104 research outputs found

    Application of Experimental and Numerical Techniques to Microscale Devices

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    Two of the areas that have become relevant recently are the areas of mixing in micro-scale devices, and manufacturing of functional nanoparticles. MicroPIV experiments were performed on two different mixers, one a wide microchannel with the surface grooves, in the laminar regime, and the other, a confined impinging jets reactor, in the laminar and turbulent regimes. In the wide microchannel with surface grooves, microPIV data were collected at the interface and the midplane at the Reynolds numbers of 0.08, 0.8, and 8. The experiments were performed on three internal angles of the chevrons, namely 135°, 90°, and 45°. The normalized transverse velocity generated in the midplane due to the presence of the grooves, is the strongest for the internal angle of 135°, and in that, the normalized transverse velocity is maximum at the Reynolds numbers of 0.08 and 0.8. MicroPIV experiments were performed in a confined impinging jets reactors at Reynolds numbers of 200, 1000, and 1500. The data was collected in the midplane, and turbulent statistics were further computed. The high velocity jets impinge along the centerline of the reactor. Upon impinging, part of the fluid turns towards the top wall and the majority of it turn towards the outlet. This high velocity impingement causes and unstable zone called the impingement zone, which moves about the centerline line, causing the jets to flap back and forth. Spatial correlations were computed to get an estimate of the size of the coherent structures. Large eddy simulation was performed on the CIJR for the Reynolds numbers of 1000 and 1500, using OpenFOAM. The Reynolds number is based on the inlet jet hydraulic diameter. Excellent agreement was found with the experimental and simulation data. Turbulent reactive mixing in a rectangular microscale confined impinging-jets reactor (CIJR) was investigated using the pH indicator phenolphthalein in this study for three di_erent jet Reynolds numbers of 25, 1000 and 1500. Laminar flow regime was observed at Reynolds number of 25 whereas the flow was turbulent at Reynolds numbers of 1000 and 1500. An image processing technique was applied to instantaneous images to extract quantitative mixing data by identifying regions with pH ≥ 9.3 and regions with pH \u3c 9.3. The ensemble-averages were computed using these thresholded images to compare mixing performance between different Reynolds numbers. Finally, the spatial auto-correlation fields of the thresholded images fluctuations were evaluated, based on which large-scale turbulent structure were analyzed

    Data extraction in holographic particle image velocimetry

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    Holographic Particle Image Velocimetry (HPIV) is potentially the best technique to obtain instantaneous, three-dimensional, flow field information. Several researchers have presented their experimental results to demonstrate the power of HPIV technique. However, the challenge to find an economical and automatic means to extract and process the immense amount of data from the holograms still remains. This thesis reports on the development of complex amplitude correlation as a means of data extraction. At the same time, three-dimensional quantitative measurements for a micro scale flow is of increasing importance in the design of microfluidic devices. This thesis also reports the investigation of HPIV in micro-scale fluid flow. The author has re-examined complex amplitude correlation using a formulation of scalar diffraction in three-dimensional vector space. [Continues.

    The effect of stochastic nano-scale surface roughness on microfluidic flow in computational microchannels

