107 research outputs found

    Current Studies and Applications of Krill Herd and Gravitational Search Algorithms in Healthcare

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    Nature-Inspired Computing or NIC for short is a relatively young field that tries to discover fresh methods of computing by researching how natural phenomena function to find solutions to complicated issues in many contexts. As a consequence of this, ground-breaking research has been conducted in a variety of domains, including synthetic immune functions, neural networks, the intelligence of swarm, as well as computing of evolutionary. In the domains of biology, physics, engineering, economics, and management, NIC techniques are used. In real-world classification, optimization, forecasting, and clustering, as well as engineering and science issues, meta-heuristics algorithms are successful, efficient, and resilient. There are two active NIC patterns: the gravitational search algorithm and the Krill herd algorithm. The study on using the Krill Herd Algorithm (KH) and the Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) in medicine and healthcare is given a worldwide and historical review in this publication. Comprehensive surveys have been conducted on some other nature-inspired algorithms, including KH and GSA. The various versions of the KH and GSA algorithms and their applications in healthcare are thoroughly reviewed in the present article. Nonetheless, no survey research on KH and GSA in the healthcare field has been undertaken. As a result, this work conducts a thorough review of KH and GSA to assist researchers in using them in diverse domains or hybridizing them with other popular algorithms. It also provides an in-depth examination of the KH and GSA in terms of application, modification, and hybridization. It is important to note that the goal of the study is to offer a viewpoint on GSA with KH, particularly for academics interested in investigating the capabilities and performance of the algorithm in the healthcare and medical domains.Comment: 35 page

    Harmony Search-Based Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms For Image Segmentation

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    Fuzzy clustering algorithms, which fall under unsupervised machine learning, are among the most successful methods for image segmentation. However, two main issues plague these clustering algorithms: initialization sensitivity of cluster centers and unknown number of actual clusters in the given dataset. This thesis aims to solve these problems using an efficient metaheuristic algorithm, known as the Harmony Search (HS) algorithm. First, two alternative HS-based fuzzy clustering methods are proposed. The aim of these methods is to overcome the limitation faced by conventional fuzzy clustering algorithms, which are known to provide sub-optimal clustering depending on the choice of the initial clusters. Second, a new dynamic HS-based fuzzy clustering algorithm (DCHS) is proposed to automatically estimate the appropriate number of clusters as well as a good fuzzy partitioning of the given dataset. These algorithms have been applied to the problem of image segmentation. Various images from different application domains, including synthetic and real-world images, have been used in this thesis to show the applicability of the proposed algorithms. Finally, the proposed DCHS algorithm is applied to two real-world medical image problems, namely, malignant bone tumour (osteosarcoma) and magnetic resonance imaging brain segmentation. The experimental results are very promising showing significant improvements compared to other approaches in the same domain

    Advances in Meta-Heuristic Optimization Algorithms in Big Data Text Clustering

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    This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the meta-heuristic optimization algorithms on the text clustering applications and highlights its main procedures. These Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms are recognized as promising swarm intelligence methods due to their successful ability to solve machine learning problems, especially text clustering problems. This paper reviews all of the relevant literature on meta-heuristic-based text clustering applications, including many variants, such as basic, modified, hybridized, and multi-objective methods. As well, the main procedures of text clustering and critical discussions are given. Hence, this review reports its advantages and disadvantages and recommends potential future research paths. The main keywords that have been considered in this paper are text, clustering, meta-heuristic, optimization, and algorithm

    Water filtration by using apple and banana peels as activated carbon

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    Water filter is an important devices for reducing the contaminants in raw water. Activated from charcoal is used to absorb the contaminants. Fruit peels are some of the suitable alternative carbon to substitute the charcoal. Determining the role of fruit peels which were apple and banana peels powder as activated carbon in water filter is the main goal. Drying and blending the peels till they become powder is the way to allow them to absorb the contaminants. Comparing the results for raw water before and after filtering is the observation. After filtering the raw water, the reading for pH was 6.8 which is in normal pH and turbidity reading recorded was 658 NTU. As for the colour, the water becomes more clear compared to the raw water. This study has found that fruit peels such as banana and apple are an effective substitute to charcoal as natural absorbent

    Improving K-means clustering with enhanced Firefly Algorithms

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    In this research, we propose two variants of the Firefly Algorithm (FA), namely inward intensified exploration FA (IIEFA) and compound intensified exploration FA (CIEFA), for undertaking the obstinate problems of initialization sensitivity and local optima traps of the K-means clustering model. To enhance the capability of both exploitation and exploration, matrix-based search parameters and dispersing mechanisms are incorporated into the two proposed FA models. We first replace the attractiveness coefficient with a randomized control matrix in the IIEFA model to release the FA from the constraints of biological law, as the exploitation capability in the neighbourhood is elevated from a one-dimensional to multi-dimensional search mechanism with enhanced diversity in search scopes, scales, and directions. Besides that, we employ a dispersing mechanism in the second CIEFA model to dispatch fireflies with high similarities to new positions out of the close neighbourhood to perform global exploration. This dispersing mechanism ensures sufficient variance between fireflies in comparison to increase search efficiency. The ALL-IDB2 database, a skin lesion data set, and a total of 15 UCI data sets are employed to evaluate efficiency of the proposed FA models on clustering tasks. The minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance (mRMR)-based feature selection method is also adopted to reduce feature dimensionality. The empirical results indicate that the proposed FA models demonstrate statistically significant superiority in both distance and performance measures for clustering tasks in comparison with conventional K-means clustering, five classical search methods, and five advanced FA variants

    Monte Carlo Method with Heuristic Adjustment for Irregularly Shaped Food Product Volume Measurement

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    Volume measurement plays an important role in the production and processing of food products. Various methods have been proposed to measure the volume of food products with irregular shapes based on 3D reconstruction. However, 3D reconstruction comes with a high-priced computational cost. Furthermore, some of the volume measurement methods based on 3D reconstruction have a low accuracy. Another method for measuring volume of objects uses Monte Carlo method. Monte Carlo method performs volume measurements using random points. Monte Carlo method only requires information regarding whether random points fall inside or outside an object and does not require a 3D reconstruction. This paper proposes volume measurement using a computer vision system for irregularly shaped food products without 3D reconstruction based on Monte Carlo method with heuristic adjustment. Five images of food product were captured using five cameras and processed to produce binary images. Monte Carlo integration with heuristic adjustment was performed to measure the volume based on the information extracted from binary images. The experimental results show that the proposed method provided high accuracy and precision compared to the water displacement method. In addition, the proposed method is more accurate and faster than the space carving method