199,735 research outputs found

    Photometric Depth Super-Resolution

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    This study explores the use of photometric techniques (shape-from-shading and uncalibrated photometric stereo) for upsampling the low-resolution depth map from an RGB-D sensor to the higher resolution of the companion RGB image. A single-shot variational approach is first put forward, which is effective as long as the target's reflectance is piecewise-constant. It is then shown that this dependency upon a specific reflectance model can be relaxed by focusing on a specific class of objects (e.g., faces), and delegate reflectance estimation to a deep neural network. A multi-shot strategy based on randomly varying lighting conditions is eventually discussed. It requires no training or prior on the reflectance, yet this comes at the price of a dedicated acquisition setup. Both quantitative and qualitative evaluations illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods on synthetic and real-world scenarios.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (T-PAMI), 2019. First three authors contribute equall

    Learning sequences of rules using classifier systems with tags

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    IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Tokyo, 12-15 October 1999.The objective of this paper was to obtain an encoding structure that would allow the genetic evolution of rules in such a manner that the number of rules and relationship in a classifier system (CS) would be learnt in the evolution process. For this purpose, an area that allows the definition of rule groups has been entered into the condition and message part of the encoded rules. This area is called internal tag. This term was coined because the system has some similarities with natural processes that take place in certain animal species, where the existence of tags allows them to communicate and recognize each other. Such CS is called a tag classifier system (TCS). The TCS has been tested in the game of draughts and compared with the classical CS. The results show an improving of the CS performance

    Low-effort place recognition with WiFi fingerprints using deep learning

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    Using WiFi signals for indoor localization is the main localization modality of the existing personal indoor localization systems operating on mobile devices. WiFi fingerprinting is also used for mobile robots, as WiFi signals are usually available indoors and can provide rough initial position estimate or can be used together with other positioning systems. Currently, the best solutions rely on filtering, manual data analysis, and time-consuming parameter tuning to achieve reliable and accurate localization. In this work, we propose to use deep neural networks to significantly lower the work-force burden of the localization system design, while still achieving satisfactory results. Assuming the state-of-the-art hierarchical approach, we employ the DNN system for building/floor classification. We show that stacked autoencoders allow to efficiently reduce the feature space in order to achieve robust and precise classification. The proposed architecture is verified on the publicly available UJIIndoorLoc dataset and the results are compared with other solutions

    A new and efficient intelligent collaboration scheme for fashion design

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    Technology-mediated collaboration process has been extensively studied for over a decade. Most applications with collaboration concepts reported in the literature focus on enhancing efficiency and effectiveness of the decision-making processes in objective and well-structured workflows. However, relatively few previous studies have investigated the applications of collaboration schemes to problems with subjective and unstructured nature. In this paper, we explore a new intelligent collaboration scheme for fashion design which, by nature, relies heavily on human judgment and creativity. Techniques such as multicriteria decision making, fuzzy logic, and artificial neural network (ANN) models are employed. Industrial data sets are used for the analysis. Our experimental results suggest that the proposed scheme exhibits significant improvement over the traditional method in terms of the time–cost effectiveness, and a company interview with design professionals has confirmed its effectiveness and significance
