16 research outputs found

    Maximizing diversity in biology and beyond

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    Entropy, under a variety of names, has long been used as a measure of diversity in ecology, as well as in genetics, economics and other fields. There is a spectrum of viewpoints on diversity, indexed by a real parameter q giving greater or lesser importance to rare species. Leinster and Cobbold proposed a one-parameter family of diversity measures taking into account both this variation and the varying similarities between species. Because of this latter feature, diversity is not maximized by the uniform distribution on species. So it is natural to ask: which distributions maximize diversity, and what is its maximum value? In principle, both answers depend on q, but our main theorem is that neither does. Thus, there is a single distribution that maximizes diversity from all viewpoints simultaneously, and any list of species has an unambiguous maximum diversity value. Furthermore, the maximizing distribution(s) can be computed in finite time, and any distribution maximizing diversity from some particular viewpoint q > 0 actually maximizes diversity for all q. Although we phrase our results in ecological terms, they apply very widely, with applications in graph theory and metric geometry.Comment: 29 page

    Spaces of extremal magnitude

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    Magnitude is a numerical invariant of compact metric spaces. Its theory is most mature for spaces satisfying the classical condition of being of negative type, and the magnitude of such a space lies in the interval [1,][1, \infty]. Until now, no example with magnitude \infty was known. We construct some, thus answering a question open since 2010. We also give a sufficient condition for the magnitude of a space to converge to 1 as it is scaled down to a point, unifying and generalizing previously known conditions.Comment: 7 page

    Decomposition of the Leinster-Cobbold Diversity Index

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    The Leinster and Cobbold diversity index possesses a number of merits; in particular, it generalises many existing indices and defines an effective number. We present a scheme to quantify the contribution of richness, evenness, and taxonomic similarity to this index. Compared to the work of van Dam (2019), our approach gives unbiased estimates of both evenness and similarity in a non-homogeneous community. We also introduce a notion of taxonomic tree equilibration which should be of use in the description of community structure.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    GAIT: A Geometric Approach to Information Theory

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    We advocate the use of a notion of entropy that reflects the relative abundances of the symbols in an alphabet, as well as the similarities between them. This concept was originally introduced in theoretical ecology to study the diversity of ecosystems. Based on this notion of entropy, we introduce geometry-aware counterparts for several concepts and theorems in information theory. Notably, our proposed divergence exhibits performance on par with state-of-the-art methods based on the Wasserstein distance, but enjoys a closed-form expression that can be computed efficiently. We demonstrate the versatility of our method via experiments on a broad range of domains: training generative models, computing image barycenters, approximating empirical measures and counting modes.Comment: Replaces the previous version named "GEAR: Geometry-Aware R\'enyi Information

    Entropic exercises around the Kneser-Poulsen conjecture

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    We develop an information-theoretic approach to study the Kneser--Poulsen conjecture in discrete geometry. This leads us to a broad question regarding whether R\'enyi entropies of independent sums decrease when one of the summands is contracted by a 11-Lipschitz map. We answer this question affirmatively in various cases.Comment: 23 pages, comments welcome! Final version with minor changes, added Corollary 2.8 (linear contractions decrease intrinsic volumes of convex bodies

    Effective Number Theory: Counting the Identities of a Quantum State

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    Quantum physics frequently involves a need to count the states, subspaces, measurement outcomes, and other elements of quantum dynamics. However, with quantum mechanics assigning probabilities to such objects, it is often desirable to work with the notion of a “total” that takes into account their varied relevance. For example, such an effective count of position states available to a lattice electron could characterize its localization properties. Similarly, the effective total of outcomes in the measurement step of a quantum computation relates to the efficiency of the quantum algorithm. Despite a broad need for effective counting, a well-founded prescription has not been formulated. Instead, the assignments that do not respect the measure-like nature of the concept, such as versions of the participation number or exponentiated entropies, are used in some areas. Here, we develop the additive theory of effective number functions (ENFs), namely functions assigning consistent totals to collections of objects endowed with probability weights. Our analysis reveals the existence of a minimal total, realized by the unique ENF, which leads to effective counting with absolute meaning. Touching upon the nature of the measure, our results may find applications not only in quantum physics, but also in other quantitative sciences

    Magnitude, homology, and the Whitney twist

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    Magnitude is a numerical invariant of metric spaces and graphs, analogous, in a precise sense, to Euler characteristic. Magnitude homology is an algebraic invariant constructed to categorify magnitude. Among the important features of the magnitude of graphs is its behaviour with respect to an operation known as the Whitney twist. We give a homological account of magnitude's invariance under Whitney twists, extending the previously known result to encompass a substantially wider class of gluings. As well as providing a new tool for the computation of magnitudes, this is the first new theorem about magnitude to be proved using magnitude homology.Comment: 24 page