3 research outputs found

    Um ambiente de edição e simulação de estado-gramas

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    Orientador: Hans Kurt Edmund LiesenbergDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Ciencia da ComputaçãoResumo: Este trabalho aprescnta um Editor Gráfico de Estadogramas. Estadogramas são uma extensão de diagramas de estados convencionais, acrescidos de conceitos de hierarquia, concorrência e comunicação. Apresentamos uma interface gráfica particular, que permite especificar sistemas reativos através da notação de estadogramas. No final de uma sessão de edição, fornecemos a opção de simulação de estadogramas. Nessa simulação são destacados os estados em que o sistema se encontra e são efetuadas as mudanças de estados que ocorrerem em decorrência de eventos. A cada estadograma editado, é gerada uma descrição textual passível de ser convertida em um programa em C que se comporta de forma funcionalmente equivalente ao estadograma. Paralelamente à execução deste programa, pode-se executar a simulação do estadograma original, onde através do mecanismo de sockets, o programa envia ao simulador os identificadores dos eventos ocorridos para serem realizadas as mudanças de estados decorrentes. Com este tipo de simulação fica disponível uma maneira de depurar programas a nível de estadogramas.Abstract: A Graphic Editor of Statecharts is presented. Statecharts are an extension of conventional state diagrams where the concepts of hierarchy, concurrency and communication have been added. We present a particular graphic interface which supports the specification of reactive systems by means of the statechart notation. At the end of an editting session we offer a statechart simulation option. During a simulation the states, which the system is at, are highlighted and the state swappings due to event occurrences are performed. A textual description of an edited statechart may as well be generated. This description is liable to be converted into an executable program which behaves in a functionally equivalent manner. It is possible to execute this program at the same time the simulation of the original statechart is running. The program sends to the simulator the events identifiers, by means of the sockets mechanism, as soon as they occur. The simulator then applies the state swapping operation. With this kind of simulation it is possible to provide some support to debug programs at the statechart level.MestradoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    An Object-oriented methodology for modern user interface development.

