5 research outputs found

    Robust Visual Tracking Based on L1 Expanded Template

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    Most video tracking algorithms including L1 tracker often fail to track correctly under adverse conditions such as object occlusion, disappearance, etc. To address this issue, we propose an improved L1 tracker algorithm called Tracker-2, based on what we call the expanded template which includes the reference template and trail template. The reference template keeps the original features of the target and prevents errors from being introduced by false tracking results with the template update, which leads to the deviation of the target. The trail template records the trail tracking results to avoid massive use of trivial templates which may result in the false detection of occlusion. The experimental results on a number of standard data sets have proved that our Tracker-2 approach is able to deal with the occlusion problem effectively while maintaining the advantages of L1 tracker

    Self scale estimation of the tracking window merged with adaptive particle filter tracker

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    Tracking a mobile object is one of the important topics in pattern recognition, but style has some obstacles. A Reliable tracking system must adjust their tracking windows in real time according to appearance changes of the tracked object. Furthermore, it has to deal with many challenges when one or multiple objects need to be tracked, for instance when the target is partially or fully occluded, background clutter, or even some target region is blurred. In this paper, we will present a novel approach for a single object tracking that combines particle filter algorithm and kernel distribution that update its tracking window according to object scale changes, whose name is multi-scale adaptive particle filter tracker. We will demonstrate that the use of particle filter combined with kernel distribution inside the resampling process will provide more accurate object localization within a research area. Furthermore, its average error for target localization was significantly lower than 21.37 pixels as the mean value. We have conducted several experiments on real video sequences and compared acquired results to other existing state of the art trackers to demonstrate the effectiveness of the multi-scale adaptive particle filter tracker

    A Linear Approximate Algorithm for Earth Mover's Distance with Thresholded Ground Distance

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    Effective and efficient image comparison plays a vital role in content-based image retrieval (CBIR). The earth moverā€™s distance (EMD) is an enticing measure for image comparison, offering intuitive geometric interpretation and modelling the human perceptions of similarity. Unfortunately, computing EMD, using the simplex method, has cubic complexity. FastEMD, based on min-cost flow, reduces the complexity to (O(N2logā”N)). Although both methods can obtain the optimal result, the high complexity prevents the application of EMD on large-scale image datasets. Thresholding the ground distance can make EMD faster and more robust, since it can decrease the impact of noise and reduce the range of transportation. In this paper, we present a new image distance metric, EMD+, which applies a threshold to the ground distance. To compute EMD+, the FastEMD approach can be employed. We also propose a novel linear approximation algorithm. Our algorithm achieves ON complexity with the benefit of qualified bins. Experimental results show that (1) our method is 2 to 3 orders of magnitude faster than EMD (computed by FastEMD) and 2 orders of magnitude faster than FastEMD and (2) the precision of our approximation algorithm is no less than the precision of FastEMD

    Mean Shift Trackers with Cross-Bin Metrics

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