters that maximize performance and analyze how it is influenced by the amount of harvested energy and the number of end-devices. Results reveal the superior performance of EH-CTA over EH-DFSA. While EH-DFSA requires an estimate of the number of contending end-devices per frame to adapt the frame length, EH-CTA uses short and fixed frame lengths, which enables scalability and facilitates synchronization as the network density increases.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Renewables powered cellular networks: Energy field modeling and network coverage

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    Powering radio access networks using renewables, such as wind and solar power, promises dramatic reduction in the network operation cost and the network carbon footprints. However, the spatial variation of the energy field can lead to fluctuations in power supplied to the network and thereby affects its coverage. This warrants research on quantifying the aforementioned negative effect and designing countermeasure techniques, motivating the current work. First, a novel energy field model is presented, in which fixed maximum energy intensity γ occurs at Poisson distributed locations, called energy centers. The intensities fall off from the centers following an exponential decay function of squared distance and the energy intensity at an arbitrary location is given by the decayed intensity from the nearest energy center. The product between the energy center density and the exponential rate of the decay function, denoted as ψ, is shown to determine the energy field distribution. Next, the paper considers a cellular downlink network powered by harvesting energy from the energy field and analyzes its network coverage. For the case of harvesters deployed at the same sites as base stations (BSs), as γ increases, the mobile outage probability is shown to scale as (cγ-πψ+p), where p is the outage probability corresponding to a flat energy field and cc is a constant. Subsequently, a simple scheme is proposed for counteracting the energy randomness by spatial averaging. Specifically, distributed harvesters are deployed in clusters and the generated energy from the same cluster is aggregated and then redistributed to BSs. As the cluster size increases, the power supplied to each BS is shown to converge to a constant proportional to the number of harvesters per BS. Several additional issues are investigated in this paper, including regulation of the power transmission loss in energy aggregation and extensions of the energy field model. © 2002-2012 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Renewable Powered Cellular Networks: Energy Field Modeling and Network Coverage

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    Powering radio access networks using renewables, such as wind and solar power, promises dramatic reduction in the network operation cost and the network carbon footprints. However, the spatial variation of the energy field can lead to fluctuations in power supplied to the network and thereby affects its coverage. This warrants research on quantifying the aforementioned negative effect and countermeasure techniques, motivating the current work. First, a novel energy field model is presented, in which fixed maximum energy intensity γ\gamma occurs at Poisson distributed locations, called energy centers. The intensities fall off from the centers following an exponential decay function of squared distance and the energy intensity at an arbitrary location is given by the decayed intensity from the nearest energy center. The product between the energy center density and the exponential rate of the decay function, denoted as ψ\psi, is shown to determine the energy field distribution. Next, the paper considers a cellular downlink network powered by harvesting energy from the energy field and analyzes its network coverage. For the case of harvesters deployed at the same sites as base stations (BSs), as γ\gamma increases, the mobile outage probability is shown to scale as (cγπψ+p)(c \gamma^{-\pi\psi}+p), where pp is the outage probability corresponding to a flat energy field and cc a constant. Subsequently, a simple scheme is proposed for counteracting the energy randomness by spatial averaging. Specifically, distributed harvesters are deployed in clusters and the generated energy from the same cluster is aggregated and then redistributed to BSs. As the cluster size increases, the power supplied to each BS is shown to converge to a constant proportional to the number of harvesters per BS.Comment: double-column, 13 pages; to appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Energy harvesting-aware design of wireless networks

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    Recent advances in low-power electronics and energy-harvesting (EH) technologies enable the design of self-sustained devices that collect part, or all, of the needed energy from the environment. Several systems can take advantage of EH, ranging from portable devices to wireless sensor networks (WSNs). While conventional design for battery-powered systems is mainly concerned with the battery lifetime, a key advantage of EH is that it enables potential perpetual operation of the devices, without requiring maintenance for battery substitutions. However, the inherent unpredictability regarding the amount of energy that can be collected from the environment might cause temporary energy shortages, which might prevent the devices to operate regularly. This uncertainty calls for the development of energy management techniques that are tailored to the EH dynamics. While most previous work on EH-capable systems has focused on energy management for single devices, the main contributions of this dissertation is the analysis and design of medium access control (MAC) protocols for WSNs operated by EH-capable devices. In particular, the dissertation first considers random access MAC protocols for single-hop EH networks, in which a fusion center collects data from a set of nodes distributed in its surrounding. MAC protocols commonly used in WSNs, such as time division multiple access (TDMA), framed-ALOHA (FA) and dynamic-FA (DFA) are investigated in the presence of EH-capable devices. A new ALOHA-based MAC protocol tailored to EH-networks, referred to as energy group-DFA (EG-DFA), is then proposed. In EG-DFA nodes with similar energy availability are grouped together and access the channel independently from other groups. It is shown that EG-DFA significantly outperforms the DFA protocol. Centralized scheduling-based MAC protocols for single-hop EH-networks with communication resource constraints are considered next. Two main scenarios are addressed, namely: i) nodes exclusively powered via EH; ii) nodes powered by a hybrid energy storage system, which is composed by a non-rechargeable battery and a capacitor charged via EH. For the former case the goal is the maximization of the network throughput, while in the latter the aim is maximizing the lifetime of the non-rechargeable batteries. For both scenarios optimal scheduling policies are derived by assuming different levels of information available at the fusion center about the energy availability at the nodes. When optimal policies are not derived explicitly, suboptimal policies are proposed and compared with performance upper bounds. Energy management policies for single devices have been investigated as well by focusing on radio frequency identification (RFID) systems, when the latter are operated by enhanced RFID tags with energy harvesting capabilities