26 research outputs found

    Capacitated Vehicle Routing with Non-Uniform Speeds

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    The capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP) involves distributing (identical) items from a depot to a set of demand locations, using a single capacitated vehicle. We study a generalization of this problem to the setting of multiple vehicles having non-uniform speeds (that we call Heterogenous CVRP), and present a constant-factor approximation algorithm. The technical heart of our result lies in achieving a constant approximation to the following TSP variant (called Heterogenous TSP). Given a metric denoting distances between vertices, a depot r containing k vehicles with possibly different speeds, the goal is to find a tour for each vehicle (starting and ending at r), so that every vertex is covered in some tour and the maximum completion time is minimized. This problem is precisely Heterogenous CVRP when vehicles are uncapacitated. The presence of non-uniform speeds introduces difficulties for employing standard tour-splitting techniques. In order to get a better understanding of this technique in our context, we appeal to ideas from the 2-approximation for scheduling in parallel machine of Lenstra et al.. This motivates the introduction of a new approximate MST construction called Level-Prim, which is related to Light Approximate Shortest-path Trees. The last component of our algorithm involves partitioning the Level-Prim tree and matching the resulting parts to vehicles. This decomposition is more subtle than usual since now we need to enforce correlation between the size of the parts and their distances to the depot

    New Integrality Gap Results for the Firefighters Problem on Trees

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    The firefighter problem is NP-hard and admits a (1−1/e)(1-1/e) approximation based on rounding the canonical LP. In this paper, we first show a matching integrality gap of (1−1/e+ϵ)(1-1/e+\epsilon) on the canonical LP. This result relies on a powerful combinatorial gadget that can be used to prove integrality gap results for many problem settings. We also consider the canonical LP augmented with simple additional constraints (as suggested by Hartke). We provide several evidences that these constraints improve the integrality gap of the canonical LP: (i) Extreme points of the new LP are integral for some known tractable instances and (ii) A natural family of instances that are bad for the canonical LP admits an improved approximation algorithm via the new LP. We conclude by presenting a 5/65/6 integrality gap instance for the new LP.Comment: 22 page

    Towards the solution of variants of Vehicle Routing Problem

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    Some of the problems that are used extensively in -real life are NP complete problems. There is no any algorithm which can give the optimal solution to NP complete problems in the polynomial time in the worst case. So researchers are applying their best efforts to design the approximation algorithms for these NP complete problems. Approximation algorithm gives the solution of a particular problem, which is close to the optimal solution of that problem. In this paper, a study on variants of vehicle routing problem is being done along with the difference in the approximation ratios of different approximation algorithms as being given by researchers and it is found that Researchers are continuously applying their best efforts to design new approximation algorithms which have better approximation ratio as compared to the previously existing algorithms