11 research outputs found

    A survey on quality attributes in servicebased systems

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    Service-based systems have become popular in the software industry. In software engineering, it is widely acknowledged that requirements on quality attributes (e.g., performance, security, reliability) significantly impact the design of software systems. This study explores the role of quality attributes during the design of service-based systems. We investigate the significance of quality attributes when designing service-based systems and how quality attributes are addressed through design decisions, across application domains, and related to other aspects of software development, e.g., architecture documentation. We conducted a descriptive survey. The survey was done as an online questionnaire targeting practitioners. Furthermore, we included researchers with practical design experience. We obtained 56 valid responses. Most survey participants consider quality attributes and functionality as equally important and treat quality attributes explicitly rather than implicitly. Furthermore, dependability is the most relevant quality attribute in service-based systems; we do not find quality attributes that are particularly important in specific application domains. Most quality attributes are addressed by ad hoc decisions, rather than established architecture or design patterns or technologies. Only few decision alternatives are considered when making architectural decisions to address quality attributes. Our results partially confirm anecdotal evidence from current literature, but also strengthen previous claims by providing empirical evidence. Our results point to future research directions (e.g., exploring the impact of decision types on how well quality attributes can be achieved) and implications for practitioners (e.g., training makes a difference to how quality attributes are treated).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Service-oriented design measurement and theoretical validation

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    As software systems become more and more complex over time, software quality accordingly becomes increasingly important. Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) paradigm is one of the established paradigms used for building and developing flexible, reusable, rapid and low cost software products. Consequently, the use of SOC to develop software systems is increasing. Software quality measurement has considerable importance in the context of SOC since it determines how the quality requirements for composite service should be achieved. As a result, several quality metrics for composite service design were proposed. However, these metrics were constructed based on previous development approaches, give insufficient focus and need modification to be applied to service-oriented systems. Furthermore, the existing metrics do not consider the composite service as building blocks and also they do not consider the indirect relationships. In this paper, a quality measurement for composite service-oriented design is proposed, with the aim of increasing reusability and decreasing the complexity of design. The paper begins with proposing a set of metrics to measure the quality of composite service design. Then, the proposed metrics are validated theoretically to check its usability and applicability for composite service. The results show that the proposed metrics are able to measure the quality of composite service design

    Exploring and categorizing maintainability assurance research for service and microservice-based systems

