7 research outputs found

    Mean square solution of Bessel differential equation with uncertainties

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    [EN] This paper deals with the study of a Bessel-type differential equation where input parameters (coefficient and initial conditions) are assumed to be random variables. Using the so-called Lp-random calculus and assuming moment conditions on the random variables in the equation, a mean square convergent generalized power series solution is constructed. As a result of this convergence, the sequences of the mean and standard deviation obtained from the truncated power series solution are convergent as well. The results obtained in the random framework extend their deterministic counterpart. The theory is illustrated in two examples in which several distributions on the random inputs are assumed. Finally, we show through examples that the proposed method is computationally faster than Monte Carlo method.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad grant MTM2013-41765-P and by the European Union in the FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN Program under Grant Agreement No. 304617 (FP7 Marie Curie Action, Project Multi-ITN STRIKE-Novel Methods in Computational Finance) and Mexican Conacyt.Cortés, J.; Jódar Sánchez, LA.; Villafuerte, L. (2017). Mean square solution of Bessel differential equation with uncertainties. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 309:383-395. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2016.01.034S38339530

    Some notes to extend the study on random non-autonomous second order linear differential equations appearing in Mathematical Modeling

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    The objective of this paper is to complete certain issues from our recent contribution [J. Calatayud, J.-C. Cort\'es, M. Jornet, L. Villafuerte, Random non-autonomous second order linear differential equations: mean square analytic solutions and their statistical properties, Advances in Difference Equations, 2018:392, 1--29 (2018)]. We restate the main theorem therein that deals with the homogeneous case, so that the hypotheses are clearer and also easier to check in applications. Another novelty is that we tackle the non-homogeneous equation with a theorem of existence of mean square analytic solution and a numerical example. We also prove the uniqueness of mean square solution via an habitual Lipschitz condition that extends the classical Picard Theorem to mean square calculus. In this manner, the study on general random non-autonomous second order linear differential equations with analytic data processes is completely resolved. Finally, we relate our exposition based on random power series with polynomial chaos expansions and the random differential transform method, being the latter a reformulation of our random Fr\"obenius method.Comment: 15 pages, 0 figures, 2 table

    A mean square chain rule and its application in solving the random Chebyshev differential equation

