1,219 research outputs found

    Embedding compact surfaces into the 3-dimensional Euclidean space with maximum symmetry

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    We give the maximum orders of finite group actions on Euclidean 3-space which leave invariant an embedded compact bordered surface (orientable or non-orientable), in terms of the algebraic genus of the surface. We also identify the topological types of the bordered surfaces realizing the maximum order, and find simple representative embeddings for such surfaces

    The bondage number of graphs on topological surfaces and Teschner's conjecture

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    The bondage number of a graph is the smallest number of its edges whose removal results in a graph having a larger domination number. We provide constant upper bounds for the bondage number of graphs on topological surfaces, improve upper bounds for the bondage number in terms of the maximum vertex degree and the orientable and non-orientable genera of the graph, and show tight lower bounds for the number of vertices of graphs 2-cell embeddable on topological surfaces of a given genus. Also, we provide stronger upper bounds for graphs with no triangles and graphs with the number of vertices larger than a certain threshold in terms of the graph genera. This settles Teschner's Conjecture in positive for almost all graphs.Comment: 21 pages; Original version from January 201

    Total embedding distributions of Ringel ladders

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    The total embedding distributions of a graph is consisted of the orientable embeddings and non- orientable embeddings and have been know for few classes of graphs. The genus distribution of Ringel ladders is determined in [Discrete Mathematics 216 (2000) 235-252] by E.H. Tesar. In this paper, the explicit formula for non-orientable embeddings of Ringel ladders is obtained

    Upper bounds for the bondage number of graphs on topological surfaces

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    The bondage number b(G) of a graph G is the smallest number of edges of G whose removal from G results in a graph having the domination number larger than that of G. We show that, for a graph G having the maximum vertex degree Δ(G)\Delta(G) and embeddable on an orientable surface of genus h and a non-orientable surface of genus k, b(G)min{Δ(G)+h+2,Δ(G)+k+1}b(G)\le \min\{\Delta(G)+h+2, \Delta(G)+k+1\}. This generalizes known upper bounds for planar and toroidal graphs.Comment: 10 pages; Updated version (April 2011); Presented at the 7th ECCC, Wolfville (Nova Scotia, Canada), May 4-6, 2011, and the 23rd BCC, Exeter (England, UK), July 3-8, 201

    Chromatic Numbers of Simplicial Manifolds

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    Higher chromatic numbers χs\chi_s of simplicial complexes naturally generalize the chromatic number χ1\chi_1 of a graph. In any fixed dimension dd, the ss-chromatic number χs\chi_s of dd-complexes can become arbitrarily large for sd/2s\leq\lceil d/2\rceil [6,18]. In contrast, χd+1=1\chi_{d+1}=1, and only little is known on χs\chi_s for d/2<sd\lceil d/2\rceil<s\leq d. A particular class of dd-complexes are triangulations of dd-manifolds. As a consequence of the Map Color Theorem for surfaces [29], the 2-chromatic number of any fixed surface is finite. However, by combining results from the literature, we will see that χ2\chi_2 for surfaces becomes arbitrarily large with growing genus. The proof for this is via Steiner triple systems and is non-constructive. In particular, up to now, no explicit triangulations of surfaces with high χ2\chi_2 were known. We show that orientable surfaces of genus at least 20 and non-orientable surfaces of genus at least 26 have a 2-chromatic number of at least 4. Via a projective Steiner triple systems, we construct an explicit triangulation of a non-orientable surface of genus 2542 and with face vector f=(127,8001,5334)f=(127,8001,5334) that has 2-chromatic number 5 or 6. We also give orientable examples with 2-chromatic numbers 5 and 6. For 3-dimensional manifolds, an iterated moment curve construction [18] along with embedding results [6] can be used to produce triangulations with arbitrarily large 2-chromatic number, but of tremendous size. Via a topological version of the geometric construction of [18], we obtain a rather small triangulation of the 3-dimensional sphere S3S^3 with face vector f=(167,1579,2824,1412)f=(167,1579,2824,1412) and 2-chromatic number 5.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, revised presentatio

    Embedding Digraphs on Orientable Surfaces

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    AbstractWe consider a notion of embedding digraphs on orientable surfaces, applicable to digraphs in which the indegree equals the outdegree for every vertex, i.e., Eulerian digraphs. This idea has been considered before in the context of compatible Euler tours or orthogonal A-trails by Andersen and by Bouchet. This prior work has mostly been limited to embeddings of Eulerian digraphs on predetermined surfaces and to digraphs with underlying graphs of maximum degree at most 4. In this paper, a foundation is laid for the study of all Eulerian digraph embeddings. Results are proved which are analogous to those fundamental to the theory of undirected graph embeddings, such as Duke's theorem [5], and an infinite family of digraphs which demonstrates that the genus range for an embeddable digraph can be any nonnegative integer given. We show that it is possible to have genus range equal to one, with arbitrarily large minimum genus, unlike in the undirected case. The difference between the minimum genera of a digraph and its underlying graph is considered, as is the difference between the maximum genera. We say that a digraph is upper-embeddable if it can be embedded with two or three regions and prove that every regular tournament is upper-embeddable