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    Im Laufe des Softwarelebenszyklus eines Programms innerhalb einer sich ständig wechselnden Softwareumgebung ist es wahrscheinlich, dass dieses Programm regelmäßig gewartet werden muss. Wartungen kosten Geld und somit ist es wichtig, dass ebensolche Wartungen effizient und effektiv durchgeführt werden können. Im Laufe der Geschichte der Softwareentwicklung traten unter anderem zwei Architekturmuster hervor: Serviceorientierte Architektur und Microservices. Da diese Architekturmuster ein hohes Maß an Wartbarkeit versprechen, wurden viele Altsysteme hin zu diesen modernen Architekturen migriert. Es kann fatale Folgen für Unternehmen haben, wenn Änderungen an einem System nicht schnell, risikofrei und fehlerfrei umgesetzt werden können. Es wurden bereits viele Forschungsarbeiten bezogen auf die Wartbarkeit von serviceorientierter Architektur publiziert. Systeme basierend auf Microservices fanden jedoch, bezogen auf Wartbarkeitssicherung, nicht viel Beachtung. Sämtliche Forschungsarbeiten befinden sich verteilt auf viele Literaturdatenbanken, wodurch ein umfassender Überblick erschwert wird. Um einen solchen Überblick bereitzustellen, führten wir im Rahmen dieser Bachelorarbeit eine systematische Literaturstudie durch, die sich mit der Wartbarkeitssicherung von serviceorienter Architektur und Systemen basierend auf Microservices beschäftigt. Zur Durchführung dieser systematischen Literaturstudie entwickelten wir eine Reihe von relevanten Forschungsfragen sowie ein striktes Forschungsprotokoll. Aufbauend auf diesem Protokoll sammelten wir insgesamt 223 Forschungsarbeiten von verschiedenen Herausgebern. Diese Arbeiten wurden bezüglich ihres Inhalts zuerst in drei Gruppen von Kategorien unterteilt (architektonisch, thematisch und methodisch). Danach wurden die jeweils relevantesten Forschungsrichtungen aus jeder thematischen Kategorie herausgearbeitet und vorgestellt. Zum Abschluss wurden deutliche Unterschiede der in den Forschungsarbeiten präsentierten Inhalte in Bezug auf serviceorientierte Architektur und Microservice-basierte Systeme herausgearbeitet und dargestellt. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigten eine deutliche Unterrepräsentation von Forschungsarbeiten zur Wartbarkeitssicherung für Microservice-basierte Systeme. Während der Untersuchung der Kategorien konnten wir diverse Forschungsrichtungen innerhalb dieser feststellen. Ein Beispiel hierfür ist die Forschungsrichtung "change impact in business processes" in der Kategorie "Change Impact and Scenarios". Abschließend konnten wir einige Unterschiede bezogen auf die gesammelten Forschungsarbeiten zwischen Systemen basierend auf einer serviceorientierten Architektur und Systemen basierend auf Microservices feststellen. Ein solcher Unterschied kann zum Beispiel in der Kategorie "Antipatterns and Bad Smells" gefunden werden. Im Vergleich zu Forschungsarbeiten, welche sich auf serviceorientierte Architektur beziehen, beinhalten Forschungsarbeiten im Zusammenhang mit Systemen auf Basis von Microservices nur grundlegende Informationen zu Antipatterns, jedoch keine Herangehensweisen, um diese zu erkennen. Aufgrund unserer Ergebnisse schlagen wir einen stärkeren Fokus auf Forschung zur Wartbarkeitssicherung in Microservice-basierten Systemen vor. Mögliche zukünftige Forschungsarbeiten könnten überprüfen, ob Herangehensweisen zur Wartbarkeitssicherung von serviceorientierter Architektur auch bei Microservices anwendbar sind. Darüber hinaus schlagen wir die Durchführung von systematischen Literaturstudien vor, welche Themen wie "runtime adaptation", "testing" und "legacy migration" untersuchen, da diese Themen in unserer Literaturstudie ausgeschlossen wurden.It is very likely that software running in an everchanging environment needs to evolve at multiple points during its lifecycle. Because maintenance costs money, it is important for such tasks to be as effective and efficient as possible. During the history of software development service- and microservice-based architectures have emerged among other architectures. Since these architectures promise to provide a high maintainability, many legacy systems are or were migrated towards a service- or microservice-based architecture. In order to keep such systems running, maintenance is inevitable. While a lot of research has been published regarding maintainability assurance for service-based systems, microservice-based systems have not gotten a lot of attention. All published research is spread across several scientific databases which makes it difficult to get an extensive overview of existing work. In order to provide such overview of maintainability assurance regarding service- and microservice-based systems, we conducted a systematic literature review. To support our literature review, we developed a set of meaningful research questions and a rigid research protocol. Based on our protocol we collected a set of 223 different papers. These papers were first categorized into a threefold set of categories (architectural, thematical and methodical). After that, the most relevant research directions from each thematical category were extracted and presented. Lastly, we extracted and presented notable differences between approaches relating to service-oriented architecture or microservice-based systems. Our findings show a clear underrepresentation of maintainability assurance approaches suitable for microservice-based systems. We further discovered that regarding our formed categories, we could find several research directions such as change impact in business processes in "Change Impact and Scenarios". In the end, we could identify some differences between service- and microservice-based systems concerning approaches we retrieved in this thesis. A difference, for example was that in comparison with papers related to service-oriented architecture in "Antipatterns and Bad Smells", microservices related papers only contained basic information on antipatterns, but no approaches to detect them. Due to our findings we suggest a higher participation in research regarding maintainability assurance for microservice-based systems. Possible future work in this area could include further research on the applicability of service-oriented maintainability assurance approaches or techniques in microservice-based systems. Furthermore, future researchers could conduct follow-up literature reviews and investigate topics such as runtime adaptation, testing and legacy migration, since we excluded such topics from this thesis