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    [EN] In this paper a new version of the chain rule for calculat- ing the mean square derivative of a second-order stochastic process is proven. This random operational calculus rule is applied to construct a rigorous mean square solution of the random Chebyshev differential equation (r.C.d.e.) assuming mild moment hypotheses on the random variables that appear as coefficients and initial conditions of the cor- responding initial value problem. Such solution is represented through a mean square random power series. Moreover, reliable approximations for the mean and standard deviation functions to the solution stochastic process of the r.C.d.e. are given. Several examples, that illustrate the theoretical results, are included.This work was completed with the support of our TEX-pert.Cortés, J.; Villafuerte, L.; Burgos-Simon, C. (2017). A mean square chain rule and its application in solving the random Chebyshev differential equation. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics. 14(1):14-35. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00009-017-0853-6S1435141Calbo, G., Cortés, J.C., Jódar, L., Villafuerte, L.: Analytic stochastic process solutions of second-order random differential equations. Appl. Math. Lett. 23(12), 1421–1424 (2010). doi: 10.1016/j.aml.2010.07.011El-Tawil, M.A., El-Sohaly, M.: Mean square numerical methods for initial value random differential equations. Open J. Discret. Math. 1(1), 164–171 (2011). doi: 10.4236/ojdm.2011.12009Khodabin, M., Maleknejad, K., Rostami, K., Nouri, M.: Numerical solution of stochastic differential equations by second order Runge Kutta methods. Math. Comp. Model. 59(9–10), 1910–1920 (2010). doi: 10.1016/j.mcm.2011.01.018Santos, L.T., Dorini, F.A., Cunha, M.C.C.: The probability density function to the random linear transport equation. Appl. Math. Comput. 216(5), 1524–1530 (2010). doi: 10.1016/j.amc.2010.03.001González Parra, G., Chen-Charpentier, B.M., Arenas, A.J.: Polynomial Chaos for random fractional order differential equations. Appl. Math. Comput. 226(1), 123–130 (2014). doi: 10.1016/j.amc.2013.10.51El-Beltagy, M.A., El-Tawil, M.A.: Toward a solution of a class of non-linear stochastic perturbed PDEs using automated WHEP algorithm. Appl. Math. Model. 37(12–13), 7174–7192 (2013). doi: 10.1016/j.apm.2013.01.038Nouri, K., Ranjbar, H.: Mean square convergence of the numerical solution of random differential equations. Mediterran. J. Math. 12(3), 1123–1140 (2015). doi: 10.1007/s00009-014-0452-8Villafuerte, L., Braumann, C.A., Cortés, J.C., Jódar, L.: Random differential operational calculus: theory and applications. Comp. Math. Appl. 59(1), 115–125 (2010). doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2009.08.061Øksendal, B.: Stochastic differential equations: an introduction with applications, 6th edn. Springer, Berlin (2007)Soong, T.T.: Random differential equations in science and engineering. Academic Press, New York (1973)Wong, B., Hajek, B.: Stochastic processes in engineering systems. Springer Verlag, New York (1985)Arnold, L.: Stochastic differential equations. Theory and applications. John Wiley, New York (1974)Cortés, J.C., Jódar, L., Camacho, J., Villafuerte, L.: Random Airy type differential equations: mean square exact and numerical solutions. Comput. Math. Appl. 60(5), 1237–1244 (2010). doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2010.05.046Calbo, G., Cortés, J.C., Jódar, L.: Random Hermite differential equations: mean square power series solutions and statistical properties. Appl. Math. Comp. 218(7), 3654–3666 (2011). doi: 10.1016/j.amc.2011.09.008Calbo, G., Cortés, J.C., Jódar, L., Villafuerte, L.: Solving the random Legendre differential equation: Mean square power series solution and its statistical functions. Comp. Math. Appl. 61(9), 2782–2792 (2010). doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2011.03.045Cortés, J.C., Jódar, L., Company, R., Villafuerte, L.: Laguerre random polynomials: definition, differential and statistical properties. Utilit. Math. 98, 283–293 (2015)Cortés, J.C., Jódar, L., Villafuerte, L.: Mean square solution of Bessel differential equation with uncertainties. J. Comp. Appl. Math. 309, 383–395 (2017). doi: 10.1016/j.cam.2016.01.034Golmankhaneh, A.K., Porghoveh, N.A., Baleanu, D.: Mean square solutions of second-order random differential equations by using homotopy analysis method. Romanian Reports Physics 65(2), 1237–1244 (2013)Khalaf, S.L.: Mean square solutions of second-order random differential equations by using homotopy perturbation method. Int. Math. Forum 6(48), 2361–2370 (2011)Khudair, A.R., Ameen, A.A., Khalaf, S.L.: Mean square solutions of second-order random differential equations by using Adomian decomposition method. Appl. Math. Sci. 5(49), 2521–2535 (2011)Agarwal, R.P., O’Regan, D.: Ordinary and partial differential equations. Springer, New York (2009

    Solving second-order linear differential equations with random analytic coefficients about regular-singular points

