842 research outputs found

    Improved energy-efficiency in cloud datacenters with interference-aware virtual machine placement

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    Virtualization is one of the main technologies used for improving resource efficiency in datacenters; it allows the deployment of co-existing computing environments over the same hardware infrastructure. However, the co-existing of environments — along with management inefficiencies — often creates scenarios of high-competition for resources between running workloads, leading to performance degradation. This phenomenon is known as Performance Interference, and introduces a non-negligible overhead that affects both a datacenter's Quality of Service and its energy-efficiency. This paper introduces a novel approach to workload allocation that improves energy-efficiency in Cloud datacenters by taking into account their workload heterogeneity. We analyze the impact of performance interference on energy-efficiency using workload characteristics identified from a real Cloud environment, and develop a model that implements various decision-making techniques intelligently to select the best workload host according to its internal interference level. Our experimental results show reductions in interference by 27.5% and increased energy-efficiency up to 15% in contrast to current mechanisms for workload allocation

    Scheduling Live-Migrations for Fast, Adaptable and Energy-Efficient Relocation Operations

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    International audienceEvery day, numerous VMs are migrated inside a datacenter to balance the load, save energy or prepare production servers for maintenance. Despite VM placement problems are carefully studied, the underlying migration scheduler rely on vague adhoc models. This leads to unnecessarily long and energy-intensive migrations. We present mVM, a new and extensible migration scheduler. mVM takes into account the VM memory workload and the network topology to estimate precisely the migration duration and take wiser scheduling decisions. mVM is implemented as a plugin of BtrPlace and can be customized with additional scheduling constraints to finely control the migrations. Experiments on a real testbed show mVM outperforms schedulers that cap the migration parallelism by a constant to reduce the completion time. Besides an optimal capping, mVM reduces the migration duration by 20.4% on average and the completion time by 28.1%. In a maintenance operation involving 96 VMs to migrate between 72 servers, mVM saves 21.5% Joules against BtrPlace. Finally, its current library of 6 constraints allows administrators to address temporal and energy concerns, for example to adapt the schedule and fit a power budget

    Mage: Online Interference-Aware Scheduling in Multi-Scale Heterogeneous Systems

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    Heterogeneity has grown in popularity both at the core and server level as a way to improve both performance and energy efficiency. However, despite these benefits, scheduling applications in heterogeneous machines remains challenging. Additionally, when these heterogeneous resources accommodate multiple applications to increase utilization, resources are prone to contention, destructive interference, and unpredictable performance. Existing solutions examine heterogeneity either across or within a server, leading to missed performance and efficiency opportunities. We present Mage, a practical interference-aware runtime that optimizes performance and efficiency in systems with intra- and inter-server heterogeneity. Mage leverages fast and online data mining to quickly explore the space of application placements, and determine the one that minimizes destructive interference between co-resident applications. Mage continuously monitors the performance of active applications, and, upon detecting QoS violations, it determines whether alternative placements would prove more beneficial, taking into account any overheads from migration. Across 350 application mixes on a heterogeneous CMP, Mage improves performance by 38% and up to 2x compared to a greedy scheduler. Across 160 mixes on a heterogeneous cluster, Mage improves performance by 30% on average and up to 52% over the greedy scheduler, and by 11% over the combination of Paragon [15] for inter- and intra-server heterogeneity
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