14,253 research outputs found

    JERS-1 SAR and LANDSAT-5 TM image data fusion: An application approach for lithological mapping

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    Satellite image data fusion is an image processing set of procedures utilise either for image optimisation for visual photointerpretation, or for automated thematic classification with low error rate and high accuracy. Lithological mapping using remote sensing image data relies on the spectral and textural information of the rock units of the area to be mapped. These pieces of information can be derived from Landsat optical TM and JERS-1 SAR images respectively. Prior to extracting such information (spectral and textural) and fusing them together, geometric image co-registration between TM and the SAR, atmospheric correction of the TM, and SAR despeckling are required. In this thesis, an appropriate atmospheric model is developed and implemented utilising the dark pixel subtraction method for atmospheric correction. For SAR despeckling, an efficient new method is also developed to test whether the SAR filter used remove the textural information or not. For image optimisation for visual photointerpretation, a new method of spectral coding of the six bands of the optical TM data is developed. The new spectral coding method is used to produce efficient colour composite with high separability between the spectral classes similar to that if the whole six optical TM bands are used together. This spectral coded colour composite is used as a spectral component, which is then fused with the textural component represented by the despeckled JERS-1 SAR using the fusion tools, including the colour transform and the PCT. The Grey Level Cooccurrence Matrix (GLCM) technique is used to build the textural data set using the speckle filtered JERS-1 SAR data making seven textural GLCM measures. For automated thematic mapping and by the use of both the six TM spectral data and the seven textural GLCM measures, a new method of classification has been developed using the Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC). The method is named the sequential maximum likelihood classification and works efficiently by comparison the classified textural pixels, the classified spectral pixels, and the classified textural-spectral pixels, and gives the means of utilising the textural and spectral information for automated lithological mapping

    Combination of Imaging Infrared Spectroscopy and X-ray Computed Microtomography for the Investigation of Bio-and Physicochemical processes in Structured Soils

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    Soil is a heterogeneous mixture of various organic and inorganic parent materials. Major soil functions are driven by their quality, quantity and spatial arrangement, resulting in soil structure. Physical protection of organic matter (OM) in this soil structure is considered as a vital mechanism for stabilizing organic carbon turnover, an important soil function in times of climate change. Herein, we present a technique for the correlative analysis of 2D imaging visible light near-infrared spectroscopy and 3D X-ray computed microtomography (mCT) to investigate the interplay of biogeochemical properties and soil structure in undisturbed soil samples. Samples from the same substrate but different soil management and depth (no-tilled topsoil, tilled topsoil and subsoil) were compared in order to evaluate this method in a diversely structured soil. Imaging spectroscopy is generally used to qualitatively and quantitatively identify OM with high spatial resolution, whereas 3D X-ray mCT provides high resolution information on pore characteristics. The unique combination of these techniques revealed that, in undisturbed samples, OM can be found mainly at greater distances from macropores and close to biopores. However, alterations were observed because of disturbances by tillage. The correlative application of imaging infrared spectroscopic and X-ray mCT analysis provided new insights into the biochemical processes affected by soil structural changes

    Feasibility study ASCS remote sensing/compliance determination system

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    A short-term technical study was performed by the MSC Earth Observations Division to determine the feasibility of the proposed Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Automatic Remote Sensing/Compliance Determination System. For the study, the term automatic was interpreted as applying to an automated remote-sensing system that includes data acquisition, processing, and management

    Geological mapping in northwestern Saudi Arabia using LANDSAT multispectral techniques

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    Various computer enhancement and data extraction systems using LANDSAT data were assessed and used to complement a continuing geologic mapping program. Interactive digital classification techniques using both the parallel-piped and maximum-likelihood statistical approaches achieve very limited success in areas of highly dissected terrain. Computer enhanced imagery developed by color compositing stretched MSS ratio data was constructed for a test site in northwestern Saudi Arabia. Initial results indicate that several igneous and sedimentary rock types can be discriminated

