12 research outputs found

    Semi-Automated Reconstruction of Neural Processes from Large Numbers of Fluorescence Images

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    We introduce a method for large scale reconstruction of complex bundles of neural processes from fluorescent image stacks. We imaged yellow fluorescent protein labeled axons that innervated a whole muscle, as well as dendrites in cerebral cortex, in transgenic mice, at the diffraction limit with a confocal microscope. Each image stack was digitally re-sampled along an orientation such that the majority of axons appeared in cross-section. A region growing algorithm was implemented in the open-source Reconstruct software and applied to the semi-automatic tracing of individual axons in three dimensions. The progression of region growing is constrained by user-specified criteria based on pixel values and object sizes, and the user has full control over the segmentation process. A full montage of reconstructed axons was assembled from the ∼200 individually reconstructed stacks. Average reconstruction speed is ∼0.5 mm per hour. We found an error rate in the automatic tracing mode of ∼1 error per 250 um of axonal length. We demonstrated the capacity of the program by reconstructing the connectome of motor axons in a small mouse muscle

    Automatic reconstruction of 3D neuron structures using a graph-augmented deformable model

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    Motivation: Digital reconstruction of 3D neuron structures is an important step toward reverse engineering the wiring and functions of a brain. However, despite a number of existing studies, this task is still challenging, especially when a 3D microscopic image has low single-to-noise ratio and discontinued segments of neurite patterns

    Delineating Trees in Noisy 2D Images and 3D Image Stacks

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    We present a novel approach to fully automated delineation of tree structures in noisy 2D images and 3D image stacks. Unlike earlier methods that rely mostly on local evidence, our method builds a set of candidate trees over many different subsets of points likely to belong to the final one and then chooses the best one according to a global objective function. Since we are not systematically trying to span all nodes, our algorithm is able to eliminate noise while retaining the right tree structure

    Automatic segmentation of coronary angiograms based on fuzzy inferring and probabilistic tracking

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Segmentation of the coronary angiogram is important in computer-assisted artery motion analysis or reconstruction of 3D vascular structures from a single-plan or biplane angiographic system. Developing fully automated and accurate vessel segmentation algorithms is highly challenging, especially when extracting vascular structures with large variations in image intensities and noise, as well as with variable cross-sections or vascular lesions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This paper presents a novel tracking method for automatic segmentation of the coronary artery tree in X-ray angiographic images, based on probabilistic vessel tracking and fuzzy structure pattern inferring. The method is composed of two main steps: preprocessing and tracking. In preprocessing, multiscale Gabor filtering and Hessian matrix analysis were used to enhance and extract vessel features from the original angiographic image, leading to a vessel feature map as well as a vessel direction map. In tracking, a seed point was first automatically detected by analyzing the vessel feature map. Subsequently, two operators [e.g., a probabilistic tracking operator (PTO) and a vessel structure pattern detector (SPD)] worked together based on the detected seed point to extract vessel segments or branches one at a time. The local structure pattern was inferred by a multi-feature based fuzzy inferring function employed in the SPD. The identified structure pattern, such as crossing or bifurcation, was used to control the tracking process, for example, to keep tracking the current segment or start tracking a new one, depending on the detected pattern.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>By appropriate integration of these advanced preprocessing and tracking steps, our tracking algorithm is able to extract both vessel axis lines and edge points, as well as measure the arterial diameters in various complicated cases. For example, it can walk across gaps along the longitudinal vessel direction, manage varying vessel curvatures, and adapt to varying vessel widths in situations with arterial stenoses and aneurysms.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our algorithm performs well in terms of robustness, automation, adaptability, and applicability. In particular, the successful development of two novel operators, namely, PTO and SPD, ensures the performance of our algorithm in vessel tracking.</p

    Automatic Robust Neurite Detection and Morphological Analysis of Neuronal Cell Cultures in High-content Screening

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    Cell-based high content screening (HCS) is becoming an important and increasingly favored approach in therapeutic drug discovery and functional genomics. In HCS, changes in cellular morphology and biomarker distributions provide an information-rich profile of cellular responses to experimental treatments such as small molecules or gene knockdown probes. One obstacle that currently exists with such cell-based assays is the availability of image processing algorithms that are capable of reliably and automatically analyzing large HCS image sets. HCS images of primary neuronal cell cultures are particularly challenging to analyze due to complex cellular morphology. Here we present a robust method for quantifying and statistically analyzing the morphology of neuronal cells in HCS images. The major advantages of our method over existing software lie in its capability to correct non-uniform illumination using the contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization method; segment neuromeres using Gabor-wavelet texture analysis; and detect faint neurites by a novel phase-based neurite extraction algorithm that is invariant to changes in illumination and contrast and can accurately localize neurites. Our method was successfully applied to analyze a large HCS image set generated in a morphology screen for polyglutaminemediated neuronal toxicity using primary neuronal cell cultures derived from embryos of a Drosophila Huntington’s Disease (HD) model.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant

