184 research outputs found

    Measurement-Based Characterization of 39 GHz Millimeter-Wave Dual-Polarized Channel Under Foliage Loss Impact

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    This paper presents a measurement-based analysis of wideband 39 GHz millimeter wave (mm-wave) dual-polarized propagation channel under the impact of foliage presence between a transmitter (Tx) and a receiver (Rx). The measurements were conducted in a rich-vegetation area, and the so-called direction-scan-sounding (DSS) method which rotates a horn antenna in angular domains was applied, aiming at investigating the direction-of-arrival (DoA)-dependent characteristics of polarimetric channels. Four Tx-to-Rx polarization configurations were considered, including co-polarization scenarios with vertical Tx-polarization to vertical Rx-polarization (VV) and horizontal to horizontal (HH), as well as cross-polarization with vertical to horizontal (VH) and horizontal to vertical (HV), which allow scrutinizing the differences in delay-direction dispersion for usually-encountered scenarios. A foliage loss model for various vegetation depths in VV polarization configuration, was also presented in this paper. The results show that the foliage-loss DoA spectra for VH and HV are similar, while the spectra exhibit less penetration loss in most directions for VV than for the HH. Furthermore, the presence of vegetation between the Tx and the Rx leads to larger dispersion in delay compared to the clear line-of-sight (LoS) scenario, particularly for vertical polarization in the Tx side, and additionally, the foliage presence also results in evident DoA dispersion, specially in the HV scenario. Selectivity in directions caused by foliage is more significant in vertically-polarized Tx scenarios than in the horizontally-polarized Tx scenarios. A statistical model is established summarizing these comparison details


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    In view of exponential growth in data traffic demand, the wireless communications industry has aimed to increase the capacity of existing networks by 1000 times over the next 20 years. A combination of extreme cell densification, more bandwidth, and higher spectral efficiency is needed to support the data traffic requirements for fifth generation (5G) cellular communications. In this research, the potential improvements achieved by using three major 5G enabling technologies (i.e., small cells, millimeter-wave spectrum, and massive MIMO) in rural and urban environments are investigated. This work develops SPM and KA-based ray models to investigate the impact of geometrical parameters on terrain-based multiuser MIMO channel characteristic. Moreover, a new directional 3D channel model is developed for urban millimeter-wave (mmW) small cells. Path-loss, spatial correlation, coverage distance, and coherence length are studied in urban areas. Exploiting physical optics (PO) and geometric optics (GO) solutions, closed form expressions are derived for spatial correlation. Achievable spatial diversity is evaluated using horizontal and vertical linear arrays as well as planar 2D arrays. In another study, a versatile near-ground field prediction model is proposed to facilitate accurate wireless sensor network (WSN) simulations. Monte Carlo simulations are used to investigate the effects of antenna height, frequency of operation, polarization, and terrain dielectric and roughness properties on WSNs performance

    Radio propagation for the next generation mobile communication system

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    State-of-the-art assessment of 5G mmWave communications

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    Deliverable D2.1 del proyecto 5GWirelessMain objective of the European 5Gwireless project, which is part of the H2020 Marie Slodowska- Curie ITN (Innovative Training Networks) program resides in the training and involvement of young researchers in the elaboration of future mobile communication networks, focusing on innovative wireless technologies, heterogeneous network architectures, new topologies (including ultra-dense deployments), and appropriate tools. The present Document D2.1 is the first deliverable of Work- Package 2 (WP2) that is specifically devoted to the modeling of the millimeter-wave (mmWave) propagation channels, and development of appropriate mmWave beamforming and signal processing techniques. Deliver D2.1 gives a state-of-the-art on the mmWave channel measurement, characterization and modeling; existing antenna array technologies, channel estimation and precoding algorithms; proposed deployment and networking techniques; some performance studies; as well as a review on the evaluation and analysis toolsPostprint (published version

    Validation of measurement setup for assessing complex dielectric constant

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    Abstract. Electromagnetic waves interact with different obstacles or materials. The propagation of electromagnetic waves depends on how they interact with different materials. Understanding the transmission and reflection characteristics of various media leads to understanding the propagation of electromagnetic waves. The transmission and reflection of radio waves are dictated by the dielectric properties of the material. The estimation of dielectric properties of a material is acquired by proper measurement techniques and methods. In this thesis, a measurement setup for assessing complex dielectric constant is verified. The measurement setup is designed with two high frequency horn antennas and a two-port vector network analyzer, controlled by a computer via a GPIB interface. Various measurement scenarios and results needed to achieve the goal are presented in the thesis. All measurements are done in an anechoic chamber. The measurement data is collected in frequency ranges of 1–9.5 GHz and 9.5–18 GHz. Furthermore, reflection measurements are taken from the side wall absorbers in the same anechoic chamber for checking the wall absorption characteristics. The key findings of this experiment are dielectric constant, Brewster angle and the reflection coefficient. The obtained value of the dielectric constant can be further used for similar type of environments or measurement setup