    Ayer Hitam Forest (AHFR) from space using satellite remote sensing

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    There is a high demand to map and monitor the land use and assess their condition for ecological and economic reasons. Information on existing land and cover and their spatial distribution is a pre-requisite for any planning, development and management programme. In this study, Landsat TM data of 1998 were acquired over the AHFR and it's vicinity which covers an area more than 1, 300 ha. The objective of this paper is to map AHFR and assess the land cover of AHFR in 1998 as well as its surrounding area using remote sensing technology. Digital data processing and analysis were carried out using PCI/EASI PACE software, version 6.2 available in Faculty of Forestry, UPM. A false Colour Composite (FCC) of Landsat TM band 4-5-3 (R-G-B) was used in supervised classification using Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC). From a visual interpretation, several features of AHFR could be identified such as federal road, forest road, cleared land, built-up area, oil palm, water bodies and rubber plantation etc. Meanwhile, digital classification showed that seven land use types surrounding AHFR such as forest, secondary forest/shrubs, oil palm, rubber, built-up area, cleared land and water bodies could a easily be mapped out. The mean overall classification accuracy obtained is 86.08 percent with an average accuracy o] 85.64 percent. Satellite map of AHFR is found to be useful for the macro planning and management purposes especially on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) if further development on the area is to be politicized

    Increasing the spatial resolution of agricultural land cover maps using a Hopfield neural network

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    Land cover class composition of remotely sensed image pixels can be estimated using soft classification techniques increasingly available in many GIS packages. However, their output provides no indication of how such classes are distributed spatially within the instantaneous field of view represented by the pixel. Techniques that attempt to provide an improved spatial representation of land cover have been developed, but not tested on the difficult task of mapping from real satellite imagery. The authors investigated the use of a Hopfield neural network technique to map the spatial distributions of classes reliably using information of pixel composition determined from soft classification previously. The approach involved designing the energy function to produce a ‘best guess’ prediction of the spatial distribution of class components in each pixel. In previous studies, the authors described the application of the technique to target identification, pattern prediction and land cover mapping at the sub-pixel scale, but only for simulated imagery.We now show how the approach can be applied to Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) agriculture imagery to derive accurate estimates of land cover and reduce the uncertainty inherent in such imagery. The technique was applied to Landsat TM imagery of small-scale agriculture in Greece and largescale agriculture near Leicester, UK. The resultant maps provided an accurate and improved representation of the land covers studied, with RMS errors for the Landsat imagery of the order of 0.1 in the new fine resolution map recorded. The results showed that the neural network represents a simple efficient tool formapping land cover from operational satellite sensor imagery and can deliver requisite results and improvements over traditional techniques for the GIS analysis of practical remotely sensed imagery at the sub pixel scale

    Basic research planning in mathematical pattern recognition and image analysis

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    Fundamental problems encountered while attempting to develop automated techniques for applications of remote sensing are discussed under the following categories: (1) geometric and radiometric preprocessing; (2) spatial, spectral, temporal, syntactic, and ancillary digital image representation; (3) image partitioning, proportion estimation, and error models in object scene interference; (4) parallel processing and image data structures; and (5) continuing studies in polarization; computer architectures and parallel processing; and the applicability of "expert systems" to interactive analysis

    Land use/land cover mapping (1:25000) of Taiwan, Republic of China by automated multispectral interpretation of LANDSAT imagery

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    Three methods were tested for collection of the training sets needed to establish the spectral signatures of the land uses/land covers sought due to the difficulties of retrospective collection of representative ground control data. Computer preprocessing techniques applied to the digital images to improve the final classification results were geometric corrections, spectral band or image ratioing and statistical cleaning of the representative training sets. A minimal level of statistical verification was made based upon the comparisons between the airphoto estimates and the classification results. The verifications provided a further support to the selection of MSS band 5 and 7. It also indicated that the maximum likelihood ratioing technique can achieve more agreeable classification results with the airphoto estimates than the stepwise discriminant analysis

    Use of ERTS-1 data: Summary report of work on ten tasks

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Depth mapping's for a portion of Lake Michigan and at the Little Bahama Bank test site have been verified by use of navigation charts and on-site visits. A thirteen category recognition map of Yellowstone Park has been prepared. Model calculation of atmospheric effects for various altitudes have been prepared. Radar, SLAR, and ERTS-1 data for flooded areas of Monroe County, Michigan are being studied. Water bodies can be reliably recognized and mapped using maximum likelihood processing of ERTS-1 digital data. Wetland mapping has been accomplished by slicing of single band and/or ratio processing of two bands for a single observation date. Both analog and digital processing have been used to map the Lake Ontario basin using ERTS-1 data. Operating characteristic curves were developed for the proportion estimation algorithm to determine its performance in the measurement of surface water area. The signal in band MSS-5 was related to sediment content of waters by modelling approach and by relating surface measurements of water to processed ERTS data. Radiance anomalies in ERTS-1 data could be associated with the presence of oil on water in San Francisco Bay, but the anomalies were of the same order as those caused by variations in sediment concentration and tidal flushing