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    [EN] In this contribution, we construct approximations for the density associated with the solution of second-order linear differential equations whose coefficients are analytic stochastic processes about regular-singular points. Our analysis is based on the combination of a random Fröbenius technique together with the random variable transformation technique assuming mild probabilistic conditions on the initial conditions and coefficients. The new results complete the ones recently established by the authors for the same class of stochastic differential equations, but about regular points. In this way, this new contribution allows us to study, for example, the important randomized Bessel differential equation.This work was partially funded by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad Grant MTM2017-89664-P. Ana Navarro Quiles acknowledges the funding received from Generalitat Valenciana through a postdoctoral contract (APOSTD/2019/128). Computations were carried out thanks to the collaboration of Raul San Julian Garces and Elena Lopez Navarro granted by the European Union through the Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)/European Social Fund (ESF) of the Valencian Community 2014-2020, Grants GJIDI/2018/A/009 and GJIDI/2018/A/010, respectivelyCortés, J.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.; Roselló, M. (2020). Solving second-order linear differential equations with random analytic coefficients about regular-singular points. Mathematics. 8(2):1-20. https://doi.org/10.3390/math8020230S12082Hussein, A., & Selim, M. M. (2012). Solution of the stochastic radiative transfer equation with Rayleigh scattering using RVT technique. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218(13), 7193-7203. doi:10.1016/j.amc.2011.12.088Dorini, F. A., Cecconello, M. S., & Dorini, L. B. (2016). On the logistic equation subject to uncertainties in the environmental carrying capacity and initial population density. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 33, 160-173. doi:10.1016/j.cnsns.2015.09.009Santos, L. T., Dorini, F. A., & Cunha, M. C. C. (2010). The probability density function to the random linear transport equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 216(5), 1524-1530. doi:10.1016/j.amc.2010.03.001Hussein, A., & Selim, M. M. (2019). A complete probabilistic solution for a stochastic Milne problem of radiative transfer using KLE-RVT technique. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 232, 54-65. doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2019.04.034Cortés, J.-C., Navarro-Quiles, A., Romero, J.-V., & Roselló, M.-D. (2018). Solving second-order linear differential equations with random analytic coefficients about ordinary points: A full probabilistic solution by the first probability density function. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 331, 33-45. doi:10.1016/j.amc.2018.02.051Cortés, J.-C., Jódar, L., Camacho, F., & Villafuerte, L. (2010). Random Airy type differential equations: Mean square exact and numerical solutions. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 60(5), 1237-1244. doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2010.05.046Calbo, G., Cortés, J.-C., & Jódar, L. (2011). Random Hermite differential equations: Mean square power series solutions and statistical properties. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218(7), 3654-3666. doi:10.1016/j.amc.2011.09.008Calbo, G., Cortés, J.-C., Jódar, L., & Villafuerte, L. (2011). Solving the random Legendre differential equation: Mean square power series solution and its statistical functions. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 61(9), 2782-2792. doi:10.1016/j.camwa.2011.03.045Cortés, J.-C., Villafuerte, L., & Burgos, C. (2017). A Mean Square Chain Rule and its Application in Solving the Random Chebyshev Differential Equation. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 14(1). doi:10.1007/s00009-017-0853-6Cortés, J.-C., Jódar, L., & Villafuerte, L. (2017). Mean square solution of Bessel differential equation with uncertainties. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 309, 383-395. doi:10.1016/j.cam.2016.01.034Khudair, A. R., Haddad, S. A. M., & Khalaf, S. L. (2016). Mean Square Solutions of Second-Order Random Differential Equations by Using the Differential Transformation Method. Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 06(04), 287-297. doi:10.4236/ojapps.2016.64028Qi, Y. (2018). A Very Brief Introduction to Nonnegative Tensors from the Geometric Viewpoint. Mathematics, 6(11), 230. doi:10.3390/math6110230Ragusa, M. A., & Tachikawa, A. (2016). Boundary regularity of minimizers of p(x)-energy functionals. Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire, 33(2), 451-476. doi:10.1016/j.anihpc.2014.11.003Ragusa, M. A., & Tachikawa, A. (2019). Regularity for minimizers for functionals of double phase with variable exponents. Advances in Nonlinear Analysis, 9(1), 710-728. doi:10.1515/anona-2020-0022Braumann, C. A., Cortés, J.-C., Jódar, L., & Villafuerte, L. (2018). On the random gamma function: Theory and computing. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 335, 142-155. doi:10.1016/j.cam.2017.11.04

    Improving the approximation of the first and second order statistics of the response stochastic process to the random Legendre differential equation