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    Microfluidics is a promising technology that is used extensively in biomedical devices, so called lab-on-a-chip devices. These devices harness a network of microchannels to mix, react, and conduct fluid flow. Most microchannel fabrication methods produce a stochastic surface roughness with heights ranging in the micro- to nano- scale. This inherent, stochastic roughness can potentially be harnessed to enhance microfluidic operations. Previous research on rough surfaces in microfluidics has focused on periodic, micro-scale obstructions, not of any stochastic nature. The purpose of this research is to characterize the effect of stochastic nano-scale surface roughness on microfluidic flow using very large-scale direct numerical simulations (DNS) and micro- particle image velocimetry (micro-PIV). The two studies are focused on a microchannel with one of the walls, the bottom surface, which has a manufactured surface roughness using a hydrofluoric-acid (HF) etching process. The rough surface is scanned by an optical profilometer, and the exact topography is imported as the bottom surface of the computational microchannel. HF-acid etched glass and un-etched glass surfaces are directly compared to each other. In the first study, the DNS simulations are compared to micro-PIV experiments for a Newtonian fluid (water). The flow regime was laminar, diffusion dominated and limited to Re \u3c 10. The second study used a longer microchannel relative to the first study that was made possible by stitching together consecutive profilometer surface scans. This study only used simulations to study the effect of nano-scale roughness on microfluidic flow (with the previous study forming a basis for model validation). In the future, the study will be extended to Newtonian as well as non-Newtonian (shear-thinning) fluids in the same flow regime as the first study. Overall, we have shown that an experimentally validated and experimentally driven three-dimensional computational study for microfluidic stochastic surface roughness is possible. Additionally, we have shown that the stochastic nature of the surface roughness and its effect on fluid flow can be characterized with numerous tools including velocity-perturbation contours, autocorrelation length (ACL), and energy spectra analysis. The different analyses illustrated the effect of the rough surface in different ways. Velocity-perturbation contours showed that both the etched and un-etched rough surfaces produced very small velocity structures (eddies) very near the rough surface that merge to form larger structures as the height above the rough surface increases. The velocity-perturbation contours revealed an increase in the magnitude of the velocity perturbations by an order of magnitude by using the etched glass, which was directly caused by the increase in roughness height from HF etching. The ACL analyses also showed how the surface roughness produces small perturbation structures that merge and persist well into the midplane of the microchannel. Energy spectra analyses revealed a transfer of energy caused by the structures of the rough surfaces. Notably for the same Reynolds number, the etched surface produced velocity-perturbation structures that contained more energy and persisted higher into the microchannel compared to the un-etched surface. This research has shown that a chemical etching surface treatment and other stochastic rough surfaces, even at the nano-scale, have an effect on microfluidic flow that can be characterized and potentially be harnessed across a range of fluid flow rates. Devices that use microchannels such as lab-on-a-chip medical devices can therefore be tuned and optimized for their respective applications such as reagent mixing, bubble creation and transport, fluid transport, and cell manipulation using stochastic surface roughness

    Experimental investigations on micro-scale thermal fluid phenomena by using advance flow diagnostic techniques

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    Two-fluid mixing is an essential process for many microfluidic or lab-on-a-chip devices. Effective mixing of two fluids inside microchannels could be very challenging since turbulence is usually absent due to the nature of low Reynolds numbers of microflows. In the present study, a parametric study is carried out to elucidate underlying physics and to quantify the effectiveness of manipulating Electro-Kinetic-Instabilities (EKI) to actively control/enhance fluid mixing inside Y-shaped microchannels. Epi-fluorescence imaging technique is used to conduct qualitative flow visualization and quantitative scalar concentration field measurements to quantify the fluid mixing process inside the Y-shaped microchannels in terms of scalar concentration distributions, shedding frequency of the EKI waves and scalar mixing efficiency. The effects of the relevant parameters, such as the conductivity ratio of the two mixing streams, the strength of the applied static electric fields, the frequency and amplitude of the applied alternating perturbations, and micro-structures inside the microchannels on the evolution of the EKI waves and resultant fluid mixing process are investigated systematically. Micro-flows and heat transfer process inside small surface droplets have many interesting applications associated with microfluidics such as DNA molecule imaging, micro-pumps, and ink-jet printing. The second component of present study is to investigate the unsteady flow and heat transfer phenomena inside small surface droplets over a solid substrate at different temperature levels. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique is used to quantify the dynamics of the evaporation process and surface-tension induced Marangoni flows inside the small surface droplets. Molecular Tagging Thermometry (MTT) technique is used to map the transient temperature distributions inside the droplets to quantify the unsteady heat transfer process. The effects of the substrate temperature on the evaporation process, surface-tension induced Marangoni flows and micros-scale heat transfer process inside the surface droplets are quantified in detail

    Spatially resolved quantitative rheo-optics of complex fluids in a microfluidic device

