1,230 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation VOIP Service on Open IMS and Asterisk Servers Interconnected through Enum Server

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    Asterisk and Open IMS use SIP signal protocol to enable both of them can be connected. To facilitate both relationships, Enum server- that is able to translate the numbering address such as PSTN (E.164) to URI address (Uniform Resource Identifier)- can be used. In this research, we interconnect Open IMS and Asterisk server Enum server. We then analyze the server performance and PDD (Post Dial Delay) values resulted by the system. As the result of the experiment, we found that, for a call from Open IMS user to analog Asterisk telephone (FXS) with a arrival call each servers is 30 call/sec, the maximum PDD value is 493.656 ms. Open IMS is able to serve maximum 30 call/s with computer processor 1.55 GHz, while the Asterisk with computer processor 3.0 GHz, may serve up to 55 call/sec. Enum on server with 1.15 GHz computer processor have the capability of serving maximum of 8156 queries/sec.Comment: 12 Page

    Integrated Multimodal Transportation Dashboard

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    Na área dos sistemas de transportes atualmente existem vários sistemas inteligentes que permitem a monitorização, controlo e outras funções relevantes para um dado tipo de transportes. Entretanto, o tratamento individualizado dos diferentes modos, não favorece a geração de políticas e mecanismos integrados de gestão de transporte multimodal; são pouquíssimas as soluções que juntam diferentes tipos de transportes numa só aplicação. Surgiu, portanto, a necessidade dum painel de monitorização multimodal, que permitirá unir vários tipos de sistemas de transportes e fornecerá a visão geral para a observação se todos os sistemas estão funcionais e operantes a um nível de serviço aceitável. Uma vez que tais sistemas fornecem serviços e dados de alcance diferente e com os níveis de qualidade e detalhes variáveis, a detecção de funcionamento abnormal dum sistema é um desafio que requer a identificação, aplicação, adaptação ou criação de métricas de funcionamento normal para cada sistema de transportes, tendo como base os dados fornecidos por protocolos utilizados por ITSs integrados na solução. Este problema é abordado por projeto "Integrated Multimodal Transportation Dashboard" ou Painel Integrado de Monitorização de Transportes Multimodais em Portugues que tem como objetivo a elaboração dum protótipo funcional de uma ferramenta para a monitorização de transportes multimodais.At present time there exist various intelligent systems in Transportation area that permit monitoring, control and other relevant functionalities for a given transport means. However, individual solutions for different transport means don't favor multimodal transport management; there are a very few solutions that combine different transport types in one application. Therefore, a need for a multimodal supervision dashboard arouse - a dashboard that would permit to combine transportation systems of different types and that would provide a comprehensive view in order to observe whether all the systems are functional and operating at an acceptable Level of Service (LOS). Since these systems supply services and data of different scope and varied detail and quality levels, the detection of an abnormal functioning of a certain transportation system is a challenge. It requires identification, application, adaptation or creation of metrics for each transportation system functioning. The metrics should be based on the data supplied by the protocols used by the ITSs integrated in the solution. This problem is addressed by the project "Integrated Multimodal Transportation Dashboard" and has as an aim the elaboration of a functional prototype of a tool for the monitoring of multimodal transports

    Research into display sharing techniques for distributed computing environments

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    The X-based Display Sharing solution for distributed computing environments is described. The Display Sharing prototype includes the base functionality for telecast and display copy requirements. Since the prototype implementation is modular and the system design provided flexibility for the Mission Control Center Upgrade (MCCU) operational consideration, the prototype implementation can be the baseline for a production Display Sharing implementation. To facilitate the process the following discussions are presented: Theory of operation; System of architecture; Using the prototype; Software description; Research tools; Prototype evaluation; and Outstanding issues. The prototype is based on the concept of a dedicated central host performing the majority of the Display Sharing processing, allowing minimal impact on each individual workstation. Each workstation participating in Display Sharing hosts programs to facilitate the user's access to Display Sharing as host machine