    Intelligent Web Services Architecture Evolution Via An Automated Learning-Based Refactoring Framework

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    Architecture degradation can have fundamental impact on software quality and productivity, resulting in inability to support new features, increasing technical debt and leading to significant losses. While code-level refactoring is widely-studied and well supported by tools, architecture-level refactorings, such as repackaging to group related features into one component, or retrofitting files into patterns, remain to be expensive and risky. Serval domains, such as Web services, heavily depend on complex architectures to design and implement interface-level operations, provided by several companies such as FedEx, eBay, Google, Yahoo and PayPal, to the end-users. The objectives of this work are: (1) to advance our ability to support complex architecture refactoring by explicitly defining Web service anti-patterns at various levels of abstraction, (2) to enable complex refactorings by learning from user feedback and creating reusable/personalized refactoring strategies to augment intelligent designers’ interaction that will guide low-level refactoring automation with high-level abstractions, and (3) to enable intelligent architecture evolution by detecting, quantifying, prioritizing, fixing and predicting design technical debts. We proposed various approaches and tools based on intelligent computational search techniques for (a) predicting and detecting multi-level Web services antipatterns, (b) creating an interactive refactoring framework that integrates refactoring path recommendation, design-level human abstraction, and code-level refactoring automation with user feedback using interactive mutli-objective search, and (c) automatically learning reusable and personalized refactoring strategies for Web services by abstracting recurring refactoring patterns from Web service releases. Based on empirical validations performed on both large open source and industrial services from multiple providers (eBay, Amazon, FedEx and Yahoo), we found that the proposed approaches advance our understanding of the correlation and mutual impact between service antipatterns at different levels, revealing when, where and how architecture-level anti-patterns the quality of services. The interactive refactoring framework enables, based on several controlled experiments, human-based, domain-specific abstraction and high-level design to guide automated code-level atomic refactoring steps for services decompositions. The reusable refactoring strategy packages recurring refactoring activities into automatable units, improving refactoring path recommendation and further reducing time-consuming and error-prone human intervention.Ph.D.College of Engineering & Computer ScienceUniversity of Michigan-Dearbornhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142810/1/Wang Final Dissertation.pdfDescription of Wang Final Dissertation.pdf : Dissertatio

    The knowledge management in small and medium enterprises and the quality management approaches in service-oriented architecture

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    The thesis is organized into two different sections: the first one deals with the knowledge management (KM) in small and medium enterprises (SMEs), the second one deals with the quality management approaches in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). The first research topic arises from the awareness that knowledge fertilization is crucial for SMEs competitiveness and to improve network collaboration. Nevertheless, while there is an abundance of studies describing how large companies are successfully exploiting knowledge management practices, regarding SMEs the framework is still fragmented. The Ph.D. program has been aimed at publishing two journal articles: the first one is a literature review, which provides the state of art of KM in SMEs and the second one is an empirical paper, which addresses the research questions emerging from the analysis of the literature review. The research questions concern the barriers hindering the spread of KM practices in SMEs, the main knowledge management systems (KMSs) adopted by SMEs and the impact of the use of KM practices on SME performance; they were subsequently addressed through a field analysis conducted on a sample of SMEs, adopting fuzzy set theory as methodology. Therefore the first section of this thesis is structured as a collection of these two published articles. The second section deals with the quality management approaches in Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), this research topic arises from the needs to investigate services quality techniques since there is a vast literature concerning the software quality metrics within an object-oriented environment, but this framework cannot be applied to SOA systems. This study attempted to fill this gap presenting the results of a literature review on this topic; the outcomes of the review provide a valuable understanding of the best researched areas and the areas of SOA quality which are poorly investigated. In order to give an answer to one of the retrieved research questions emerging from the analysis of the literature review and concerning the lack of case studies, an empirical analysis on SOA services performance has been carried out in an important telecommunications company by an efficiency analysis. Finally the work’ conclusions are presented which sum up both the knowledge management prospect that the SOA prospect