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    [EN] In this paper, we deal with uncertainty quantification for the random Legendre differential equation, with input coefficient A and initial conditions X-0 and X-1. In a previous study (Calbo et al. in Comput Math Appl 61(9):2782-2792, 2011), a mean square convergent power series solution on (-1/e, 1/e) was constructed, under the assumptions of mean fourth integrability of X-0 and X-1, independence, and at most exponential growth of the absolute moments of A. In this paper, we relax these conditions to construct an L-p solution (1 <= p <= infinity) to the random Legendre differential equation on the whole domain (-1, 1), as in its deterministic counterpart. Our hypotheses assume no independence and less integrability of X-0 and X-1. Moreover, the growth condition on the moments of A is characterized by the boundedness of A, which simplifies the proofs significantly. We also provide approximations of the expectation and variance of the response process. The numerical experiments show the wide applicability of our findings. A comparison with Monte Carlo simulations and gPC expansions is performed.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad Grant MTM2017-89664-P. Marc Jornet acknowledges the doctorate scholarship granted by Programa de Ayudas de Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Calatayud-Gregori, J.; Cortés, J.; Jornet-Sanz, M. (2019). Improving the approximation of the first and second order statistics of the response stochastic process to the random Legendre differential equation. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics. 16(3):1-14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00009-019-1338-6S114163Soong, T.T.: Random Differential Equations in Science and Engineering. Academic Press, New York (1973)Strand, J.L.: Random ordinary differential equations. J. Differ. Equ. 7(3), 538–553 (1970)Smith, R.C.: Uncertainty quantification. Theory, implementation, and application. SIAM Comput. Sci. Eng. New York (2013) ISBN 9781611973211Fishman, G.: Monte Carlo: Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications. Springer, Berlin (2013)Cortés, J.-C., Romero, J.-V., Roselló, M.-D., Santonja, F.-J., Villanueva, R.-J.: Solving continuous models with dependent uncertainty: a computational approach. Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2013, 983839 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/983839Xiu, D.: Numerical Methods for Stochastic Computations. A Spectral Method Approach. Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics. Princeton University Press, New York (2010)El-Tawil, M.A.: The approximate solutions of some stochastic differential equations using transformations. Appl. Math. Comput. 164(1), 167–178 (2005)Cortés, J.-C., Sevilla-Peris, P., Jódar, L.: Constructing approximate diffusion processes with uncertain data. Math. Comput. Simul. 73(1–4), 125–132 (2006)Cortés, J.-C., Jódar, L., Villafuerte, L., Villanueva, R.-J.: Computing mean square approximations of random diffusion models with source term. 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Math. 291(1), 36–47 (2016)Soheili, Ali R, Toutounian, F., Soleymani, F.: A fast convergent numerical method for matrix sign function with application in SDEs (Stochastic Differential Equations). J. Comput. Appl. Math. 282, 167–178 (2015)Øksendal, B.: Stochastic Differential Equations. Springer, Berlin (2003)Villafuerte, L., Braumann, C.A., Cortés, J.-C., Jódar, L.: Random differential operational calculus: theory and applications. Comput. Math. Appl. 59(1), 115–125 (2010)Licea, J., Villafuerte, L., Chen-Charpentier, B.M.: Analytic and numerical solutions of a Riccati differential equation with random coefficients. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 309(1), 208–219 (2013)Cortés, J.-C., Jódar, L., Camacho, J., Villafuerte, L.: Random Airy type differential equations: mean square exact and numerical solutions. Comput. Math. Appl. 60(5), 1237–1244 (2010)Calbo, G., Cortés, J.-C., Jódar, L.: Random Hermite differential equations: mean square power series solutions and statistical properties. Appl. Math. Comput. 218(7), 3654–3666 (2011)Calbo, G., Cortés, J.-C., Jódar, L., Villafuerte, L.: Solving the random Legendre differential equation: mean square power series solution and its statistical functions. Comput. Math. Appl. 61(9), 2782–2792 (2011)Cortés, J.C., Jódar, L., Villafuerte, L.: Mean square solution of Bessel differential equation with uncertainties. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 309(1), 383–395 (2017)Golmankhaneh, A.K., Porghoveh, N.A., Baleanu, D.: Mean square solutions of second-order random differential equations by using homotopy analysis method. Roman. Rep. Phys. 65(2), 350–362 (2013)Khudair, A.K., Ameen, A.A., Khalaf, S.L.: Mean square solutions of second-order random differential equations by using Adomian decomposition method. Appl. Math. Sci. 51(5), 2521–2535 (2011)Khudair, A.K., Haddad, S.A.M., Khalaf, S.L.: Mean square solutions of second-order random differential equations by using the differential transformation method. Open J. Appl. 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    Random non-autonomous second order linear differential equations: mean square analytic solutions and their statistical properties

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    [EN] In this paper we study random non-autonomous second order linear differential equations by taking advantage of the powerful theory of random difference equations. The coefficients are assumed to be stochastic processes, and the initial conditions are random variables both defined in a common underlying complete probability space. Under appropriate assumptions established on the data stochastic processes and on the random initial conditions, and using key results on difference equations, we prove the existence of an analytic stochastic process solution in the random mean square sense. Truncating the random series that defines the solution process, we are able to approximate the main statistical properties of the solution, such as the expectation and the variance. We also obtain error a priori bounds to construct reliable approximations of both statistical moments. We include a set of numerical examples to illustrate the main theoretical results established throughout the paper. We finish with an example where our findings are combined with Monte Carlo simulations to model uncertainty using real data.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad grant MTM2017-89664-P. Marc Jornet acknowledges the doctorate scholarship granted by Programa de Ayudas de Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Calatayud-Gregori, J.; Cortés, J.; Jornet-Sanz, M.; Villafuerte, L. (2018). Random non-autonomous second order linear differential equations: mean square analytic solutions and their statistical properties. Advances in Difference Equations. (3):1-29. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13662-018-1848-8S1293Apostol, T.M.: Mathematical Analysis, 2nd edn. Pearson, New York (1976)Boyce, W.E.: Probabilistic Methods in Applied Mathematics I. 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