2,798 research outputs found

    Reverse k Nearest Neighbor Search over Trajectories

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    GPS enables mobile devices to continuously provide new opportunities to improve our daily lives. For example, the data collected in applications created by Uber or Public Transport Authorities can be used to plan transportation routes, estimate capacities, and proactively identify low coverage areas. In this paper, we study a new kind of query-Reverse k Nearest Neighbor Search over Trajectories (RkNNT), which can be used for route planning and capacity estimation. Given a set of existing routes DR, a set of passenger transitions DT, and a query route Q, a RkNNT query returns all transitions that take Q as one of its k nearest travel routes. To solve the problem, we first develop an index to handle dynamic trajectory updates, so that the most up-to-date transition data are available for answering a RkNNT query. Then we introduce a filter refinement framework for processing RkNNT queries using the proposed indexes. Next, we show how to use RkNNT to solve the optimal route planning problem MaxRkNNT (MinRkNNT), which is to search for the optimal route from a start location to an end location that could attract the maximum (or minimum) number of passengers based on a pre-defined travel distance threshold. Experiments on real datasets demonstrate the efficiency and scalability of our approaches. To the best of our best knowledge, this is the first work to study the RkNNT problem for route planning.Comment: 12 page

    Ballistic deposition patterns beneath a growing KPZ interface

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    We consider a (1+1)-dimensional ballistic deposition process with next-nearest neighbor interaction, which belongs to the KPZ universality class, and introduce for this discrete model a variational formulation similar to that for the randomly forced continuous Burgers equation. This allows to identify the characteristic structures in the bulk of a growing aggregate ("clusters" and "crevices") with minimizers and shocks in the Burgers turbulence, and to introduce a new kind of equipped Airy process for ballistic growth. We dub it the "hairy Airy process" and investigate its statistics numerically. We also identify scaling laws that characterize the ballistic deposition patterns in the bulk: the law of "thinning" of the forest of clusters with increasing height, the law of transversal fluctuations of cluster boundaries, and the size distribution of clusters. The corresponding critical exponents are determined exactly based on the analogy with the Burgers turbulence and simple scaling considerations.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Minor edits: typo corrected, added explanation of two acronyms. The text is essentially equivalent to version

    Learning to Reach Goals via Diffusion

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    We present a novel perspective on goal-conditioned reinforcement learning by framing it within the context of denoising diffusion models. Analogous to the diffusion process, where Gaussian noise is used to create random trajectories that walk away from the data manifold, we construct trajectories that move away from potential goal states. We then learn a goal-conditioned policy to reverse these deviations, analogously to the score function. This approach, which we call Merlin, can reach specified goals from an arbitrary initial state without learning a separate value function. In contrast to recent works utilizing diffusion models in offline RL, Merlin stands out as the first method to perform diffusion in the state space, requiring only one ``denoising" iteration per environment step. We experimentally validate our approach in various offline goal-reaching tasks, demonstrating substantial performance enhancements compared to state-of-the-art methods while improving computational efficiency over other diffusion-based RL methods by an order of magnitude. Our results suggest that this perspective on diffusion for RL is a simple, scalable, and practical direction for sequential decision making