    Service architecting and dynamic composition in pervasive smart ecosystems for the Internet of things based on sensor network technology

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    Why pervasive awareness and Ambient Intelligence are perceived by a great part of the academia and industry as a massive revolution in the short-term? In our best knowledge, a cornerstone of this thought is based on the fact that the ultimate nature of the smart environment paradigm is not in the technology itself, but on a people-centered approach. Perhaps, is in this apparently simple conception where precisely lies the boldness of this promising vision, which has been consolidated in recent years with the emerging proliferation of mobile, personal, portable, wearable and sensory computing: to reach everyone and everywhere. On the one hand, it touches our daily lives in a close manner, minimizing the required attention from the users, anticipating to their needs with the main intention of redefining our idea of Quality of Experience. On the other hand, this new wave impacts everywhere at both global and personal scales allowing expanded connectivity between devices and smart objects, in a dynamic and ubiquitous manner, as a natural extension of the physical world around us. According to the above, this doctoral dissertation focuses on contributing to the integration of software and networking engineering advances in the field of pervasive smart spaces and environment using sensor networks. This is founded on the convergence of some information technology and computer science paradigms, such as service and agent orientation, semantic technologies and knowledge management in the framework of pervasive computing and the Internet of Things. To this end, the nSOM (nano Service-Oriented Middleware) and nSOL (nano Semantics-Oriented Language) approaches are presented. Firstly, the nSOM proposal defines a service-oriented platform for the implementation, deployment and exposure of agent-based in-network services to the Internet cloud on heterogeneous sensor devices. Secondly, the nSOL solution enables an abstraction for supporting ubiquitous service composition based on semantic knowledge management. The integration of both contributions leads to the formal modelling and practical development of adaptive virtual sensor services for pervasive Ambient Intelligence ecosystems. This work includes also the related performance characterization of the resulting prototype according to several metrics such as code size, volatile memory footprint, CPU overhead, service time delay and battery lifetime. Main foundations and outcomes presented in this essay are contextualized in the following European Research Projects: μSWN (FP6 code: IST-034642), DiYSE (ITEA2 code: 08005) and LifeWear (ITEA2 code: 09026). --------------------¿Por qué la sensibilidad ubicua y la inteligencia ambiental son percibidas por una gran parte de las comunidades académica e industrial como una revolución masiva en el corto plazo? En nuestra opinión, una piedra angular de este pensamiento es el hecho de que la naturaleza última del paradigma de entornos inteligentes no reside en la tecnología en sí misma, sino en una aproximación centrada en las personas. Y es quizá en esta aparente simple concepción donde se halla precisamente el atrevimiento de esta prometedora visión, consolidada en los últimos años con la emergente proliferación de la computación móvil, personal, portable, llevable y sensorial: llegar a todos y a todas partes. Por un lado, esta alcanza nuestras vidas de una manera cercana, minimizando la atención requerida por los usuarios, anticipándose a sus necesidades con el objetivo de redefinir nuestra idea de calidad de experiencia. Por otro lado, esta impacta en todas partes tanto a escala global como personal, con una conectividad expandida entre dispositivos y objetos inteligentes, de un modo ubicuo y dinámico, como una extensión natural del mundo que nos rodea. Conforme a lo anterior, esta tesis doctoral se centra en contribuir en la integración de los avances de ingeniería de redes y software en el ámbito de los espacios y entornos inteligentes ubicuos basados en redes de sensores. Esto se fundamenta en la convergencia de diversos paradigmas de las tecnologías de la información y ciencia de la computación, tales como orientación a servicios y agentes, tecnologías semánticas y de gestión del conocimiento en el contento de la computación ubicua en la Internet de las Cosas. Para este fin, se presentan las aproximaciones nSOM (nano Service-Oriented Middleware) y nSOL (nano Semantics-Oriented Language). En primer lugar, nSOM define una plataforma orientada a servicios para la implementación, despliegue y exposición a la nube de servicios basados en agentes e implementados en red sobre dispositivos heterogéneos de sensores. En segundo lugar, nSOL habilita una abstracción para proporcionar composición ubicua de servicios basada en gestión semántica del conocimiento. La integración de ambas contribuciones conduce a un modelado formal y de implementación práctica de servicios de sensor virtual adaptativos para ecosistemas de inteligencia ambiental. Este trabajo incluye la caracterización del rendimiento del prototipo resultante, basándonos para ello en métricas tales como tamaño de código, tamaño de memoria volátil, sobrecarga de procesamiento, retardo en tiempo de servicio y autonomía de baterías. Los principales fundamentos y resultados discutidos en este ensayo están contextualizados en los siguientes Proyectos de Investigación Europeos: μSWN (FP6 código: IST-034642), DiYSE (ITEA2 código: 08005) y LifeWear (ITEA2 código: 09026).Presidente: Juan Ramón Velasco Pérez; Vocal: Juan Carlos Dueñas; Secretario: Mario Muñoz Organer