    Evaluation of mmWave 5G Performance by Advanced Ray Tracing Techniques

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    Technological progress leads to the emergence of new concepts, which can change people’s everyday lives and accelerate the transformation of many industries. Among the more recent of these revolutionary concepts are big data analysis, artificial intelligence, augmented/virtual reality, quantum computing, and autonomous vehicles. However, this list would be incomplete without referring to fifth-generation (5G) technology, which is driven by several trends. First, the exponential growth of the worldwide monthly smartphone traffic up to 50 petabytes during the next three years will require the development of mobile networks supporting high datasharing capabilities, excellent spectral efficiency, and gigabits per second of throughput. Another trend is Industry 4.0/5.0 (also called the smart factory), which refers to advanced levels of automation requiring millions of distributed sensors/devices connected into a scalable and smart network. Finally, the automation of critical industrial processes, as well as communication between autonomous vehicles, will require 99.999% reliability and under 1 ms latency as they also become the drivers for the emergence of 5G. Besides traditional sub-6 GHz microwave spectrum, the 5G communication encompasses the novel millimeter-wave bands to mitigate spectrum scarcity and provide large bandwidth of up to several GHz. However, there are challenges to be overcome with the millimeter-wave band. The band suffers from higher pathloss, more atmospheric attenuation, and higher diffraction losses than microwave signals. Because the millimeter-wave band has such a small wavelength (< 1 cm), it is now feasible to implement compact antenna arrays. This enables the use of beamforming and multi-input and multi-output techniques. In this thesis, advanced ray tracing methodology is developed and utilized to simulate the propagation mechanisms and their effect on the system-level metrics. The main novelty of this work is in the introduction of typical millimeter-wave 5G technologies into channel modelling and propagation specifics into the system-level simulation, as well as the adaptation of the ray tracing methods to support extensive simulations with multiple antennas

    Autonomous Vehicles: MMW Radar Backscattering Modeling of Traffic Environment, Vehicular Communication Modeling, and Antenna Designs

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    77 GHz Millimeter-wave (mmWave) radar serves as an essential component among many sensors required for autonomous navigation. High-fidelity simulation is indispensable for nowadays’ development of advanced automotive radar systems because radar simulation can accelerate the design and testing process and help people to better understand and process the radar data. The main challenge in automotive radar simulation is to simulate the complex scattering behavior of various targets in real time, which is required for sensor fusion with other sensory simulation, e.g. optical image simulation. In this thesis, an asymptotic method based on a fast-wideband physical optics (PO) calculation is developed and applied to get high fidelity radar response of traffic scenes and generate the corresponding radar images from traffic targets. The targets include pedestrians, vehicles, and other stationary targets. To further accelerate the simulation into real time, a physics-based statistical approach is developed. The RCS of targets are fit into statistical distributions, and then the statistical parameters are summarized as functions of range and aspect angles, and other attributes of the targets. For advanced radar with multiple transmitters and receivers, pixelated-scatterer statistical RCS models are developed to represent objects as extend targets and relax the requirement for far-field condition. A real-time radar scene simulation software, which will be referred to as Michigan Automotive Radar Scene Simulator (MARSS), based on the statistical models are developed and integrated with a physical 3D scene generation software (Unreal Engine 4). One of the major challenges in radar signal processing is to detect the angle of arrival (AOA) of multiple targets. A new analytic multiple-sources AOA estimation algorithm that outperforms many well-known AOA estimation algorithms is developed and verified by experiments. Moreover, the statistical parameters of RCS from targets and radar images are used in target classification approaches based on machine learning methods. In realistic road traffic environment, foliage is commonly encountered that can potentially block the line-of-sight link. In the second part of the thesis, a non-line-of-sight (NLoS) vehicular propagation channel model for tree trunks at two vehicular communication bands (5.9 GHz and 60 GHz) is proposed. Both near-field and far-field scattering models from tree trunk are developed based on modal expansion and surface current integral method. To make the results fast accessible and retractable, a macro model based on artificial neural network (ANN) is proposed to fit the path loss calculated from the complex electromagnetic (EM) based methods. In the third part of the thesis, two broadband (bandwidth > 50%) omnidirectional antenna designs are discussed to enable polarization diversity for next-generation communication systems. The first design is a compact horizontally polarized (HP) antenna, which contains four folded dipole radiators and utilizing their mutual coupling to enhance the bandwidth. The second one is a circularly polarized (CP) antenna. It is composed of one ultra-wide-band (UWB) monopole, the compact HP antenna, and a dedicatedly designed asymmetric power divider based feeding network. It has about 53% overlapping bandwidth for both impedance and axial ratio with peak RHCP gain of 0.9 dBi.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163001/1/caixz_1.pd

    A UAV-Aided Real-Time Channel Sounder for Highly Dynamic Nonstationary A2G Scenarios

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    With the rapid development and broad applications of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based wireless stations in the sky, fundamental understanding and characterization of the realistic air-to-ground (A2G) communication link properties are crucial. In this article, a UAV-aided channel sounder with a real-time processing hardware system is developed for highly dynamic and nonstationary A2G channel measurements. In the hardware system, a global positioning system (GPS)-based triggering signal is designed, the equivalent antenna pattern affected by the UAV airframe is considered, and an appropriate sounding signal is selected, to improve the accuracy of measured channel impulse response (CIR). Moreover, real-time hardware processing algorithms for raw channel data, that is, CIR extraction, system response elimination (SRE), power loss recovery (PLR), and adaptive multipath component (MPC) recognition are developed and implemented on a single field-programmable gate array (FPGA) chip. In this way, the required storage size of channel data and the processing time for one slice of CIR is greatly decreased, which can meet the requirement of nonstationary A2G channel measurement with a high sampling rate and long-time measurement. A commercial channel emulator is used to reproduce controllable channels and verify the performance of the developed channel sounder. Finally, the developed channel sounder is applied to carry out A2G measurement campaigns at 3.5 GHz in a campus scenario. The channel characteristics, that is, path loss (PL), K -factor, and path angle are analyzed. The measured channel characteristics are consistent with existing measurements under a similar scenario. The estimated path angles are also validated by the theoretical results. Thus, the channel sounder can be used to capture the nonstationary A2G channel characteristics for the system design and algorithm optimization of A2G communications.</p
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