    Complex queries and complex data

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    With the widespread availability of wearable computers, equipped with sensors such as GPS or cameras, and with the ubiquitous presence of micro-blogging platforms, social media sites and digital marketplaces, data can be collected and shared on a massive scale. A necessary building block for taking advantage from this vast amount of information are efficient and effective similarity search algorithms that are able to find objects in a database which are similar to a query object. Due to the general applicability of similarity search over different data types and applications, the formalization of this concept and the development of strategies for evaluating similarity queries has evolved to an important field of research in the database community, spatio-temporal database community, and others, such as information retrieval and computer vision. This thesis concentrates on a special instance of similarity queries, namely k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) Queries and their close relative, Reverse k-Nearest Neighbor (RkNN) Queries. As a first contribution we provide an in-depth analysis of the RkNN join. While the problem of reverse nearest neighbor queries has received a vast amount of research interest, the problem of performing such queries in a bulk has not seen an in-depth analysis so far. We first formalize the RkNN join, identifying its monochromatic and bichromatic versions and their self-join variants. After pinpointing the monochromatic RkNN join as an important and interesting instance, we develop solutions for this class, including a self-pruning and a mutual pruning algorithm. We then evaluate these algorithms extensively on a variety of synthetic and real datasets. From this starting point of similarity queries on certain data we shift our focus to uncertain data, addressing nearest neighbor queries in uncertain spatio-temporal databases. Starting from the traditional definition of nearest neighbor queries and a data model for uncertain spatio-temporal data, we develop efficient query mechanisms that consider temporal dependencies during query evaluation. We define intuitive query semantics, aiming not only at returning the objects closest to the query but also their probability of being a nearest neighbor. After theoretically evaluating these query predicates we develop efficient querying algorithms for the proposed query predicates. Given the findings of this research on nearest neighbor queries, we extend these results to reverse nearest neighbor queries. Finally we address the problem of querying large datasets containing set-based objects, namely image databases, where images are represented by (multi-)sets of vectors and additional metadata describing the position of features in the image. We aim at reducing the number of kNN queries performed during query processing and evaluate a modified pipeline that aims at optimizing the query accuracy at a small number of kNN queries. Additionally, as feature representations in object recognition are moving more and more from the real-valued domain to the binary domain, we evaluate efficient indexing techniques for binary feature vectors.Nicht nur durch die Verbreitung von tragbaren Computern, die mit einer Vielzahl von Sensoren wie GPS oder Kameras ausgestattet sind, sondern auch durch die breite Nutzung von Microblogging-Plattformen, Social-Media Websites und digitale Marktplätze wie Amazon und Ebay wird durch die User eine gigantische Menge an Daten veröffentlicht. Um aus diesen Daten einen Mehrwert erzeugen zu können bedarf es effizienter und effektiver Algorithmen zur Ähnlichkeitssuche, die zu einem gegebenen Anfrageobjekt ähnliche Objekte in einer Datenbank identifiziert. Durch die Allgemeinheit dieses Konzeptes der Ähnlichkeit über unterschiedliche Datentypen und Anwendungen hinweg hat sich die Ähnlichkeitssuche zu einem wichtigen Forschungsfeld, nicht nur im Datenbankumfeld oder im Bereich raum-zeitlicher Datenbanken, sondern auch in anderen Forschungsgebieten wie dem Information Retrieval oder dem Maschinellen Sehen entwickelt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit beschäftigen wir uns mit einem speziellen Anfrageprädikat im Bereich der Ähnlichkeitsanfragen, mit k-nächste Nachbarn (kNN) Anfragen und ihrem Verwandten, den Revers k-nächsten Nachbarn (RkNN) Anfragen. In einem ersten Beitrag analysieren wir den RkNN Join. Obwohl das Problem von reverse nächsten Nachbar Anfragen in den letzten Jahren eine breite Aufmerksamkeit in der Forschungsgemeinschaft erfahren hat, wurde das Problem eine Menge von RkNN Anfragen gleichzeitig auszuführen nicht ausreichend analysiert. Aus diesem Grund formalisieren wir das Problem des RkNN Joins mit seinen monochromatischen und bichromatischen Varianten. Wir identifizieren den monochromatischen RkNN Join als einen wichtigen und interessanten Fall und entwickeln entsprechende Anfragealgorithmen. In einer detaillierten Evaluation vergleichen wir die ausgearbeiteten Verfahren auf einer Vielzahl von synthetischen und realen Datensätzen. Nach diesem Kapitel über Ähnlichkeitssuche auf sicheren Daten konzentrieren wir uns auf unsichere Daten, speziell im Bereich raum-zeitlicher Datenbanken. Ausgehend von der traditionellen Definition von Nachbarschaftsanfragen und einem Datenmodell für unsichere raum-zeitliche Daten entwickeln wir effiziente Anfrageverfahren, die zeitliche Abhängigkeiten bei der Anfragebearbeitung beachten. Zu diesem Zweck definieren wir Anfrageprädikate die nicht nur die Objekte zurückzugeben, die dem Anfrageobjekt am nächsten sind, sondern auch die Wahrscheinlichkeit mit der sie ein nächster Nachbar sind. Wir evaluieren die definierten Anfrageprädikate theoretisch und entwickeln effiziente Anfragestrategien, die eine Anfragebearbeitung zu vertretbaren Laufzeiten gewährleisten. Ausgehend von den Ergebnissen für Nachbarschaftsanfragen erweitern wir unsere Ergebnisse auf Reverse Nachbarschaftsanfragen. Zuletzt behandeln wir das Problem der Anfragebearbeitung bei Mengen-basierten Objekten, die zum Beispiel in Bilddatenbanken Verwendung finden: Oft werden Bilder durch eine Menge von Merkmalsvektoren und zusätzliche Metadaten (zum Beispiel die Position der Merkmale im Bild) dargestellt. Wir evaluieren eine modifizierte Pipeline, die darauf abzielt, die Anfragegenauigkeit bei einer kleinen Anzahl an kNN-Anfragen zu maximieren. Da reellwertige Merkmalsvektoren im Bereich der Objekterkennung immer öfter durch Bitvektoren ersetzt werden, die sich durch einen geringeren Speicherplatzbedarf und höhere Laufzeiteffizienz auszeichnen, evaluieren wir außerdem Indexierungsverfahren für Binärvektoren