    Portability of Process-Aware and Service-Oriented Software: Evidence and Metrics

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    Modern software systems are becoming increasingly integrated and are required to operate over organizational boundaries through networks. The development of such distributed software systems has been shaped by the orthogonal trends of service-orientation and process-awareness. These trends put an emphasis on technological neutrality, loose coupling, independence from the execution platform, and location transparency. Execution platforms supporting these trends provide context and cross-cutting functionality to applications and are referred to as engines. Applications and engines interface via language standards. The engine implements a standard. If an application is implemented in conformance to this standard, it can be executed on the engine. A primary motivation for the usage of standards is the portability of applications. Portability, the ability to move software among different execution platforms without the necessity for full or partial reengineering, protects from vendor lock-in and enables application migration to newer engines. The arrival of cloud computing has made it easy to provision new and scalable execution platforms. To enable easy platform changes, existing international standards for implementing service-oriented and process-aware software name the portability of standardized artifacts as an important goal. Moreover, they provide platform-independent serialization formats that enable the portable implementation of applications. Nevertheless, practice shows that service-oriented and process-aware applications today are limited with respect to their portability. The reason for this is that engines rarely implement a complete standard, but leave out parts or differ in the interpretation of the standard. As a consequence, even applications that claim to be portable by conforming to a standard might not be so. This thesis contributes to the development of portable service-oriented and process-aware software in two ways: Firstly, it provides evidence for the existence of portability issues and the insufficiency of standards for guaranteeing software portability. Secondly, it derives and validates a novel measurement framework for quantifying portability. We present a methodology for benchmarking the conformance of engines to a language standard and implement it in a fully automated benchmarking tool. Several test suites of conformance tests for two different languages, the Web Services Business Process Execution Language 2.0 and the Business Process Model and Notation 2.0, allow to uncover a variety of standard conformance issues in existing engines. This provides evidence that the standard-based portability of applications is a real issue. Based on these results, this thesis derives a measurement framework for portability. The framework is aligned to the ISO/IEC Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation method, the recent revision of the renowned ISO/IEC software quality model and measurement methodology. This quality model separates the software quality characteristic of portability into the subcharacteristics of installability, adaptability, and replaceability. Each of these characteristics forms one part of the measurement framework. This thesis targets each characteristic with a separate analysis, metrics derivation, evaluation, and validation. We discuss existing metrics from the body of literature and derive new extensions speciffically tailored to the evaluation of service-oriented and process-aware software. Proposed metrics are defined formally and validated theoretically using an informal and a formal validation framework. Furthermore, the computation of the metrics has been prototypically implemented. This implementation is used to evaluate metrics performance in experiments based on large scale software libraries obtained from public open source software repositories. In summary, this thesis provides evidence that contemporary standards and their implementations are not sufficient for enabling the portability of process-aware and service-oriented applications. Furthermore, it proposes, validates, and practically evaluates a framework for measuring portability