    Rotational Features Extraction for Ridge Detection

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    State-of-the-art approaches to detecting ridge-like structures in images rely on filters designed to respond to locally linear intensity features. While these approaches may be optimal for ridges whose appearance is close to being ideal, their performance degrades quickly in the presence of structured noise that corrupts the image signal, potentially to the point where it truly does not conform to the ideal model anymore. In this paper, we address this issue by introducing a learning framework that relies on rich, local, rotationally invariant image descriptors and demonstrate that we can outperform state-of-the-art ridge detectors in many different kinds of imagery. More specifically, our framework yields superior performance for the detection of blood vessel in retinal scans, dendrites in bright-field and confocal microscopy image-stacks, and streets in satellite imagery

    A Contour Grouping Algorithm for 3D Reconstruction of Biological Cells

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    Advances in computational modelling offer unprecedented potential for obtaining insights into the mechanics of cell-cell interactions. With the aid of such models, cell-level phenomena such as cell sorting and tissue self-organization are now being understood in terms of forces generated by specific sub-cellular structural components. Three-dimensional systems can behave differently from two-dimensional ones and since models cannot be validated without corresponding data, it is crucial to build accurate three-dimensional models of real cell aggregates. The lack of automated methods to determine which cell outlines in successive images of a confocal stack or time-lapse image set belong to the same cell is an important unsolved problem in the reconstruction process. This thesis addresses this problem through a contour grouping algorithm (CGA) designed to lead to unsupervised three-dimensional reconstructions of biological cells. The CGA associates contours obtained from fluorescently-labeled cell membranes in individual confocal slices using concepts from the fields of machine learning and combinatorics. The feature extraction step results in a set of association metrics. The algorithm then uses a probabilistic grouping step and a greedy-cost optimization step to produce grouped sets of contours. Groupings are representative of imaged cells and are manually evaluated for accuracy. The CGA presented here is able to produce accuracies greater than 96% when properly tuned. Parameter studies show that the algorithm is robust. That is, acceptable results are obtained under moderately varied probabilistic constraints and reasonable cost weightings. Image properties – such as slicing distance, image quality – affect the results. Sources of error are identified and enhancements based on fuzzy-logic and other optimization methods are considered. The successful grouping of cell contours, as realized here, is an important step toward the development of realistic, three-dimensional, cell-based finite element models

    Tracing biofilaments from images : analysis of existing methods to quantify the three-dimensional growth of filamentous fungi on solid substrates