    Intrinsic Motivation Systems for Autonomous Mental Development

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    Exploratory activities seem to be intrinsically rewarding for children and crucial for their cognitive development. Can a machine be endowed with such an intrinsic motivation system? This is the question we study in this paper, presenting a number of computational systems that try to capture this drive towards novel or curious situations. After discussing related research coming from developmental psychology, neuroscience, developmental robotics, and active learning, this paper presents the mechanism of Intelligent Adaptive Curiosity, an intrinsic motivation system which pushes a robot towards situations in which it maximizes its learning progress. This drive makes the robot focus on situations which are neither too predictable nor too unpredictable, thus permitting autonomous mental development.The complexity of the robot’s activities autonomously increases and complex developmental sequences self-organize without being constructed in a supervised manner. Two experiments are presented illustrating the stage-like organization emerging with this mechanism. In one of them, a physical robot is placed on a baby play mat with objects that it can learn to manipulate. Experimental results show that the robot first spends time in situations which are easy to learn, then shifts its attention progressively to situations of increasing difficulty, avoiding situations in which nothing can be learned. Finally, these various results are discussed in relation to more complex forms of behavioral organization and data coming from developmental psychology. Key words: Active learning, autonomy, behavior, complexity, curiosity, development, developmental trajectory, epigenetic robotics, intrinsic motivation, learning, reinforcement learning, values

    Long-range interactions, wobbles, and phase defects in chains of model cilia

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    Eukaryotic cilia and flagella are chemo-mechanical oscillators capable of generating long-range coordinated motions known as metachronal waves. Pair synchronization is a fundamental requirement for these collective dynamics, but it is generally not sufficient for collective phase-locking, chiefly due to the effect of long-range interactions. Here we explore experimentally and numerically a minimal model for a ciliated surface: hydrodynamically coupled oscillators rotating above a no-slip plane. Increasing their distance from the wall profoundly affects the global dynamics, due to variations in hydrodynamic interaction range. The array undergoes a transition from a traveling wave to either a steady chevron pattern or one punctuated by periodic phase defects. Within the transition between these regimes the system displays behavior reminiscent of chimera states
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