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    by Lam Siu Hong.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1991.Includes bibliographical references.Chapter Chapter1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Software Development Crisis of User Interface --- p.1Chapter 1.2 --- Objectives and Scope of Interests --- p.1Chapter 1.3 --- Overview of the Thesis --- p.2Chapter Chapter2 --- Background and Problems --- p.4Chapter 2.1 --- Categories of User Interfaces --- p.4Chapter 2.2 --- Trends of User Interfaces --- p.6Chapter 2.3 --- Some other Desirable Features and Problems of UI Development --- p.7Chapter 2.3.1 --- Separating UI from Application --- p.7Chapter --- Benefits of Separable UIs and Applications --- p.7Chapter --- Requirements of Complete Separation --- p.10Chapter 2.3.2 --- Instant Continuous Feedback --- p.12Chapter --- Problems of Linguistic Model on World Model Type UIs --- p.12Chapter 2.3.3 --- Undo and Recovery --- p.15Chapter 2.3.4 --- Iterative Design through Rapid Protyping --- p.16Chapter Chapter3 --- An Object-Oriented Model for Model World User Interfaces Development --- p.18Chapter 3.1 --- Features of UIs to be supported by the Model --- p.18Chapter 3.2 --- A Linkage Model for Separating UI from Application --- p.19Chapter 3.2.1 --- Communication Messages Modeled using an Object Oriented Approach --- p.20Chapter 3.2.2 --- A Sample Message --- p.22Chapter 3.2.3 --- Linkage in a Distributed Heterogenous Environment --- p.24Chapter 3.2.4 --- Comparing the Linkage Model with the Application Interface Model in Seeheim's UI Model --- p.25Chapter 3.3 --- An Object-Oriented Model for Supporting Multiple Feedbacks and Multi-thread dialogue --- p.26Chapter 3.3.1 --- An Overview of the Model --- p.27Chapter 3.3.2 --- Objects on the Lexical Layer --- p.28Chapter 3.3.3 --- Roles of Presentation Objects --- p.29Chapter 3.3.4 --- Syntactic Objects --- p.31Chapter 3.3.5 --- Interaction Objects --- p.32Chapter 3.3.6 --- Interaction between objetcs and Linkage Component --- p.33Chapter 3.3.7 --- Multiple U-tubes Ladder for Supporting Multiple Feedbacks --- p.33Chapter 3.3.8 --- Recovery through a Generic UNDO stack --- p.35Chapter 3.3.9 --- Dialogue Control in an Object --- p.37Chapter 3.3.10 --- Interactive Objects --- p.39Chapter 3.3.11 --- An Architecture for Supporting Multi-thread Dialogue --- p.40Chapter 3.4 --- Basic Object Structure --- p.42Chapter 3.4.1 --- An Event Model for Dialogue Control --- p.43Chapter 3.4.2 --- Maintain Consistency through ε-rules --- p.45Chapter 3.4.3 --- An Example of an Inner Object Specification --- p.47Chapter 3.4.4 --- Pre and Post Condition of Action --- p.49Chapter 3.4.5 --- Automatic Message Routing --- p.49Chapter 3.5 --- Systematic Approach to UI Specification --- p.50Chapter Chapter4 --- User Interface Framework Design --- p.52Chapter 4.1 --- A Framework for UI Development --- p.52Chapter 4.1.1 --- Abstract Base Class for Each Object Type --- p.54Chapter 4.1.2 --- A Kernel for Message Routing --- p.60Chapter 4.1.3 --- Interaction Knowledge Base --- p.63Chapter 4.1.4 --- A Dynamic View of UI Objects --- p.64Chapter 4.1.5 --- Switch Box Mechanism for Dialogue Switching --- p.66Chapter 4.1.6 --- Software IC Construction --- p.68Chapter 4.2 --- Summaries of Object-Object UI Model and UI Framework --- p.70Chapter 4.2.1 --- A New Approach to User Interface Development 、 --- p.70Chapter 4.2.2 --- Feautures of UI Development provided by the Object-Object UI Model and UI Framework --- p.71Chapter Chapter5 --- Implementation --- p.73Chapter 5.1 --- Implementation of Framework in Microsoft Window Environment --- p.73Chapter 5.1.1 --- Implementation of automatic message routing through dynamic binding --- p.73Chapter 5.1.2 --- A generic message structure --- p.75Chapter 5.1.3 --- A meta class for object communication --- p.76Chapter 5.1.4 --- Software component of UI framework in Microsoft Window environment --- p.76Chapter 5.2 --- A Simple Stock Market Decision Support System (SSMDSS) --- p.77Chapter 5.2.1 --- UI Specification --- p.81Chapter 5.2.2 --- UI features supported by SSMDSS --- p.87Chapter Chapter6 --- Results --- p.89Chapter 6.1 --- Facts discovered --- p.89Chapter 6.1.1 --- Asynchronous and synchronous communication among objects --- p.89Chapter 6.1.2 --- Flexibility of the C+ + language --- p.90Chapter 6.2 --- Technical Problems Encountered --- p.91Chapter 6.2.1 --- Problems from Implementation Platform --- p.91Chapter 6.2.2 --- Problems due to Object Decomposition in an Interactive Object in SSMDSS --- p.92Chapter 6.3 --- Objectives accomplished by the Object-Oriented UI Model indicated by SSMDSS --- p.93Chapter Chapter7 --- Conclusion --- p.95Chapter 7.1 --- Thesis Summary --- p.95Chapter 7.2 --- Merits and Demerit of the Object-Oriented UI Model --- p.96Chapter 7.3 --- Cost of the Object-Oriented UI Model --- p.96Chapter 7.4 --- Future work --- p.97AppendixChapter A1 --- An Alogrithm for Converting Transition Network Diagram to Event Response Language --- p.A1Chapter A2 --- An Object-Oriented Software Development --- p.A4Chapter A2.1 --- Traditional Non Object-Oriented Software Development --- p.A4Chapter A2.2 --- An Object-Oriented Software Development --- p.A6Chapter A3 --- Vienna Development Method (VDM) --- p.A8Chapter A3.1 --- An Overview of VDM --- p.A8Chapter A3.2 --- Apply VDM to Object-Oriented UI model --- p.A10Chapter A4 --- Glossaries and Terms --- p.A12Referenc

    The Application of Expert Systems to Small Scale Map Designs

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    The increased availability of inexpensive computer mapping programs in recent years has lead to a great increase in the number of map authors and the number of maps being produced, but does not however appear to have lead to more widespread knowledge of cartographic design theory. The large number of poorly designed maps created by users of these computer systems indicates that there is a lack of knowledge of how to design maps. These poorly designed maps are not the fault of the computer programs, since most programs do have the capability of producing well designed maps when used by someone knowledgeable in map design. Rather, the problem lies with map authors who are not skilled in cartographic design and who would probably never produce a map by conventional means, but would contract a cartographer to produce it. What is required are programs to be used by naive map authors that are better able to produce reasonably well designed maps, or at least maps which do not break the most fundamental rules of map design. The area of computer science devoted to producing programs that include knowledge of how an expert solves a problem is that of Expert Systems. An Expert System is essentially a program which includes a codified form of the rules that an expert uses to solve a problem. Thus a cartographic design expert system would include the rules a cartographer uses when designing a map. This study examines the fields of artificial intelligence and expert system to assess how they may best be applied to the map design problem. A comprehensive review of the application of expert systems in design, mapping generally and map design in particular is also provided. In order to develop an expert system, the problem or 'domain' must be defined in a relatively formal manner. A structure for describing geographic information and cartographic representation is developed and a model of the cartographic design process for application in expert systems is also described. Based on the models developed, a functional specification for a cartographic design expert system for small scale maps is produced, with the rules required for each stage in the design process being set out. The development of an expert system, written in Prolog, incorporating these rules is then described in some detail. Details of how the Prolog language can be applied to a specific problem, colouring the political map, are also given. It has been found that as long as realistic goals are set and that the system is limited either in scale or range of topics, it is possible to develop an operational cartographic design expert system. However, it must be recognised that a considerable amount of further development will be needed to bring such a system to market with the support structures and robustness that this entails