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. David Alexander MitchellCoorientadora: Prof. Dr. Maura Harumi Sugai-GuériosDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Química. Defesa : Curitiba, 29/05/2018Inclui referências: p.100-113Área de concentração: Engenharia QuímicaResumo: Análise de imagens de biofilamentos tem se tornado uma parte importante na pesquisa em biologia e biotecnologia, pois ela não só elucida a morfologia destas estruturas, mas também fornece ideias sobre o desenvolvimento destas estruturas. Além disso, a morfologia pode ser correlacionada com outras variáveis. Por exemplo, análise de imagem de fungos filamentosos permite correlacionar produtividade de enzimas com diferentes morfologias. Há um interesse em compreender como o micélio de um fungo filamentoso se desevolve ao crescer em substratos sólidos. Para estudar isso, foram obtidas imagens 3D do fungo em crescimento em diversos tempos, objetivando computar dados da morfologia e dinâmica de crescimento: velocidades de extensão da colônia e de pontas, número e posição de ramificações e pontas, comprimentos de segmentos, entre outros dados. Porém, antes de computar estes dados, foi feita uma análise da literatura de métodos de traçado de biofilamentos. A análise foi realizada para facilitar a compreensão do vasto número de métodos disponíveis, desde componentes individuais (e.g. técnicas de realçe de filamentos) a workflows completas de traçado de biofilamentos. Também há muitas opções de implementações de software. Na análise, foram incluídas 87 publicações envolvendo workflows de traçado de filamentos ou componentes. Para a análise, criou-se uma classificação (10 classes, que incluem interação com o usuário, abordagem teórica, técnica de imageamento, entre outras classes e 120 sub-classes) para apoiar a análise com o uso de conceitos de teoria de grafos. A metodologia proposta poderá ser utilizada no futuro com ferramentas de semântica web e uma base de dados e permitirá analisar um número maior de dados. Desta análise, identificaram-se os métodos mais comuns de melhoramento de imagem (Realçe de filamentos, 44.9%, suavização, 16.3% e Subtração de background 14.3%) e as tendências em abordagens teóricas (e.g. abordagens baseadas em grafos juntas à algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina, realçe de filamentos como o gradient vector flow seguidos de abordagem Levei-set fast-marching). Após a análise da literatura, foram selecionados os métodos de melhoramento mais comuns e avaliados segundo seu impacto na qualidade da imagem. Os testes foram realizados em duas amostras de imagem (experimentos do crescimento de Aspergillus niger de microscopia confocal de varredura a laser) através de um planejamento fatorial completo e análise do índice de similaridade estrutural, SSIM, e razão sinal-ruído, SNR. Resultados mostraram que o algoritmo rolling bali de subtração de background com raio 20 pixels teve o maior efeito positivo em SSIM e SNR no geral. Então, ao utilizar as imagens melhoradas como entrada, foram testados 5 métodos de traçado de filamentos (APP, APP2, NeuTube, NeuronStudio e NeuroGPS-Tree). Os resultados do traçado foram avaliados qualitativamente: O método NeuTube mostrou os resultados visualmente mais acurados. Definiu-se então o método e foram traçadas as imagens completas 3D e no tempo e obtivemos parâmetros morfométricos e da dinâmica do crescimento do fungo (perfis de biomassa e comprimentos totais, por exemplo). Embora se observe que o uso de traçado de filamentos é promisor para obter mais dados do crescimento de fungos filamentosos, discutiu-se a necessidade de aprimorar as técnicas de preparo de amostra e das configurações na aquisição das imagens, de maneira a aumentar a qualidade final das imagens e fornecer resultados mais confiáveis e concretos após o traçado para então tirar conclusões dos dados. Palavras-chave: fungos filamentosos, filamentos biológicos, análise de imagem, traçado de filamentos, melhoramento de imagem.Abstract: Image analysis of biofilaments is becoming an important part of research on biology and biotechnology because it does not only elucidates the morphology of such structures but also gives insights into their development. Additionally, the morphology can be correlated with other variables. For example, image analysis of filamentous fungi allows the correlation of enzyme productivity with different morphologies. We are interested in understanding how the mycelium of a filamentous fungus develops during growth on solid substrates. In order to study that, time-lapsed 3D images of the fungus during growth were obtained, with the intention of computing growth dynamics and morphometric data: colony and tip extension rates, number and positions of branches and tips, segment lengths, among others. However, prior to computing this data, we analysed the literature of biofilament tracing methods. The analysis was done to facilitate the understanding of the vast number of methods available, from single components (e.g. filament enhancement techniques, and specialized model-based approaches) to complete biofilament tracing workflows. There were also many software implementations options. The analysis comprised 87 publications proposing complete biofilament tracing workflows or workflow components. For the analysis, we created a classification methodology (10 main classes, including user interaction, theoretical approach, imaging technique, among other classes and 120 sub-classes) and analysed the publications using graph theory concepts. The proposed methodology could be used in the future with semantic web tools and crowd-sourced web-based databases, allowing the analysis of greater number of data. Out of this analysis, we identified the most common image enhancement methods (Filament enhancement 44.9%, smoothing 16.3%, background subtraction 14.3%) and the theoretical approach trends for biofilament tracing (e.g. graph-based approaches coupled with machine learning algorithms, image enhancement such as gradient vector flows followed by model-based fast marching approach). Following the literature analysis, we selected the most common image enhancement methods to be used prior to biofilament tracing and evaluated their impact on image quality. The tests were done on two sample images (experiments of the growth of Aspergillus niger on two different carbon sources obtained by confocal laser scanning microscopy) through a full factorial design of experiments and analysis of the structural similarity index, SSIM and signal-to-noise ratio, SNR. Results show that background subtraction (Rolling-ball algorithm, 20 pixels radius) had the most positive effect on SSIM and SNR. Then, using the enhanced images as input, we tested 5 different biofilament tracing methods (APP1, APP2, NeuTube, NeuronStudio and NeuroGPS-Tree). We evaluated the tracing results visually and qualitatively: NeuTube was the method with the most visually accurate results. After choosing NeuTube as the best method, we applied it to our complete 3D time-lapsed images and computed some growth dynamics and morphmetric parameters (e.g. biomass profiles, segment and total lengths). Although we indicate that biofilament tracing methods are a promising approach to obtain more data on the growth of the filamentous fungi, we discuss the need to improve the sample preparation techniques and image acquisition set-up in order to increase the quality of the images so the tracing results provide more reliable and concrete results to draw conclusions. Keywords: filamentous fungi, biological filaments, image analysis, filament tracing, image enhancement