157 research outputs found

    The Trajectory of IT in Healthcare at HICSS: A Literature Review, Analysis, and Future Directions

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    Research has extensively demonstrated that healthcare industry has rapidly implemented and adopted information technology in recent years. Research in health information technology (HIT), which represents a major component of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, demonstrates similar findings. In this paper, review the literature to better understand the work on HIT that researchers have conducted in HICSS from 2008 to 2017. In doing so, we identify themes, methods, technology types, research populations, context, and emerged research gaps from the reviewed literature. With much change and development in the HIT field and varying levels of adoption, this review uncovers, catalogs, and analyzes the research in HIT at HICSS in this ten-year period and provides future directions for research in the field

    Digitalisation and Enterprise Knowledge (net)Working

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    Social media and emerging mobile technologies have forever changed the landscape of human interaction. Furthermore, they already play a pivotal role also in enterprises as a part of the organisational Knowledge Management System. Almost all large organisations have already implemented at least one Enterprise Social Media tool since they enable collaboration, provide easy access to information, and are available at reasonable costs. The effects of the decoupling of the real and the virtual world (as a result of Social Media use) on the construct knowledge and on knowledge management are still not sufficiently investigated. Against this background, the paper presents an exploratory approach of the development of a specific morphological tableau as an instrument for the analysis of employees’ behavior in context of knowledge management related ESM use. Furthermore, the application of the tableau is exemplary illustrated and further research steps are explained

    Knowledge, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Systems at HICSS

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    This paper presents an overview and history of the knowledge, innovation, and entrepreneurial systems (KIES) track and the knowledge and related systems research community at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). This community began as a task force that examined organizational memory in HICSS-27. It has since evolved into a mini-track, a research cluster, and, finally, a full research track that encompasses research knowledge, innovation, and entrepreneurial systems. In this paper, we acquaint knowledge system researchers with a research community that has leveraged HICSS to develop a rich history of high-quality scholastic inquiry in the knowledge system, knowledge management, innovation systems, entrepreneurial systems, organizational memory, and organizational learning research areas

    The Role of Boards in Reviewing Information Technology Governance (ITG) as Part of Organizational Control Environment Assessments

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    IT Governance (ITG) is an important topic as US companies must now monitor ITG under the provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002) (Hoffmann, 2003). Trites (2003) indicates that directors are responsible for strategic planning, internal control structures and business risk. The control environment is defined in Australian Auditing Standard AUS 402 to mean "the overall attitude, awareness and actions of management regarding internal control and its importance to the entity". This paper contributes to the knowledge of ITG by forming an integrated ITG Literature (IIL) which links prior research to four key dimensions of ITG. The paper presents a review of literature on ITG performance measurement systems which assess the ability of organizations to achieve these four ITG dimensions. A revised ITG Dimensions Model offered for consideration. The final contribution of the paper is to propose critical issues Boards should consider as part of their assessment of organizational control environments


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    International audiencePrivate sector companies are mobilizing to adopt IT governance frameworks to control their information systems and increase the profitability of their IT investments. Today, public organizations have come to adopt the same approach. The study of IT governance in the public sector has interested several researchers in recent years. However, there is still a lack of literature concerning its implementation in developing countries and especially in a context of regionalization. The case study in this article shows how a "regional public organization" has implemented its IT governance framework in a regionalization context. The results of this study show that the intentional implementation of the mechanisms, with reference to the governance guidelines of the central top management, was done without major complications. However, the organization should make a lot of efforts to "decentralize" processes at the regional level to better support IT projects with regional specificities, and to improve its structures.Les entreprises du secteur privĂ© se sont mobilisĂ©es pour adopter des cadres de gouvernance des TI afin de contrĂŽler leurs systĂšmes d’information et augmenter la rentabilitĂ© de leurs investissements en technologies de l’information. Aujourd’hui, les organisations publiques ont fini par adopter la mĂȘme approche. L’étude de la gouvernance des TI dans le secteur public a intĂ©ressĂ© plusieurs chercheurs ces derniĂšres annĂ©es. Cependant, il existe encore un manque en littĂ©rature concernant son implĂ©mentation dans les pays en voie de dĂ©veloppement et surtout dans un contexte de rĂ©gionalisation. L’étude de cas menĂ©e dans cet article, montre comment « une organisation publique rĂ©gionale » a implĂ©mentĂ© son cadre de gouvernance des TI dans un contexte de rĂ©gionalisation. Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude montrent que l’implĂ©mentation intentionnelle des mĂ©canismes, en se rĂ©fĂ©rant aux orientations de gouvernance de la direction centrale, s’est faite sans grandes complications. Or, l’organisation devrait dĂ©ployer beaucoup d’efforts pour « dĂ©centraliser » des processus au niveau rĂ©gional pour mieux supporter les projets TI aux spĂ©cificitĂ©s rĂ©gionales, et d’amĂ©liorer ses structures.Mots-clĂ©s : Gouvernance des TI, organisation publique, rĂ©gionalisation, dĂ©centralisation, implĂ©mentation

    Virtual teamwork in the context of technological and cultural transformation

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    Megatrends affect all individuals and organizations in our society. Mobility and flexibility are examples of megatrends that influence our everyday lives and also intensely alter the ways we work. The deployment of virtual teams meets the new chances emerging with these trends. Employees aspire to work virtually due to benefits, such as flexibility regarding the locations and hours for working. Organizations deploy virtual teams to remain competitive regarding new technological opportunities, employee retention and cost efficiency in an increasingly digital environment. Organizations can guide their change towards virtuality by building on the knowledge of practice as well as scientific insights regarding the deployment of virtual teams. In order to provide a holistic view on the structures and processes affected by such a change and thus provide guidance, a framework for analyzing and planning organizational change is adapted to virtual teamwork and presented in this paper. The framework shows that the deployment of virtual teams affects the whole organization. This comprehensive view on the implementation of virtual teamwork allows an integration of virtual teams and focusses on their performance. The adapted framework furthermore provides links for further in-depth research in this field
