4 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT. We deal with the problem of minimizing the expectation of a real valued random function over the weakly Pareto or Pareto set associated with a Stochastic MultiObjective Optimization Problem (SMOP) whose objectives are expectations of random functions. Assuming that the closed form of these expectations is difficult to obtain, we apply the Sample Average Approximation method (SAA-N, where N is the sample size) in order to approach this problem. We prove that the Hausdorff-Pompeiu distance between the SAA-N weakly Pareto sets and the true weakly Pareto set converges to zero almost surely as N goes to infinity, assuming that all the objectives of our (SMOP) are strictly convex. Then we show that every cluster point of any sequence of SAA-N optimal solutions (N=1,2,. . . ) is almost surely a true optimal solution. To handle also the nonconvex case, we assume that the real objective to be minimized over the Pareto set depends on the expectations of the objectives of the (SMOP), i.e. we optimize over the outcome space of the (SMOP). Then, whithout any convexity hypothesis, we obtain the same type of results for the Pareto sets in the outcome spaces. Thus we show that the sequence of SAA-N optimal values (N=1,2 ...) converges almost surely to the true optimal value. Keywords: Optimization over a Pareto Set, Optimization over the Pareto Outcome Set, Multiobjective Stochastic Optimization, Multiobjective Convex Optimization, Sample Average Approximation Method AMS: 90C29, 90C25, 90C15, 90C26

    On implicit variables in optimization theory

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    Implicit variables of a mathematical program are variables which do not need to be optimized but are used to model feasibility conditions. They frequently appear in several different problem classes of optimization theory comprising bilevel programming, evaluated multiobjective optimization, or nonlinear optimization problems with slack variables. In order to deal with implicit variables, they are often interpreted as explicit ones. Here, we first point out that this is a light-headed approach which induces artificial locally optimal solutions. Afterwards, we derive various Mordukhovich-stationarity-type necessary optimality conditions which correspond to treating the implicit variables as explicit ones on the one hand, or using them only implicitly to model the constraints on the other. A detailed comparison of the obtained stationarity conditions as well as the associated underlying constraint qualifications will be provided. Overall, we proceed in a fairly general setting relying on modern tools of variational analysis. Finally, we apply our findings to different well-known problem classes of mathematical optimization in order to visualize the obtained theory.Comment: 33 page

    Analyse post-Pareto en optimisation vectorielle stochastique et déterministe : étude théorique et algorithmes.

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    This thesis explore related aspects to post-Pareto analysis arising from Stochastic Vector Optimization Problem. A Stochastic Vector Optimization Problem is to optimize a random vector objective function defined on an arbitrary set, and taking values in a partially ordered set. Its solution set (called Pareto set) consists of the feasible solutions which ensure some sort of equilibrium amongst the objectives. That is to say, Pareto solutions are such that noneof the objectives values can be improved further without deterioring another. Technically speaking, each Pareto solution is acceptable. The natural question that arises is : how to choose one solution ? One possible answer is to optimize an other objective over the Pareto set. Considering the existence of a decision-maker with its own criteria, we deal with the post-Pareto Stochastic Optimization Problem of minimizing its real-valued criteria over the Pareto set.Cette thèse relate certains aspects liés à l'analyse post-Pareto issue de Problèmes d'Optimisation Vectorielle Stochastique. Un problème d'optimisation Vectorielle Stochastique consiste à optimiser l'espérance d'une fonction vectorielle aléatoire définie sur un ensemble arbitraire et à valeurs dans un espace sectoriel ordonné. L'ensemble des solutions de ce problème (appelé ensemble de Pareto) est composé des solutions admissibles qui assurent un certain équilibre entre les objectifs : il est impossible d'améliorer la valeur d'un objectif sans détériorer celle d'un autre. D'un point de vue technique, chaque solution de Pareto est acceptable. Nous nous posons alors le problème de la sélection de l'une d'entre elles : en supposant l'existence d'un décideur qui aurait son propre critère de décision, nous considérons le problème post-Pareto Stochastique qui vise à minimiser cette fonctionnelle sur l'ensemble de Pareto associé à un Problème d'Optimisation Vectorielle Stochastique

    Biobjective Optimization over the Efficient Set Methodology for Pareto Set Reduction in Multiobjective Decision Making: Theory and Application

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    A large number of available solutions to choose from poses a significant challenge for multiple criteria decision making. This research develops a methodology that reduces the set of efficient solutions under consideration. This dissertation is composed of three major parts: (i) the formalization of a theoretical framework; (ii) the development of a solution approach; and (iii) a case study application of the methodology. In the first part, the problem is posed as a multiobjective optimization over the efficient set and considers secondary robustness criteria when the exact values of decision variables are subjected to uncertainties during implementation. The contributions are centered at the modeling of uncertainty directly affecting decision variables, the use of robustness to provide additional trade-off analysis, the study of theoretical bounds on the measures of robustness, and properties to ensure that fewer solutions are identified. In the second part, the problem is reformulated as a biobjective mixed binary program and the secondary criteria are generalized to any convenient linear functions. A solution approach is devised in which an auxiliary mixed binary program searches for unsupported Pareto outcomes and a novel linear programming filtering excludes any dominated solutions in the space of the secondary criteria. Experiments show that the algorithm tends to run faster than existing approaches for mixed binary programs. The algorithm enables dealing with continuous Pareto sets, avoiding discretization procedures common to the related literature. In the last part, the methodology is applied in a case study regarding the electricity generation capacity expansion problem in Texas. While water and energy are interconnected issues, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to consider both water and cost objectives. Experiments illustrate how the methodology can facilitate decision making and be used to answer strategic questions pertaining to the trade-off among different generation technologies, power plant locations, and the effect of uncertainty. A simulation shows that robust solutions tend to maintain feasibility and stability of objective values when power plant design capacity values are perturbed