    RESTful Web Services Development with a Model-Driven Engineering Approach

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    A RESTful web service implementation requires following the constrains inherent to Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style, which, being a non-trivial task, often leads to solutions that do not fulfill those requirements properly. Model-driven techniques have been proposed to improve the development of complex applications. In model-driven software development, software is not implemented manually based on informal descriptions, but partial or completely generated from formal models derived from metamodels. A model driven approach, materialized in a domain specific language that integrates the OpenAPI specification, an emerging standard for describing REST services, allows developers to use a design first approach in the web service development process, focusing in the definition of resources and their relationships, leaving the repetitive code production process to the automation provided by model-driven engineering techniques. This also allows to shift the creative coding process to the resolution of the complex business rules, instead of the tiresome and error-prone create, read, update, and delete operations. The code generation process covers the web service flow, from the establishment and exposure of the endpoints to the definition of database tables.A implementação de serviços web RESTful requer que as restrições inerentes ao estilo arquitetónico “Representational State Transfer” (REST) sejam cumpridas, o que, sendo usualmente uma tarefa não trivial, geralmente leva a soluções que não atendem a esses requisitos adequadamente. Técnicas orientadas a modelos têm sido propostas para melhorar o desenvolvimento de aplicações complexas. No desenvolvimento de software orientado a modelos, o software não é implementado manualmente com base em descrições informais, mas parcial ou completamente gerado a partir de modelos formais derivados de meta-modelos. Uma abordagem orientada a modelos, materializada através de uma linguagem específica do domínio que integra a especificação OpenAPI, um padrão emergente para descrever serviços REST, permite aos desenvolvedores usar uma primeira abordagem de design no processo de desenvolvimento de serviços da Web, concentrando-se na definição dos recursos e das suas relações, deixando o processo de produção de código repetitivo para a automação fornecida por técnicas de engenharia orientadas a modelos. Isso também permite focar o processo de codificação criativo na resolução e implementação das regras de negócios mais complexas, em vez de nas operações mais repetitivas e propensas a erros: criação, leitura, atualização e remoção de dados. O processo de geração de código abrange o fluxo do serviço web desde o estabelecimento e exposição dos caminhos para os serviços disponíveis até à definição de tabelas de base de dados

    Time4: Time for SDN

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    With the rise of Software Defined Networks (SDN), there is growing interest in dynamic and centralized traffic engineering, where decisions about forwarding paths are taken dynamically from a network-wide perspective. Frequent path reconfiguration can significantly improve the network performance, but should be handled with care, so as to minimize disruptions that may occur during network updates. In this paper we introduce Time4, an approach that uses accurate time to coordinate network updates. Time4 is a powerful tool in softwarized environments, that can be used for various network update scenarios. Specifically, we characterize a set of update scenarios called flow swaps, for which Time4 is the optimal update approach, yielding less packet loss than existing update approaches. We define the lossless flow allocation problem, and formally show that in environments with frequent path allocation, scenarios that require simultaneous changes at multiple network devices are inevitable. We present the design, implementation, and evaluation of a Time4-enabled OpenFlow prototype. The prototype is publicly available as open source. Our work includes an extension to the OpenFlow protocol that has been adopted by the Open Networking Foundation (ONF), and is now included in OpenFlow 1.5. Our experimental results show the significant advantages of Time4 compared to other network update approaches, and demonstrate an SDN use case that is infeasible without Time4.Comment: This report is an extended version of "Software Defined Networks: It's About Time", which was accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2016. A preliminary version of this report was published in arXiv in May, 201

    Can NSEC5 be practical for DNSSEC deployments?

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    NSEC5 is proposed modification to DNSSEC that simultaneously guarantees two security properties: (1) privacy against offline zone enumeration, and (2) integrity of zone contents, even if an adversary compromises the authoritative nameserver responsible for responding to DNS queries for the zone. This paper redesigns NSEC5 to make it both practical and performant. Our NSEC5 redesign features a new fast verifiable random function (VRF) based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), along with a cryptographic proof of its security. This VRF is also of independent interest, as it is being standardized by the IETF and being used by several other projects. We show how to integrate NSEC5 using our ECC-based VRF into the DNSSEC protocol, leveraging precomputation to improve performance and DNS protocol-level optimizations to shorten responses. Next, we present the first full-fledged implementation of NSEC5—extending widely-used DNS software to present a nameserver and recursive resolver that support NSEC5—and evaluate their performance under aggressive DNS query loads. Our performance results indicate that our redesigned NSEC5 can be viable even for high-throughput scenarioshttps://eprint.iacr.org/2017/099.pdfFirst author draf