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    In this study, we use microparticle image velocimetry (μ-PIV) and adapt a commercial birefringence microscopy system for making full-field, quantitative measurements of flow-induced birefringence (FIB) for the purpose of microfluidic, optical rheometry of two wormlike micellar solutions. In combination with conventional rheometric techniques, we use our microfluidic rheometer to study the properties of a shear-banding solution of cetylpyridinium chloride (CPyCl) with sodium salicylate (NaSal) and a nominally shear-thinning system of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) with NaSal across many orders of magnitude of deformation rates (10-2 ≤ math ≤ 104s-1). We use μ-PIV to quantify the local kinematics and use the birefringence microscopy system in order to obtain high-resolution measurements of the changes in molecular orientation in the wormlike fluids under strong deformations in a microchannel. The FIB measurements reveal that the CPyCl system exhibits regions of localized, high optical anisotropy indicative of shear bands near the channel walls, whereas the birefringence in the shear-thinning CTAB system varies more smoothly across the width of the channel as the volumetric flow rate is increased. We compare the experimental results to the predictions of a simple constitutive model, and we document the breakdown in the stress-optical rule as the characteristic rate of deformation is increased.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Graduate Research Fellowship

    Microfluidics and Nanofluidics Handbook

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    The Microfluidics and Nanofluidics Handbook: Two-Volume Set comprehensively captures the cross-disciplinary breadth of the fields of micro- and nanofluidics, which encompass the biological sciences, chemistry, physics and engineering applications. To fill the knowledge gap between engineering and the basic sciences, the editors pulled together key individuals, well known in their respective areas, to author chapters that help graduate students, scientists, and practicing engineers understand the overall area of microfluidics and nanofluidics. Topics covered include Finite Volume Method for Numerical Simulation Lattice Boltzmann Method and Its Applications in Microfluidics Microparticle and Nanoparticle Manipulation Methane Solubility Enhancement in Water Confined to Nanoscale Pores Volume Two: Fabrication, Implementation, and Applications focuses on topics related to experimental and numerical methods. It also covers fabrication and applications in a variety of areas, from aerospace to biological systems. Reflecting the inherent nature of microfluidics and nanofluidics, the book includes as much interdisciplinary knowledge as possible. It provides the fundamental science background for newcomers and advanced techniques and concepts for experienced researchers and professionals

    Time Resolved Data Acquisition, Microfluidic Designs and Algorithms

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    Human blood platelets are small, anucleate cell fragments that are important for the life-saving process of haemostasis, i.e. the process of wound healing. Upon injury, blood platelets adhere to the exposed extra-cellular matrix and further spread and contract to close the wound. This process must work reliably in a multitude of different environments, including different stiffnesses of the surrounding tissue as well as various shear rates stemming from the blood flow. Employing the technique of time-resolved Traction Force Microscopy in combination with a specifically tailored differential Particle Image Velocimetry method and a self-developed microfluidic system, it is found that platelets exhibit very dynamic as well as comparably high forces taking their small size into account. The experimental results show that platelets are not mechanosensitive within the studied stiffness or shear rate ranges. This was seen both in the spatial as well as in the temporal force development. By modelling the contractile behaviour of the cells according to the data taken on various substrate stiffnesses it was concluded that due to their small size, platelets are only mechanosenstive to substrates of at least one order of magnitude softer than used here. The only adaptation to their environment that was observed was the angle of orientation between the contraction and the flow direction. Here, the orientation changed from 45° to 90° with increasing shear rate. From the experimentally indicated correlation between the force-transmitting network and the observed spatial force patterns, using numerical simulation, the orientation of platelets under flow may be governed by the active reduction of the stress exerted on the integrins which connect the cells to the underlying substrate. In conclusion, platelets, due to their unique structure, are mechanoinsensitive to a multitude of different environments, indicating an 'all-or-nothing' response to wounds at such sites

    Multi-parameter quantitative mapping of microfluidic devices

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    Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) is a powerful technique to non-invasively map the physical and chemical environment within microfluidic devices. In this work FLIM has been used in conjunction with a variety of other techniques to provide a greater insight into flow behaviour and fluid properties at the microscale. The pH-sensitive fluorescent dyes, fluorescein and C-SNARF 1, have been used to generate pH maps of microfluidic devices with a time-gated camera and a time-and-space-correlated single photon counting (TSCSPC) detector, respectively. Using time-gated detection and fluorescein, the fluorescence lifetime images allow for direct reading of the pH. The relative contribution to fluorescence of the acid and basic forms of C-SNARF 1 was spatially resolved on the basis of pre-exponential factors, giving quantitative mapping of the pH in the microfluidic device. Three dimensional maps of solvent composition have been generated using 2-photon excitation FLIM (2PE-FLIM) in order to observe the importance of gravitational effects in microfluidic devices. Two fluidic systems have been studied: glycerol concentration in the microfluidic device was measured using Kiton red; water concentration in a methanolic solution was measured using ANS. The density mismatch between two solutions of different composition induced a rotation of the interface between two streams travelling side by side in a microchannel. The experiment has provided evidence of non-negligible gravitational effects in microflows. 2PE-FLIM has superior capability than methods used previously to assess similar phenomena. FLIM and micro-particle imaging velocimetry (μ-PIV) have been implemented on a custom-built open frame microscope and used simultaneously for multimodal mapping of fluid properties and flow characteristics. It has been shown that viscosity mismatch between two streams induces a non-constant advective transport across the channel and results in a flow profile that deviates from the usual Poiseuille profile, characteristic of pressure driven flow in microfluidic devices

    Dual beam swept source optical coherence tomography for microfluidic velocity measurements

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    Microfluidic flows are an increasing area of interest used for “lab-on-a-chip” bioanalytical techniques, drug discovery, and chemical processing. This requires optical, non-invasive flow-visualization techniques for characterising microfluidic flows. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) systems can provide three-dimensional imaging through reasonably-opaque materials with micrometre resolution, coupled to a single optical axis point using optical fibre cables. Developed for imaging the human eye, OCT has been used for the detection of skin cancers and endoscopically in the human body. Industrial applications are growing in popularity including for the monitoring of bond-curing in aerospace, for production-line non-destructive-testing, and for medical device manufacturing and drug encapsulation monitoring. A dual beam Optical Coherence Tomography system has been developed capable of simultaneously imaging microfluidic channel structures, and tracking particles seeded into the flow to measure high velocity flows, using only a single optical access point. This is achieved via a dual optical fibre bundle for light delivery to the sample and a custom high-speed dual channel OCT instrument using an akinetic sweep wavelength laser. The system has 10 μm resolution in air and a sweeping rate of 96 kHz. This OCT system was used to monitor microfluidic flows in 800 μm deep test chips and Poiseuille flows were observed

    Visualization and image based characterization of hydrodynamic cavity bubbles for kidney stone treatment

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    Accurate detection, tracking and classification of micro structures through high speed imaging are very important in many biomedical applications. In particular, visualization and characterization of hydrodynamic cavity bubbles in breaking kidney stones have become a real challenge for researchers. Various micro imaging techniques have been used to monitor either an entire bubble cloud or individual bubbles within the cloud. The main target of this thesis is to perform an image based characterization of hydrodynamic cavity bubbles for kidney stone treatment by designing and constructing a new imaging setup and implementing several image processing and computer vision algorithms for detecting, tracking and classifying cavity bubbles. A high speed CMOS camera with a long distance microscope illuminated by 2 pulsed 198 high performance LED arrays is designed. This system and a μ-PIV setup are used for capturing images of high speed bubbles. Several image processing algorithms including median and morphological filters, segmentation, edge detection and contour extraction algorithms are extensively used for the detection of the bubbles. Furthermore, incremental selftuning particle filtering (ISPF) method is utilized to track the motion of the high speed cavity bubbles. These bubbles are also classified by their geometric features such as size, shape and orientation. An extensive visualisation work is conducted on the new setup and cavity bubbles are successfully detected, tracked and classified from the microscopic images. Despite very low exposure times and high speed motion of the bubbles, developed system and methods work in a very robust manner. All the algorithms are implemented in Microsoft Visual C++ using OpenCV 2.4.2 library